******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Should i spoil who Luke Skywakers dad is?
Lol true story my mum swears blind she didn't twig when we did a starwars chronological marathon a few years back. She was stunned. That said if you genuinely didnt know Incan see why. It would be like Indiana Jones suddenly becoming bad. I remember the look of horror with the trainee jedi scene in episode 3. It was quite amazing really.
Baijini Point has sprouted an interesting "UEE Navy" contraption...

Edit: The Idris might be docked there next week for show...






Oh yes we are around, usually after 9pm. i will be in Star Citizen and on Discord tomorrow for the Invictus thing...


You do have the Pagan discord right?

No i dont is it in the first page lol, man i just lost all my stuff in game. Ive had to reset my acc like 5x in last few days due to x bug not allowing me to log in or something game breaking.
This time however i lost all my cutlass black upgrades :(.
So messing about in the PTU, I prefer the hud graphics now... however reason for post is that I thought I'd try out the Cutlass Blue given its in 3.9.1, as it was one of my original ships when had backed before a full refund... but when I go to fleet manager I can't get to it. The scrolling list stops at the prospector and I have 4 Cutlass'; my pink one, a replacement black due the cockpit issues on the pink, another cutlass black and a cutless red... Is the blue normally listed with the others; is my bugged ship taking up a slot?

EDIT: so it may be a bug, someone else said they had it...
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So messing about in the PTU, I prefer the hud graphics now... however reason for post is that I thought I'd try out the Cutlass Blue given its in 3.9.1, as it was one of my original ships when had backed before a full refund... but when I go to fleet manager I can't get to it. The scrolling list stops at the prospector and I have 4 Cutlass'; my pink one, a replacement black due the cockpit issues on the pink, another cutlass black and a cutless red... Is the blue normally listed with the others; is my bugged ship taking up a slot?

EDIT: so it may be a bug, someone else said they had it...

There are two PTU's on the go at the moment, a public one and an NDA one, the Blue is in the NDA one, it could be that its not yet in the public one, i don't know i don't have the public one installed, running 3 versions of the game takes up too much space.

PS, i like the Blue...
hmmm I thought it was in the latest open PTU; its in AC so assumed it would be in the general ptu too as its in the patch notes.

It may be bugged then... the NDA version of 3.9.1 is likely to get released to live later today so you may not have to wait long for a fix.
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