The original Star Citizen was intended to be a much smaller game, like an updated version of Freelancer.
In 2013 to 2014 the crowd funding went insane, in 2014 Chris said they funding he had available would enable him to build a game with much larger scope, he asked the community what they thought about this, explaining what his ideas were and that development would take much longer, the community agreed.
So here we are, it has taken a long time, too long IMO and it still has some major components missing before it can be classed as Beta, however what has been achieved so far is impressive, its scope was said to be "impossible" which may well turn out to be true, Chris was also laughed at when he said you would be able to go from micro detail blades of grass to the macro of the planet in space live with no load screens.
The Frankfurt studio achieved that in December 2015 and celebrated that milestone with this little video. I love this little video, you get the sense of pride they felt in it.
I get frustreated with the progress of this game, but its better to try and fail than to not try at all because its too difficult.