******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

yeah just hop on the teamspeak server on friday around 9pm mate, dont' expect it to work first time, might take a couple of attempts due to disconnections, been a while since we tried so I'm not sure if it's improved :D

Ah cool, new an updated T16000M was coming, hadn't realised they were doing a throttle too - very sweet :D It's a shame one of those sticks on the throttle isn't analog. Minor problem though.
I don't think they've finished with weapon/shield/armour balancing yet, still a long way to go but it'll be balanced for PU, not Arena commander as atpbx has said.
BTW if we get enough people on Friday at 9pm on the teamspeak server we'll just split into two and run through vanduul swarm coop, see who can get through it fastest :P

Or even try to make it through with silly ships like stock M50s if they're still on loan!
Anyone else find with the super hornet that the wings are permanently swept back so gimbals/weapons on the wings are useless? can't remember this happening last time I had one!
Fix for super hornet discovered around wave 11 of vanduul swarm lol. press "n" and it lifts your landing gear and sweeps wings forward, if only I'd known that earlier I wouldn't have suicided to try to get them working :(

Anyway got to wave 18 again, still getting use to using a mouse, not sure I like it as much as stick !

Incidentally after moving Star Citizen to an M.2 drive I load from hangar to Vanduul swarm in 11 secs.
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So is this better than Elite Dangerous? I might join this weekend and wouldn't mind an invite if possible, from what I read I get credits and you get a recruitment point, which I have no idea if it's a fair deal?

It's not better, it's not even nearly complete. Having said that I've 700+ hours in Star Citizen alpha and around 200 hours in Elite since kickstarter..

Very different games, if in doubt just wait on the next free fly event which will probably be in about a month as they just had one - but the anniversary is coming up, Citizencon is coming up so they'll do at least one more before December. :D

Referral wise you just enter someones code (anyone's - mine is STAR-QGRR-WXNV) when creating an account etc here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist

There's plenty of other people's referal codes on here so feel free to look!
You'll be eligable to buy the Glaive, but only when they're on sale and they haven't been for a long time. 1000 were originally offered for winners of Vanduul Swarm but there were around 3000 given out to various event ticket holders as well on a per account basis, those people still had to beat VS though, no freebies.

The Glaive flies like **** by the way, the only reason I keep mine is because I feel like I earned it by hitting VS until I finally did it myself. It's a shame as it use to fly reasonable well, not great but the latest patch has improved it a little bit I guess. It was $350 if I remember right.

The main guns on it are insanely powerful BUT they overheat faster than any other gun I've seen so you must be very accurate, it's also not a mouse user ship - it can't currently have any of it's weapons swapped as they're built into the chassis and none of them are gimballed.

I made this at the start of the year, it doesn't fly as well now:

Hello, thinking about purchasing SC, but not sure about it.
What can I do in the game so far and what can I not do?
Do I have to pay real cash for new ships/modules or do you earn them as you play along? Finally, is it similar to Elite, or is it a bit more friendlier like Freelancer?

It's made by the minds behind Freelancer, heck some of them even worked on the game. :)

If you mean Elite: Dangerous I'd say Star Citizen is 10000x more multiplayer and will be at release, don't but this expecting a solo game, if that's what you're after only but Squadron 42 (the solo game). Star Citizen is the multiplayer game which carries on from the solo campaign, essentially you work through the solo game and pop out in the multiplayer universe as a fresh out of the military trader.

Then you go on to do whatever you want !
Glaive would be fine, it's still a very big call for people to throw money at it. I'd sell mine but I felt like I earned the damn thing! You are right though plenty of dummies would be spat out..

Blade? might be too soon..
Looks like it'll be tomorrow morning before I get that vid up, there is a LOT of swearing in it at the moment though so probably best not to link it here :)

I'll punt my latest vid instead!

It's a lot more fun now, shame 4 is the max players in it, more would probably be a little too busy though.

We're on most Fridays at 9pm mate just pop along and we'll run it, occasionally some of us on other days when real life isn't getting in the way! I do really enjoy vanduul swarm to be honest, can have some pretty cool moments in it, just a shame multicrew isn't something we can try.
Even if it's accessible what you access has to be worth it. Seen too many games with huge areas and little of value in them, which is why I suspect most of that is dressing for a smaller hand made area.
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