******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

3 Oct 2013
Well just had a blast on AC,

WTH have they done to KB/mouse :eek:

There was nowt wrong with how it was! Now , well I don't know what to say' :mad:

Is this to stop the windgy people with a joystick getting there arse handed to them.:rolleyes:

/end rant
7 Feb 2014
I guess I need to nerd myself into this game more..but im confused.

So LTI, is it free with a ship? do you pay extra? if you have to pay extra (realworld money) then that's a bit wrong? you pay for the game but if you die and your ship is destroyed you cant play again until you buy a new ship?

The only ship I think I have is the AMD mustang, no idea if it has LTI or even where to look to find out.

Basically there is insurance in game for when you lose your ship, you pay for it with in game credits, all ships come with a certain amount of free insurance (SHI = Standard Hull Insurance) before you have to renew it with in game credits. If you have the AMD Mustang it comes with 2 months free insurance which will be loads of time for you to have earned enough in game credits to get a new ship anyway.

Lifetime Insurance (LTI) was a perk given to early backers when they got ships and not meant to a huge advantage, it was stopped in November 2013 but has recently come back just for Concept sales (ship sales that are not in the hangar yet). Ship sales are just a way to support the game, you will be able to get every ship in game with in game credits so you do not need anything more than the basic package you already have to play the entire game.

Only extras you might have to pay for is $5 passes for each Alpha module as the Alpha slots ran out a while back. This is of course completely optional, you already get the Arena Commander pass as part of your AMD Mustang pack.

Here is everything included in the AMD Mustang pack, you can view it if you goto the My Hangar bit of the RSI website.


TLDR - Dont worry about LTI, just stick with the basic pack unless you want to pay more support the game development or join in on future alpha modules.
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19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
You and me both, same questions. :)

The way I look at it is this:

During development

The money that is exchanged are to fund the game, increase its scope and invest in more resources to realise that scope and dream.

During the early stages, LTI was a perk granted to all pledges (or as some people say, ships bought). At its core is the insurance package for the base ship/equipment that never expires, I.e. you do not need to worry about insuring that ship again for its standard components.

LTI was a big thing and quite controversial but was removed after the game become fully funded (IIRC). After this, all pledges had 6 months in game insurance as part of the package. Unless its a concept ship sale, then all new ships are 6 months insurance.

If you let your insurance expire then yes the ship will be lost and you will have to use either in game credits to purchase a new one OR use real money to get one. This leads to the confusion that you're buying a ship when really you're pledging to support the development of a game and getting a ship in return as goodwill... Very clever marketing as I doubt many people would have pledged so much without them.

Pledging at the Aurora class figure will get you all the stuff it says, but really you're getting a potential AAA game for a fraction of its box price.

After development / Game is live

Now, you're not pledging but purchasing the game at its retail value (what ever that may be). I don't actually think you get a ship at all in this form but you can either play SQ42 and get a career and ship at the end or skip it and get a virtual loan to fund your game play... Or more radically you can play as crew on ships to you have enough cash.

You can still purchase stuff in the store, but the ships will be more expensive and again only come with time limited insurance..

The benefit of pledging now is you get to help the game develop, get a ship cheaper than it would be when live and other perks... but you do run the risk of losing this investment in the ship should you not renew the ongoing in game insurance hence your pledge potentially costing more than the actual game when it ships.

There is a lot more information on their website which should help clarify.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Thats a little disappointing, you spend X amount hard work earning your ship, and in the blink of an eye you lose it and have to start all over again.

What that basically amounts to is not being able to advance yourself, which to me is mainly the point, take that away and my interest is gone.

Its why i don't play Free to Play games, otherwise known as Pay to Win, you can't advance unless you throw money at it. and even if you do you still can't really advance as the purpose of the whole thing is to make what you paid for obsolete in a given time frame, otherwise you stop throwing money at it.

I have tryed all these Play for Free Games, only one is still installed, Firefall, and that very rarely gets played. i certainly don't spend any money on it.
19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
Not quite, you can either buy the ships in game like freelancer did OR you can pay real money to skip that bit, either way its your choice.

My view and also recommendation is to purchase an aurora package to start with as that is the game for very little money. If you lose the starting ship, well it will be no different if you own the retail game... you have to start again, if you don't have any more ships.

Its not free to play, in that there is no cost to entry, you still either need to purchase the game when at retail or a ship package right now. There is also no real 'pay to win' because as far as we know everything that can be bought right now can be bought in game using in game generated UEC, people are just supporting the game right now by investing in ships while they're cheaper...
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
If i unlock a car in {insert game} i don't lose it if a smash it into a wall at 130Mhz

I get that if you buy a ship you don't lose it if its wrecked (provided it has insurance)

But if it does not you do? so you have to make sure you get one with insurance and then keep up the payments.

Ships you unlock are gone if they are wrecked.

Is that about right?
16 Jul 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands
Yes, the point is any "gifts" you receive through pledging are available for you to start the game with. However as Halfmad said - once the game is finally released, no more ships will be available to buy/pledge for and instead you will be able to earn everything in game (apart from one or two extremely rare things like LTI Vanduul Scythe).

