******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Will have to give this another try, bought a package early on (can't even remember what I paid for but it was "expensive" for a game). Chris Roberts has made a **** ton of money using his name and previous titles, promised the universe and delivered very little. As spectacular as it looks, I got annoyed when he started posting videos in his "office" fully kitted out with artwork and all the merchandising and crap that was developed using the money he'd collected to develop the game. I just want a game to play, not a 12" die cast model of my favourite ship and an invitation to an event I'll never attend. If it never gets finished because of all the money he's wasted I'll be furious. Although he's created a nice community of people willing to keep funding his lavish tastes with micro transactions so the well won't dry up any time soon.

I gave up playing a while back because I just didn't enjoy it (well there wasn't enough of a game to enjoy tbh), I don't follow the forums or anything religiously so excuse my ignorance if I've missed the point. Can't even remember the last time I played.

Anyone got any pointers for someone getting back into it? What should I look for/to do? (without putting any more cash in)
If you still have a game package, download the latest client and get in and choose crusader and you'll join a system PU that has some missions, a few space stations and quantum travel across the system with people playing. 3.0 is the big thing as this should bring in a lot of the tech they've been working on for a few years, if it works well then I personally I think we'll see more positive articles, if its crap and doesn't improve after a few sub iterations then I think the game is doomed.
we currently believe its an all or nothing affair, i.e. request refund and if it works out then they close your account. Presume you can seek refund based on your expectations when backed, e.g. game type, timeframe etc... Not sure if you can selectively get a refund for certain components yet.

I was reading through that thread linked earlier and there is a guy saying he refunded half of his pledges...

If you still have a game package, download the latest client and get in and choose crusader and you'll join a system PU that has some missions, a few space stations and quantum travel across the system with people playing. 3.0 is the big thing as this should bring in a lot of the tech they've been working on for a few years, if it works well then I personally I think we'll see more positive articles, if its crap and doesn't improve after a few sub iterations then I think the game is doomed.

Will give that a try thanks.

I'll be gutted if it fails tbh, partly because I think he basically ****** a load of money away on stuff that was window dressing for the company offices and not directly contributing to the game. Not saying they should be slumming it in a hovel but their offices look better than 5 star hotels. Kickstarter money should be spent delivering the game not swanky stuff to impress the emperor's new clothes brigade...

The main reason I'll be gutted is that the concept is amazing, I loved Freelancer and I've recently started playing Elite:Dangerous in VR having been hooked on racing games for a few years...I really really want this to happen. However, I am not the slightest bit impressed with what CR has delivered given the amount of money that he's had at his disposal...
I'm still interested in the game but if refunds are a things I think I'll refund my Constellation package and put the money towards a GPU and buy back in with a cheap package at some point. I'm sure there's at least a couple of years before SC releases.
I don't see the need for panic tbh. between now and a few weeks ago the only real things that have happened have been a poor ship concept and an ongoing lack of patching content.

the latter frankly has been a problem all year lol
I genuinely backed the game with the amount I have as I really wanted something like this made, I was drawn in by the potential and the fact that Wing Commander on the Amiga was possibly my first game I bought myself back in '95ish.

So my shuffle over the weekend was a reorganising of funds, I haven't invested any more since late 2015. I was looking for some ships that I could have some fun in, once I'd decided how much to back given the potential. I really liked the 325a & the avenger as single seat versatile fighters, and the cutlass blue as I like the limited edition nature and the general cutlass story always resonated with me, finally the connie was a toss up between a few other ships and really I wanted soemthing with a decent hold. All these ships have LTI due to the early backer nature.... you're correct in that I won't fly them all (and maybe not at all depending on how the 3.0 branch evolves) and I suspect I will spend most of my time in the cutlass, I had 'credit' to spend after backing so bought stuff.

I think most that have large quantities of ships did so because they bought in to the vision of the game rather than the actual ships... The ships are just a perk of backing, although its easy to see that they are the purpose behind backing... Perhaps looking back I might not have backed so much but then maybe I still would have... This is a genre I have played to death and miss it terribly!

me too, massive fan of the WC series, first played on the AMiga then picked up various ones on the PC - Prophecy is probably my fave ever space combat game, i played that for literally years. got a fanboy ship-switcher mod that osmeone had done so you could change easy ships to Devil Rays etc and ended up playing it for more years :-D
the premise of SC had me really excited but...it's becoming like a desert mirage. glad i gave up my Imperator subscription or i'd have dropped hundreds more now, and have to put some perspective on this; it's just a game ~ if you walked into town and saw the box on the shelf w/ this sort of price sticker, would you buy it? no, i wouldn't at all. the KS was worth it at the time, but i'm getting sadly more and more pessimistic w/ each passing month. was hoping we'd have S42 by now, that would keep us usefully occupied while they beaver on w/ the main stuff, but even that's not happened.

This is a genre I have played to death and miss it terribly!
tell me about it.
I don't see the need for panic tbh. between now and a few weeks ago the only real things that have happened have been a poor ship concept and an ongoing lack of patching content.

the latter frankly has been a problem all year lol
Nah no need yet, from what I've seen of 3.0 it should be epic and that should lay the foundations for significant updates, but as always I'm cautiously optimistic with new major version releases.

Yes there is a new video on Star Citizen, Helemt lights are go. Sounds like it really coming together i just hope they put a few new wallets in that we can carry our space credits around in 3.0. And maybe some new shoes for the shop and sweets for the bar. I mean is it possible to put anymore **** in to delay 3.0. Maybe they could re-design the clocks in the ship
There seems to be more urgency to get it out to Evocati now, Erin said he wants to prioritise bugs that enable Evocati to move around so they can get in there and start their testing.

IMO that's a far more sensible approach, to try and get everything perfect before Evocati seems a waste of time, a more efficient use of bug hunting / fixing time is to run Q&A and Evocati concurrently, making the left had wait for the right hand just extends the time needed to complete the task.

Sadly I'll be without a PC by then I think for a month or two!

I think Evocati will be out before Citizencon, which makes me wonder what the reveal could be other than SQ42 slice.
giving pc to wife and I'll get a new one later on after I've spent a few weeks sorting the house out. too lazy to crack on when I can sit and play games lol

eyeing up threadripper tbh
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