******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

How do I buy this ship then? it says not available to me :(

Grey market?

There's always an anniversary sale each year where ships are mostly back up on sale, the only exceptions tend to be highly limited ships that according to lore are rare like the Constellation Phoenix, Idris, Javelin, 980Jump etc but everything else will be back up so you can but outright of get an upgrade to it and retain your package, LTI etc.
Yeah I know they're try to capture them, just a shame it seems to crash most of the time in a way I don't get to submit. Fingers crossed they get some though, that's all they really need.

It's so much smoother though :)
When I created my account, I had the Handle down as Portside and the Moniker Spacedeck. I didn't feel this was properly explained, so now I know that the ingame name people would see for you is your handle. Can I change this to display the same as my Moniker?

You can change it once for free, I here https://robertsspaceindustries.com/account/settings

Cool hadn't realised your handle was part of the citizen url

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I melted my Carrack and a few others to grab the mega exploration pack due to the 6 LTI ships in one deal, makes sense, I'll simply upgrade them to what I want within that pack and to be honest it'll stop me melting as often.. maybe.

I'd never melt that Delta, it's an awesome ship anyway mate :D
as Paul has said the chances of you being able to do something which leads to the permanent loss of a ship is likely to be very slim. They've mentioned prompts and reminders as an option for preventing people leaving the hangar uninsured, but there's also more visual clues in how ships are viewed in game, especially with mobiglas etc

You're pretty much going to have to intentionally push through barriers to exit I'm an uninsured ship, what may be more of a risk I'd what you do and where, normal insurance won't cover destruction of a ship in certain circumstances, likely pirating etc but alternates may be available.
I'll quote what i posted on our Org forums back in April...

People should also bare in mind that stock ships will be sub par fairly quickly as people overclock parts and insure those newer, rarer parts instead. So even LTI won't be that much use other than protecting ships you are unlikely to frequently use.
Still doing it although not as frequently, going to power off the router entirely in a few minutes to see if it helps, doubt it will as it's likely line/exchange.

Aug 26 19:38:26 syslog: Line 0: VDSL2 link down
Aug 26 19:38:27 syslog: Clear IP addresses. IP connection DOWN.

Must admit, I really like what I've been playing. The community is really friendly also! Inviting me along in their bigger ships, taking me for gunner duty etc.

I enjoy just travelling out to Yele and going through the asteroid field. Don't understand the whole EA (electronic access? accessed via main menu).

Do they have somewhere on the website with a timeline for when they hope to achieve certain aspects of the game?

They tend to avoid deadlines now as they've been burned before for missing suggested timescales. Chris Roberts has said a few times Squadron 42 will be out this year, personally I'm doubtful and if it does it'll only be the first part of it.

EA is essentially meant to be a little game-in-game simulator, if you go into the hangar you'll see a white pod, go in it and you're in "EA" just as you would via the main menu. Arena Commander - Spectrum match allows you to fight against other players in an arena for REC which is an EA currency you can use to rent equipment for EA ships, although apparently you can also add them to your ship in the PU :)

Vanduul swarm is versus AI opponents, but can be played coop with friends.

There's also vs racing mode and free flight, where you literally just fly around an arena doing what you want, there's a coop option here too and it's typically far more stable and smoother than the PU but with very little to do as there's no missions or stations, you can't use a jump drive etc.

Anybody have any tips for Battle Royale? Flying a Super Hornet but can't seem to score many kills at all. Can hardly bring the shields down on Sabres for instance even if I'm pummelling them for a good 30 seconds. Any weapons/ components I should be eyeing with my REC?

Sabre has a huge advantage in Battle Royale and in general due to those insane shields, personally I wouldn't bother with it and do racing or coop vanduul swarm instead.
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Spacedeck we'll be able to visit Earth but I think they'll focus on main areas/ports you can land at, at least that was the last I heard. 4 or 5 main city port areas, I doubt they'll do much with the rest of it.
teamspeak: pagan-sc.enjinvoice.com at 9pm if you are playing SC folks just hop in the Star citizen room and get shooting, well not shooting, talking would probably be better..
NOBODY needs 4 different Auroras, or 3 Hornets, or however many Freelancers.

Collectors do, alternatively if the game works out as they planned NPCs can be manning those in a big fleet. Seriously though I know couple of guys who have over 25 grand pledged, they plan on running a fleet with a handful of other players + NPCs. I'm not sure how feasible that is and TBH, doesn't sound like much fun either but that's their choice. Their money after all.

There's a lot said about the large donators to the game but having met several they have it as disposable income, these people are well aware it could go up in smoke with no return, if they want to chuck that money at the screen then I don't see why I should see it as wrong, especially as someone who's put thousands upon thousands of hours into games over the year, just like the rest of you. These guys are cash rich, very time poor.

I do keep pointing out that their ships will quickly fall behind once the game is up and running in terms of upgraded gear etc as time rich, cash poor folks get playing, again from those I've spoken to they simply don't give a **** if the game gets made.

I do wish they'd move the larger packages out of the way in the pledge shop though - focus on the base pledge packs, keep it simple etc we'll get more actual players signed up and pledged.
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