No need to "buy" now if you want to save the cash. :)

They said you can buy a weekly cap of credits, to a limit.
Of course, if you think about it that's a clever way of saying "take an in-game loan and pay it off with real world money".

I don't like that from day one people are going to be able to have ships tailored for salvage or mining and all that jazz, the market is going to be skewed to those with the head start, instead of everyone on an equal footing.
Like cargo space, cost of outfitting to do mining and the amount you can bring back per run, compared to someone with hundreds of m3 storage.

Same for other roles, like combat.
But, it is what it is and nothing will change that! :p
19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
If i unlock a car in {insert game} i don't lose it if a smash it into a wall at 130Mhz

I get that if you buy a ship you don't lose it if its wrecked (provided it has insurance)

But if it does not you do? so you have to make sure you get one with insurance and then keep up the payments.

Ships you unlock are gone if they are wrecked.

Is that about right?

That's normally correct, however in this game you don't unlock you simply generate enough cash to purchase. If you've ever played any of the X series then the premise will be familiar.

All ships in the game will have insurance. Insurance is purchasable using in game generated UEC as a service, like car insurance. Apparently it is cheap and a minor point now.

I guess this is what will make the Persistent Universe a bit different... Everything has a life span and will have to keep things repaired for them to work, especially compared to the traditional MMO.
7 Feb 2014
If i unlock a car in {insert game} i don't lose it if a smash it into a wall at 130Mhz

I get that if you buy a ship you don't lose it if its wrecked (provided it has insurance)

But if it does not you do? so you have to make sure you get one with insurance and then keep up the payments.

Ships you unlock are gone if they are wrecked.

Is that about right?

I'm not sure what is hard for you to understand Humbug. It will work the same as real life insurance, if you don't insure your car in real life and blow it up you are not gonna get a new one.

Its a pretty simple game mechanic to stop people magically getting new ships when they lose them. (this won't apply for the single player Squadron 42 though, you will just restart the mission you were on).

You are basically worried about an in game cost for a game that is not even finished yet. Its just gonna be a running cost like buying fuel etc, its not gonna cost you any real life cash because its a computer game.
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7 Feb 2014
This guy goes into a bit more detail the insurance in game, just bear in mind its still early in development so everything is still subject to change.

Its open development and CIG do listen to peoples feedback so if enough people are not happy with something they will think about changing it :)


Only thing I think he missed was that there will be an option to get an in game loan if you can't afford a replacement ship.
14 Jul 2003
My understanding is that regardless of how silly you are you can always get a loan ship but may have to wait longer for it. Remember even if you are waiting for it being supplied you can crew someone else's ship and earn pay.
17 Jan 2007
The thing with insurance is it's supposed to be both:
- extremely cheap in game
- you will he hard pressed to fly without it.

There will be all the warning signs and everything if by some miracle your insurance expires - but you would have to actively try to make that happen.

So really, don't worry about it. :)
17 Jan 2007
They said you can buy a weekly cap of credits, to a limit.
Of course, if you think about it that's a clever way of saying "take an in-game loan and pay it off with real world money".

I don't like that from day one people are going to be able to have ships tailored for salvage or mining and all that jazz, the market is going to be skewed to those with the head start, instead of everyone on an equal footing.
Like cargo space, cost of outfitting to do mining and the amount you can bring back per run, compared to someone with hundreds of m3 storage.

Same for other roles, like combat.
But, it is what it is and nothing will change that! :p
Yeah, there would always be that indirect way of money to in game credits - guaranteed extra money for them... :p

I can get the concern with people starting off with more/fancier ships - especially when it comes down to gameplay features that might have a first/last problem, such as discovering and naming jump points.

On most roles however, I don't expect there to be first/last problems, so it really doesn't matter because you're not directly competing with other players for the most part unless you choose to, and that aspect will always remain available while someone takes time to earn their ships of choice. Otherwise it should be a natural sandbox experience for a player instead of the win/lose mentality from other games.

On the other hand, it will bypass some of that "starter zone" congestion if everyone started off with an aurora.
14 Jul 2003
What ship are you guys most excited about which hasn't had a brochure or special sale recently? Personally it'd be the Gladiator (have one) or Starfarer (want one) but seem great on paper, love how the Gladiator looks and can see the benefits in having a Starfarer :)
7 Feb 2014
Definitely the Retaliator for me, got a visit to F42 a few weeks back and was chatting with them about it. Its doing away with the variant system and gonna be the first completely modular ship so we will be able to switch out different modules to suit the mission you are on.

Like switching the bomb bay for cargo and things like that. I think it leaves loads of room for customization and we will see things like boarding modules.

Should be good for the modding community to design their own modules to put forward to CIG too.

Ben said we should see it in hangar by DFM V1 so should be pretty soon :)

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17 Jan 2007
Retaliator will be an interesting one to see if it can be heavily customised away from its original purpose. Great design.

I'm looking forward to finally seeing something more on the banu merchantman, although that might be pushed back another year if it's not top priority.
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