That FPS whine was surely trolling, it'd be pretty moronic to slate something and conclude it'll fail from its first showing, a good 18mo before its likely to be 'gold'.
Trolls gonna troll.
I thought it looked great for a first showing, i hate the dude talk you get during demos at E3 etc, so lame. But i stopped having any concerns about the development a while back. CR seems like a solid guy, he knows whats good enough, and what he expects for SC, they've got $60m and would anyone bet against them reaching $100m by launch? They are their own critics, and we are the ones bankrolling this, theres no corporate boss looking over their shoulder, telling them its good enough, theres no multi million dollar advertising campaign saying its out on a specific day, so just release it in any state.
People complain about missed deadlines, okay maybe suggestions of not giving dates is the better solution, but they certainly dont release things which simply arent acceptable, it might have its issues and thats alpha for you, but CIG have better ethics for their early alpha content, than a lot of big name developers have for the release! I have no doubt they'll make it work, everything will come together, and we'll have witnessed the development of a game which will create lasting memories, create a new generation of space genre fans (myself included, at 35!) and bring some power back to the table for PC gamers.
We need more developers like CIG, and less being roped into publishers like EA.