******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

same problems they've had to 5+years though, sure the server caps are creeping up but netcode has been an issue they have talked about since the very start. At some point they are going to have to settle on realistic limits or a compromise instance based system.
Technically server meshing is that "instance based" compromise because right now, a single server is loading and tracking everything happening in a whole star system. Get that down to per planet and where laughing
Good run of it this evening, despite initial inventory bug when it first logged on. Got some decent missions completed and now L2 with Microtech, considerably more cash on mission completion.

Is there any work around for auto turrets targeting your ship when on bunker missions despite being tasked by the company to clear their bunker? I mean its fin if its a single turret on the front, I just park at the back, but the last one had three turrets in all round defense, I was fine when I landed, but when I came back up my ship was being shot at... didnt blow it up but it was pretty heavily damaged. I guess I could park it further away or behind the nearest rise, but whos got time for time for a 1km+ trek?

Also, anybody know the specifics on losing equipment on death? Thats about 3 times I've died (two in space, one planetside) recently and revived with everything still intact. Granted the planetside one, I lost the weapon I was holding at the time, and the rest of my Armour, equipped items and backpack were not equipped, but were in local (New Babbage) inventory. Just lucky? I just feels random whether I keep my kit or revive with nothing.
Looks like 3.17.2 is going live soon within a day or two imo.

Why? Because the latest patch fixes most if not all of the game breaking bugs such as the elevators not working.
Good run of it this evening, despite initial inventory bug when it first logged on. Got some decent missions completed and now L2 with Microtech, considerably more cash on mission completion.

Is there any work around for auto turrets targeting your ship when on bunker missions despite being tasked by the company to clear their bunker? I mean its fin if its a single turret on the front, I just park at the back, but the last one had three turrets in all round defense, I was fine when I landed, but when I came back up my ship was being shot at... didnt blow it up but it was pretty heavily damaged. I guess I could park it further away or behind the nearest rise, but whos got time for time for a 1km+ trek?

Also, anybody know the specifics on losing equipment on death? Thats about 3 times I've died (two in space, one planetside) recently and revived with everything still intact. Granted the planetside one, I lost the weapon I was holding at the time, and the rest of my Armour, equipped items and backpack were not equipped, but were in local (New Babbage) inventory. Just lucky? I just feels random whether I keep my kit or revive with nothing.

Bunker turrets targeting you when you're there to help has been fixed in the patch. Although from the tiny bit I've seen if you're Not there to help then the wee sentry guns will also shoot at you. Depending on the bunker and mission, they might only target you and your ship when you enter Restricted areas. This is normally when you walk in the bunker front door.

My understanding is: If you kill yourself then you should keep all the gear on your person. If an NPC or player does it then your gear stays where you died. There are other rules to this though that I'm less sure of. Depending on where you died can change your spawn point but it's often the closest station or jail with a crimestat. If you work off your jail sentence, you'll get all your gear back.

Yeah expecting the patch Friday, maybe over the weekend. Elevators are also amazing in the patch; tried them in the PTU and they felt almost instant. And if people ask for elevators in the same place, the second one door closes another opens. Three friends jumped in one, I jumped into one on the other side of the hall (2 seconds later) and I arrived at the hanger before them. Enough to reach the ship as they entered the hanger. :D
Something to keep in mind with Arena Commander is a lot of the people who play it, play it all the time. :D
Yes I guessed as much so I avoided the multiplayer and just tried out the pirate swarm. I still need to work on the controls and then there's all the targeting stuff, watched a few videos and now know there is a range to targeting and then the gimbal stuff as well as counter measures and missiles. I think the old hands forget this really isn't "arcade", Space Invaders is arcade, pick up and play ;) Don't get me wrong still loving it, just going to take me a few weeks to get the hang of it, trying to at least get on for an hour a day to get mastered.
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Ok now I know where I need to go for some tips ;)
I ont pay too much attention in learning and crafting dogfighting because its going to have another complete overhaul once physialised damage comes in.

When that arrives i will for sure be practising a lot on space combat as my prime proffessions in SC will be a salvager, base builder, explorer and a escort(thats where the space combat is needed)
I ont pay too much attention in learning and crafting dogfighting because its going to have another complete overhaul once physialised damage comes in.

When that arrives i will for sure be practising a lot on space combat as my prime proffessions in SC will be a salvager, base builder, explorer and a escort(thats where the space combat is needed)
Think i'm gonna be an explorer or salvager/transporter, always liked running stuff like that especially dangerous cargo with an escort.
What they are doing is trying less instances per server but more players per instance.

Where 50 players connect to "a server" its a virtual server among other's on the same physical server, so lets say there are 8 instances on one server with a player cap of 50 in each instance, what they are doing is cutting the server instances down to for example 4 with 100 players per instance.

Its the same load on the server but a higher load on the client PC. watching that video his PC at least seemed to hold up very well, what they are doing is testing optimisations for client side, because once server meshing is in your PC will have a lot more work to do with the larger player cap your PC will see.
Exploration, combat medic, bit of everything is what I've been doing and planning on. Still trying to deicide if I should throw £200 odd at a VKB stick though. They do seem worth the money but I don't Need it but it would be a very nice upgrade. :D
What they are doing is trying less instances per server but more players per instance.

Where 50 players connect to "a server" its a virtual server among other's on the same physical server, so lets say there are 8 instances on one server with a player cap of 50 in each instance, what they are doing is cutting the server instances down to for example 4 with 100 players per instance.

Its the same load on the server but a higher load on the client PC. watching that video his PC at least seemed to hold up very well, what they are doing is testing optimisations for client side, because once server meshing is in your PC will have a lot more work to do with the larger player cap your PC will see.
Part of the problem is there are a a lot of variables and they'll be working with very unoptimized code I expect. While this might be an easy win for them, I still think there's multiple things that should be a higher priority for the PU.
What they are doing is trying less instances per server but more players per instance.

Where 50 players connect to "a server" its a virtual server among other's on the same physical server, so lets say there are 8 instances on one server with a player cap of 50 in each instance, what they are doing is cutting the server instances down to for example 4 with 100 players per instance.

Its the same load on the server but a higher load on the client PC. watching that video his PC at least seemed to hold up very well, what they are doing is testing optimisations for client side, because once server meshing is in your PC will have a lot more work to do with the larger player cap your PC will see.
Finally allow my pc to stretch its legs then!
What they are doing is trying less instances per server but more players per instance.

Where 50 players connect to "a server" its a virtual server among other's on the same physical server, so lets say there are 8 instances on one server with a player cap of 50 in each instance, what they are doing is cutting the server instances down to for example 4 with 100 players per instance.

Its the same load on the server but a higher load on the client PC. watching that video his PC at least seemed to hold up very well, what they are doing is testing optimisations for client side, because once server meshing is in your PC will have a lot more work to do with the larger player cap your PC will see.
Wonder how this will work to prevent exploiting, offloading to client side opens up a lot more for cheating, reconciliation and cheat detection will need to be rock solid and it will be increasingly difficult to do.
Don't buy this "we have anti-cheat it's fine" there are plenty of ways around it and plenty of groups who specialise in doing so.
100 players on the 890J

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