That's great, and I applaud them for their vision. But where this project differs to others is that they're getting their funding from the community, not a publisher. In most situations funding for this project would have been pulled by now because their development track record is becoming something of an industry joke. Sure, they have ambitious ideas for the game, but who is regulating this and ensuring that they deliver on their promises, and what's stopping them from shifting those ideas and promises into something different (like they did with the engine overhaul when they realised that they couldn't do what they wanted to with the current engine)? I see their videos, I've watched them and I've also seen equally impressive videos showcasing game technology in the past. But releases for the games that these videos are for have been and gone, and during that life cycle Star Citizen is just being delayed over and over with new reasons (excuses).
Who's smug about it by the way? Those of us that haven't invested in this because we feel that, currently, it's a monumental waste of time? I am glad I didn't back this when I thought about doing so years ago. It makes me happy that I haven't actually just given them money to fritter away on whatever they feel like doing next with nobody being held accountable. I don't feel like I can hold that over you, but I can say something about it and it does boggle my mind that even after all these years people still think that it's acceptable to have money invested in this project for such a little return. If you feel that this is smug, that's down to you, not me. Perhaps it's because you feel a tad annoyed that you've invested money into a tech demo and what people are saying holds some truth? That you were promised a game four years ago and have nothing yet? Sure, it might have been only £30 - £50, but that's YOUR £30 - £50. Or perhaps there's another reason. I don't know, I can't speak for you.
Ultimately though, don't you think that some of us can and should be skeptical about this? I think that those of us with a differing opinion to yours should be allowed to come into a thread for the game and provide our point of view. If it isn't done constructively, then sure, that's not right, but if I come in here saying "Well, CIG have dropped the ball again, development has been put back once again because now they want to rework the engine, ffs this project is becoming a joke because it's going down the vapourware route" it should be acceptable for me to say that. I'm just as invested in you are in keeping an eye on the project, only I haven't paid for the privilege. But that's my choice. I should still be able to say what I feel about the game, good or bad. And lets face it, their track record has provided far more bad than good. If it annoys you that some of us are pointing that out, well, I can't change that.