******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

There's some reviews on youtube, probably the best pedals you can get if you have the money. Think there's a bit of a waiting list though.

To be fair I don't think they have any real competition in the price range, still to see someone objective review them too.
That's cool then, I've used CH ones and owned Saitek Cessna pros for a few years, both pretty noisy in use but decent value for money. No longer use as my daughters bedroom is below my man-cave and they were waking her up when I was focusing on pew-pew lol

CH ones felt a little too close together if I'm honest, which is why I opted for the Saitek, normally I'd avoid them like the plague.
Theres a reason why you already have an invite, and its the very reason a lot of people dislike them, they basically spam PM'd every single account via a script, saying "they're interested in [any role except pirate/crime] and we noticed you're also onto [any role except pirate/crime] and thought you might like to join" blablabla.

That amused me so much when it happened, everyone thought they were a special ********* until news started to spread. The org is apparently run by a drama queen so it'll likely implode when Star Citizen goes live, I hope not though, we need large orgs, just as we need smaller ones.
There's a few PAGAN folk in XPLOR, to be honest I think anyone only in one org is a little weird as the game will suit being in several at once. They are essentially networks of people to play with.

The only thing to watch out for is they'll be able to tax members..
Weird? I don't follow. I understand it might not be the most effective way to play. But i don't think it is in anyway weird for some of us to not particularly want to be associated/tied to so many orgs.

To many people and to much going on and possibly to many obligations to come out of it. I would much rather stay in my own org of 10 ish people ( close gaming family ) and go about our business and potentially after a few months introduce a couple of people at a time and see if there is a potential for us to build a small business to slot into the bigger picture.

That's all well and good but you're looking at orgs the way people traditionally look at clans/guilds in other games. That's not the purpose of an org in Star Citizen, they aren't that rigid and are meant to be more flexible. Much like in real life you might have a gym membership but also be a member of a shooting club, a rower, into a car owners club etc. Some you'll take more serious than others and in some cases you may not consider yourself "loyal" to any of them in a meaningful way.

That's why I mention taxes, if people aren't loyal to an org they won't want to accept any tax that's imposed on them by it, even if it's extremely small on principle if the leadership area sitting gathering money for simply having founded it etc.

We've got an upper membership limit (150 presently) with no plans of raising it but as there's a core of us who play together (around 10) and an extended group that are in contact with me regularly in one way or another (another 40 or so) I actually think our number of 150 is likely to be about right if I want us to have a UK centered group who are on most UK evenings and able to do something together if people want to.

There's no reason a dedicated group of 10 couldn't do that themselves though, but as numbers drop and people stop playing that quickly becomes a problem. That's where having a few additional people around helps fill the gaps whilst new, good members are recruited.

Initially this'll be the main benefit of having membership in several orgs, you'll always have someone to talk to and play with if you want who are in a group with you and are presumably there for the same reason - that's assuming they aren't infiltrators ;) and obviously those sharing org membership with you are likely to be known to others who you trust or have some form of reputation with the org leader which allows them to be members (this is where large orgs fall to bits as members cant trust each other to the same degree IMHO).

I'm in 4 orgs:


1 I founded, 1 is a PAGAN members racing club and the other two are meaningless to me but I'm in there our of general interest. If the linux group or operation pitchfork try to levy a tax, I'll be out as quick as a flash but otherwise I'm happy to be there and I do talk to members of those two orgs regularly on the forums.

I'm not saying being in a small exclusive org is bad, I simply personally think it's a restriction without purpose (in other words - a bit weird).
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Do you loose everything if you melt a package, I have a 75 dollar 315p with life time insurance and an anniversary aurora Mr package with six months lti, both include sq42 but I quite fancy an avenger (don't think it was around when I got the 315 in July 2013).

Melt a package and it's contents are gone, likewise sometimes you can't unmelt it (if it's an Omega, contains physical goods etc) or it'll only unmelt to the original ship e.g. Ship that was upgraded to a Retaliator from an Aurora may only unmelt as the Aurora (and only cost the Aurora value to unmelt).

Easiest route to an Avenger would simply be to upgrade to it from the Aurora MR like this:


You'd keep your existing package goodies, insurance etc.

If you wanted to convert the 315P to the Avenger then it's not possible presently and as it's got LTI it'd be daft to melt it as you'll just end up unmelting it later when you regret it :) Alternatively you could wait until the Avenger Warlocks are available again and get an upgrade from the 315P to the Warlock (although fyi I think the Warlock is a waste of money at the moment). The reason you can't go from a 315P to an existing Avenger is that it's worth more than the two Avenger variants available and downgrading ships isn't possible at the moment.


Melt = refund what you bought for store credit.
unmelt = use store credit, additional money to "recreate" what you originally had, an undo button of sorts.
[Damien];29975034 said:
You don't strictly need them (although I am considering getting some). On my Warthog I'm using the Solarfly profile (link) which maps roll to one of the hats on the throttle. When using pedals this can be disabled to free those hat controls for something else.

That's handy to know tbh, hadn't realised someone had done that :D
Damien I did have Saitek Cessna pros, they were good but no need for them anymore, or rather can't use pedals as they wake my daughter up who's in the bedroom below my man-cave lol

CH ones felt too close together, nut-crackers basically although might have been better if I'd given them more time.

You guys have the soundtrack too... nice.

Yes, you lose everything in the pledge if you melt it.

Edit, tho if buy it back (unmelt) you get it all back. you only get 1 option every 3 moths to do that.

Going back a few posts but I hope the running costs of the Javelin are pretty insane to prevent one man armies using NPCs.

Just don't tell Mike I said that as he's got one :P
With players being able to sell ships it's possible you could get one cheaper, you could also potentially get a loaner from your org or an org mate who's got more ships than they can use.
I'd be interested in knowing their mechanics around used ships. In real life, a used car has wear and tear, higher mileage and as such the risk of breakdowns is higher... I'd love them to implement something along this lines so not only is the ship itself looking older, you have to spend money to retrofit it to take newer tech and it might be more unreliable... I'd also love to see them include the complete overhaul like military do with their aircraft where everything is replaced as long as the air frame is sound!

There was talk really early on in the dev cycle about ships looking more used over time and that a ship won't be replaced "as new" with insurance if it's a few years old (in-game time). I've never managed to find out the source of that but i'm convinced it was one of the many 104TC videos.

Ships with engineering specialisations and no doubt hangars with them later will be used to make improved gear so even if it's not "old gear being replaced" it's likely to be stock stuff being swapped out almost immediately when you get a new ship. That's one of the key areas I think orgs will shine, especially those with an interest in engineering/racing etc.
I wish they'd gone with Thrustmaster, more reliable production and Warthog would have been a better starting point than the X56, if more expensive. But likewise the T16000m would also be an option.
You'll love it or find it infuriating like I did, second T16000M is probably the one to try that way you can sell it on if you find you don't like it with minimal loss, if you do like it you can always grab a Warthog stick or CH Fighter/combat stick for right hand later.
Wave 16 onwards use to be fairly easy as you could cheese-it around asteroids and they'd either run into them or missiles would hit the asteroids instead of you, bit harder now though!

It's been a whilst since we did a coop vanduul swarm, should be a laugh!
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