******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

22 Mar 2007
That head bobbing isn't bad at all as the eyes stay focused on a point.

I hope there's a bit of head movement in the shooting (slight shake) as the 3rd person view with no movement past the shoulder looked odd.

Early days but looked good but needs work.
4 Mar 2010
That FPS whine was surely trolling, it'd be pretty moronic to slate something and conclude it'll fail from its first showing, a good 18mo before its likely to be 'gold'.
Trolls gonna troll.

I thought it looked great for a first showing, i hate the dude talk you get during demos at E3 etc, so lame. But i stopped having any concerns about the development a while back. CR seems like a solid guy, he knows whats good enough, and what he expects for SC, they've got $60m and would anyone bet against them reaching $100m by launch? They are their own critics, and we are the ones bankrolling this, theres no corporate boss looking over their shoulder, telling them its good enough, theres no multi million dollar advertising campaign saying its out on a specific day, so just release it in any state.

People complain about missed deadlines, okay maybe suggestions of not giving dates is the better solution, but they certainly dont release things which simply arent acceptable, it might have its issues and thats alpha for you, but CIG have better ethics for their early alpha content, than a lot of big name developers have for the release! I have no doubt they'll make it work, everything will come together, and we'll have witnessed the development of a game which will create lasting memories, create a new generation of space genre fans (myself included, at 35!) and bring some power back to the table for PC gamers.
We need more developers like CIG, and less being roped into publishers like EA.
7 Jun 2011
That FPS whine was surely trolling, it'd be pretty moronic to slate something and conclude it'll fail from its first showing, a good 18mo before its likely to be 'gold'.
Trolls gonna troll.

I thought it looked great for a first showing, i hate the dude talk you get during demos at E3 etc, so lame. But i stopped having any concerns about the development a while back. CR seems like a solid guy, he knows whats good enough, and what he expects for SC, they've got $60m and would anyone bet against them reaching $100m by launch? They are their own critics, and we are the ones bankrolling this, theres no corporate boss looking over their shoulder, telling them its good enough, theres no multi million dollar advertising campaign saying its out on a specific day, so just release it in any state.

People complain about missed deadlines, okay maybe suggestions of not giving dates is the better solution, but they certainly dont release things which simply arent acceptable, it might have its issues and thats alpha for you, but CIG have better ethics for their early alpha content, than a lot of big name developers have for the release! I have no doubt they'll make it work, everything will come together, and we'll have witnessed the development of a game which will create lasting memories, create a new generation of space genre fans (myself included, at 35!) and bring some power back to the table for PC gamers.
We need more developers like CIG, and less being roped into publishers like EA.

Agree mate...I have full faith in this game being AMAZING and they will pull it off.....some of the stuff I've seen so far blows me away.

Also if they carry on their current rate of income, they will be on $90 Million this time next year, that some serious money for a developer with little to no marketing overheads.
4 Mar 2010
Yeah, really disappointed in that news.

Chris Olivia left before CitCon without a peep from CIG, and now Wingman. Both have had a pretty noticeable presence and senior role toward the top of the CIG foodchain.

Im surprised that there wasnt a senior role Eric could do in Austin, he seems like a great person to work with, colourful, bubbly, and just fun to chew the fat with in meetings and when things are getting tough etc. I can imagine theres a lot of people who'll miss his presence in the Austin office, and the others too.

Might mean we see a return of something like WMH though seeing as their both out of CIG now, maybe they can still drag Rob etc in as a guest to talk about things, just not done as an official channel or paid for by CIG/sub funds.
14 Jul 2003
Real shame, although I remember when WMH started and there was a ton of people having a pop at him and the way the show was run, but he gradually won them over only to have the show replaced by ATV (which I've only watched twice).
17 Jan 2007
AtV has grown on me - I know the news reading can be a bit awkward, but occasionally there are some interesting interviews with different members of the dev teams.

And I have a guilty pleasure in watching bugsmashers. :o
17 Jan 2007
I'm seriously considering trying AC with a gamepad, especially with the new patch changes. I like the idea of a small, portable controller for this, but concerned with accuracy when flying? I imagine the new ESP update might help with that?

Looking for something portable with dual sticks, and tbh none of the current flight stick offerings fit that criteria at the moment. I wish some manufacturer made "mini sticks" or something.

Trouble is I've never used a gamepad for a PC game before and don't have one to test with. Are the xbox one/360 controllers worth looking at, or are there better options when it comes to flying in SC?
19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
I currently use a 360 pad and its fine. For me, it lacks the fine control of a big stick but that's my poor thumb dexterity more than anything. The dual sticks and multiple buttons within a hand press make it really good. A HOTAS will perform better but that doesn't get the portability rating
17 Jan 2007
I currently use a 360 pad and its fine. For me, it lacks the fine control of a big stick but that's my poor thumb dexterity more than anything. The dual sticks and multiple buttons within a hand press make it really good. A HOTAS will perform better but that doesn't get the portability rating ��
Thanks, that's good to know. :)

I was thinking of things like dual t16000m sticks, but then they lack the portability factor... yes I intend to play SC on a laptop - fine when connected to external monitor in home environment, but can't easily carry more than a mouse and gamepad when away.
19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
Without an expensive HOTAS setup I don't think you can beat the 16 buttons at your immediate disposal on the pad... It just wont be as good as a stick, but that is the price you pay for not having something large cluttering your desk!
14 Jul 2003
Thanks, that's good to know. :)

I was thinking of things like dual t16000m sticks, but then they lack the portability factor... yes I intend to play SC on a laptop - fine when connected to external monitor in home environment, but can't easily carry more than a mouse and gamepad when away.

Headset + voice attack + joypad will make it fairly comparable with other control setups. You'll never have the fine control with joypad as you would with a joystick or even a mouse but the control systems should be reasonably balanced, there's no such thing as "balanced" control setups for a game like this - too many variables in controller configs.
17 Jan 2007
Yeah, I'm definitely planning to use voice attack at some stage - should work wonders for power and shield management.

The other option I suppose is stick + keyboard? Semi portable with only one stick to carry around - and a stick isn't that much bulkier than a gamepad? Edit: Second benefit of this is being able to do stick and mouse for extreme precision/mobility, given I'll have to use a mouse anyway.

Bit torn at the moment - can get a t16000m for around £35 which seems great value.

Maybe I'll just go for both in the end? Have a gamepad for portable use, have a stick for use at home? Seems the most logical solution. :)

Edit2: I've gone ahead and bought a t16000m seeing as I don't need the portability right now and intend to have a stick anyway. Will keep an eye out for a second hand gamepad. Will be testing both stick+keyboard and mouse+stick methods.
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14 Jul 2003
T16000M is a lovely stick to use mate, I'm not a fan of the base buttons but love the stick :)

In other news, Banu MM now out of concept phase although still means probably 6 months + before it's "at" the hangar as I think it has to go outside the hangar itself.
17 Jan 2007



17 Jan 2007
Please be a reasonable price. :)

First ship since the beginning that I can make a connection with. Everything else was a bit of umming and erring - but now I know this will be the main ship I fly around the 'verse.
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