Yep, I tell newbies this already. But I still maintain there is no good reason for this game to not have better ingame help for new players.This is why many veteran players keep telling newcomers that:
- its a very very buggy early alpha game
- jump on it if you want but jump on and play with a fello veteran to help show you the ropes
I guess we'll just agree to disagree on the New Player Experience. I just don't think some basic tutorials to help out for the meantime would be as much of a timesink as some are suggesting. We only need more text popups and so on, not fully interactive voice acted guides. Maybe I'll just accept I'm in a minority of experienced players that would like to see better ingame stuff for newbies. I'll go back to telling everyone it's an Alpha and they should get gudTo reiterate and reinforce what was said before it would be pointless to make a tutorial at this point.
There used to be a tutorial play-through, a tutorial mission where it would teach you everything you needed to know through literal voice-over hand holding.
Its was scrapped because the game quickly evolved and the whole thing became completely wrong, if they re-make a tutorial like that now at least parts of it will be wrong in 6 months, certainly a lot of it will be missing as there are new mission types and mechanics coming online this year.