******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Yeah. How large are they planning to make the Universe? It's all hand crafted isn't it(?) so if the game is hugely popular, & I think the hype will guarantee it will be, they could have problems with amount of 'land' available.

Well some of the planets/moons themselves are HUGE in their own right, with one of them enough to probably have enough room for every player to have a small base each.....there will be multiples of them per system and then 100 systems...so the chances of there being a lack of available land is pretty much impossible....watch the 3.0 Citizencon demo to see how big these planets will be.
Yeah. How large are they planning to make the Universe? It's all hand crafted isn't it(?) so if the game is hugely popular, & I think the hype will guarantee it will be, they could have problems with amount of 'land' available.

So the land per player owned will be either 4km or 8km square at moment. So Daymar (one the moons in 3.0 right now) has a radius of 1771km. So the surface area of that is 39,413,680 km2. So that means on one moon you could have 4,926,710 parcels of land with no overlaps.

Lets assume 100 systems are in at release and that within that they average 4 moons a system giving 400 moons in total (and this is only moons, not including planets or large asteroids) then you could have 1,970,684,000 player owned parcels of land technically.

I don't think the amount of land will be an issue. Or to give an idea that means every player would need to own 1970 plots of land to fill all the moons.
Just a collection of images from the PTU 3.0 in it's current state that I think show why we are wanting things to work for the game. Seeing these reminds me of what I want from a space based game. To see a universe and it's different locations and this is with 3 moons and an asteroid in the game at moment let alone an actual planet or city.


Stunning connection of images :)

Star Citizen, if nothing else is an awesome desktop background generator :D
If by the end of 2018 we get:
  • whole of Stanton in
  • mining
  • salvage
  • proper cargo (the larger SCU boxes etc)
  • NPC's
  • MFD's supporting the radar and starmap (they are working on this one at least for 3.0)
And clearing the with the major bugs like desync, frame drops in populated zones, disconnection issues and the lag fixed along with the aforementioned issues like the ladder climbing loop and mobiglass updated I will happily sink hours into play in SC.

That to me would give so much gameplay that I would be happy to just keep testing those mechanics and missions and play in the system accordingly. But yeah I don't think we will get it suddenly working well even in 12 months tbh as that is what a Beta is for.
I think once they have 3.0 nice and stable things will move quite quickly.

Alpha 3 is genesis, the foundation of everything, from there on its simply a case of adding to it.
I hope so too but am yet to be convinced they wont keep polishing tiny portions of the overall so it will be years till we see most of the game loop they have suggested however if they got out the above over 12 months I could at least be happy playing away whilst testing other new things they add as time allows.
You need to have been fairly active in recent patches to get in at the moment or a subscriber, concierge member or Evocati. It's generally not about how much you've backed but how active you've been with testing, more active, get in early basically.

Rumours of it coming out for everyone if they get the next patch proven to be better than the current one which is a bit pants frankly.
I'm in two minds about getting 3.0 access. On one hand I want it now, but a part of me want them to delay until i finish my degree in May haha!

Dangerous times.
Not to happy with buying land, you pay for ships, land and credits, looks very pay 2 win, alright I've bought ships but thought rest was gonna be play 2 win, hurm :x
Not to happy with buying land, you pay for ships, land and credits, looks very pay 2 win, alright I've bought ships but thought rest was gonna be play 2 win, hurm :x

This is not Star Wars Battlefront, you don't win or lose you just build a virtual life for yourself, in that its far more rewarding in 'earning it' as opposed to buying it.

The whole point and the joy in this game to to go through it earning your way to whatever ambition you have, if your ambition is to build a giant city and become the 'king of LeMson Land' then that is the goal you work towards, there is no fun or adventure in just buying that on Thursday.

My goal is to become that lovable rouge with a reputation but also be a part of something much greater than myself, one of many people in our org working to make it strong and powerful, a force to be reckoned with both in political influence and military might, we will earn our fleet of Idrises, our Javelin's our Bengal and our vast city.
I don't need to be born into the game already with land or a ship any better than an Aurora ES, i will get to where i want to be the same way.
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Thing is from what I understand not every system will be able to offer UEE protection anyway so depending on what sort of area you intend to build in these may be completely pointless. Our org hasn't bought any yet. Not sure if we'll bother.

I was pretty miffed about it particularly as store credit can't be used for these but at the same time we can buy them in game and body can use these until there's a mechanic to go with them which is likely years away anyway.
Not to happy with buying land, you pay for ships, land and credits, looks very pay 2 win, alright I've bought ships but thought rest was gonna be play 2 win, hurm :x

One of the main reasons I've refunded, the fact it's becoming increasingly clear that the game is going to be ruled by people with real world money to spend. No thanks.

Hopefully Squadron 42 will be decent in it's own right.
Thing is from what I understand not every system will be able to offer UEE protection anyway so depending on what sort of area you intend to build in these may be completely pointless. Our org hasn't bought any yet. Not sure if we'll bother.

I was pretty miffed about it particularly as store credit can't be used for these but at the same time we can buy them in game and body can use these until there's a mechanic to go with them which is likely years away anyway.

No, only UEE controlled systems, of which there are not that many.
One of the main reasons I've refunded, the fact it's becoming increasingly clear that the game is going to be ruled by people with real world money to spend. No thanks.

Hopefully Squadron 42 will be decent in it's own right.

If anything it's ruled by a cash-cow mentality based on promises. I mean so far they haven't even managed to get decent performance in an instance with 1/4 of the crew you need to fully staff a Javelin.. and we're meant to apparently have capital ship battles?

Granted they don't have the infrastructure in place and have done 100 player instances but it was a slideshow when people were just standing about..
No, only UEE controlled systems, of which there are not that many.
You also need to do research to find out the properties of the plots, so if you go throwing these down without that research being complete early on after release you could have worthless plots. That's fine if you only want an outpost, but pretty risky if it's for prospecting rights etc.
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