******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I may pop on later too, need to practice flying in a straight line :cry:
I'll let you all know when im back home ready for a game.

Lol, yeah flying in a straight line can be abit of a struggle though i think i've pretty much nailed the landing now. Even coming in at speed i can judge it well enough to slow down and land on my back landing gear first.
Don't get too excited, its just testing......


The problem is doubling the capacity could easily require server upgrades. While more players per server would be great, I'd be happier staying at the current 50 cap but the desync/lag that you get when running around / fps was cleared up.

And it's pointless them upping the cap until persistence is properly in game.
The problem is doubling the capacity could easily require server upgrades. While more players per server would be great, I'd be happier staying at the current 50 cap but the desync/lag that you get when running around / fps was cleared up.

And it's pointless them upping the cap until persistence is properly in game.
I can see not wasting resources with big changes to come, that said with $500 million I'd expect half decent servers. I'd happily pay a subscription to not have to deal with poor servers.
The problem is doubling the capacity could easily require server upgrades. While more players per server would be great, I'd be happier staying at the current 50 cap but the desync/lag that you get when running around / fps was cleared up.

And it's pointless them upping the cap until persistence is properly in game.
I agree with this, they need to work on making the current server/game performance more robust before upping player cap.
Although I would imagine what they have done is more to stress test and see what such load would do to player experience and what theoretical improvements are required to servers/code etc to make it an achievable reality.

My biggest bugbear at the moment is the Inventory issues, I'd much rather they focused on basic functionality of Inventory before worrying about server player count. Many times I've been on a bunker mission or such and I've been hit by the Inventory loading bug. Mostly seems to happen at busy times, which I suppose could mean its server load related. but still its one of the main things that irritate me at the moment.

That said, I'd like to think they have separate teams working on these things concurrently.
The problem is doubling the capacity could easily require server upgrades. While more players per server would be great, I'd be happier staying at the current 50 cap but the desync/lag that you get when running around / fps was cleared up.

And it's pointless them upping the cap until persistence is properly in game.
Check out the videos. It's not just abkur lag etc but if you look at the play test, there are deeper issues related to UI/UX.

This is a very very test bed as it has highlighted a few things cig need to implement before this goes live.

Basically, even if server meshing with 200 players no lag was released to live tomorow, there are lots of things that will break the immersion of it.

For instance the global chat will become a mess and the player party markers a mess and also when in a massive battle, all the markers there too will be a problem.

Cig really need to get there act together when it comes to the the ux and UI
I had not noticed Jackfrags has a new Star Citizen Video up, 550,000 views.

Which is great, and its a good video, the only problem i see with videos like this is it makes the game look more polished than it is, he makes his videos for entertainment, he's not reviwing the game but these videos can give the wrong impression, the fun and the gameplay they are having is real but its not the full story, as a long time backer and fan i feel like prospective new Citizens should know it can be as bad as it is good and as frustrating as it is fun and include that in their calculations as to weather or not they buy in, it is their money, they have worked for it.

I've said it before (as have others), they're real close to making something that'll be something great. But there's an awful lot of work required to get there. These player cap tests do highlight multiple problems that we knew about but become very clear with the large encounters.
I've said it before (as have others), they're real close to making something that'll be something great. But there's an awful lot of work required to get there. These player cap tests do highlight multiple problems that we knew about but become very clear with the large encounters.
Yea and its mainly ui related or mission/game design related.

The fact that the performance is very same as just a lil 10 ship battle on a 50 player server just shows HOW much they have optimised and done on gen12 and the networking performances
Yea and its mainly ui related or mission/game design related.

The fact that the performance is very same as just a lil 10 ship battle on a 50 player server just shows HOW much they have optimised and done on gen12 and the networking performances

The missions is an interesting one. By far one of the easier things they can improve on. I was on the PTU last night and tried the new Reclaimer mission. It was good but there's so many ways it could have been better if they had expanded it more. It felt quite empty, as if a multiple stages/levels had been removed. Looked fantastic though and the atmosphere was great.
I've said it before (as have others), they're real close to making something that'll be something great. But there's an awful lot of work required to get there. These player cap tests do highlight multiple problems that we knew about but become very clear with the large encounters.
same problems they've had to 5+years though, sure the server caps are creeping up but netcode has been an issue they have talked about since the very start. At some point they are going to have to settle on realistic limits or a compromise instance based system.
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