******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

They are giving people aUEC to the amount depending on how many hours you have in 3.17.1 and i guess depending on what you did.

So..... that's 28.6 Million.

They've been Very generous. 17.6million here and I started at Invictus what, a month ago. Was watching a streamer and he got 159million.

I wonder if it's because this wasn't a planned reset. Combined with reputation not being wiped everyone will be in a far better state than they were.
Yeah very generous! I'm happy with my 3.8m aUAC - enough to fully gear out a combat ship fully with a chunk extra for whatever else I end up fancying buying.
Elevators... Still cant get them right! New Babbage hab leaves you no other option than to die and respawn at the clinic. Its pot luck if you are even going to get an elevator if you call one, and sometimes when you do get one you cant enter it like the animation of the doors opening happens but dosnt allow you to pass through.
Oh and if you do finally manage to get in an elevator, I'm sure they have slowed them down also... I thought they were speeding them up? At the moment it seems ~60% if I am going to be able to even use the elevators.
I'd imagine some of that is likely down to server load. I suppose there are a LOT of people trying out the new patch.

Performance seems to have taken a hit, especially in major cities, more people in the cities with the higher player cap?

Just had a back to desktop crash whilst trying to access a vendor screen, just froze and booted me back to desktop.

There is a lot to be smoothed out with this new patch!!!

On the plus side, I've taken my "hard" earned :p and purchased an Connie!
Does anyone know when the next free trial is?

Just upgraded my graphics card and would like to test it out before I commit to pledging.

Speaking on pledging, been trying to find out on the actual site, but if I go for the base pledge which is £45, will I get access to the full game when it finally releases?
Ooooof, CiG screwed up here. Gave everyone who played the previous patch some extra cash, but completely cocked up the calculations and gave everyone way more money than they should have. Rather than resetting the game and redoing the payout losing ~2 days of content, they've dropped everyone's credit down after announcing that was their intention but are letting everyone who went and spent all the extra money quickly keep the stuff they bought. So loads of people who didn't take advantage of that are absolutely raging on Spectrum!
CiG really need to work on how they manage things like this.
What a bloody stupid way of dealing with it. Knew I should have just spent all of it...

If they were going to reset they should have done another wipe asap OR done a wipe in one or two weeks with clear notice. Enjoy it for two weeks and then reset.

Now all the active hardcore people will have a HUGE amount of stuff and everyone else will have nothing.
Yeah, it's a mess. I managed to get in and spend money on ships, so I'm kinda ok with how it's worked out for me. But it's just a bad choice, they should have either just left it and said "enjoy your extra money, we're doing another reset for 3.18" or just redid the entire wipe. Instead they've done a messy compromise!
Yeah they ****** up hard on this! Terrible way of dealing with the problem. Definitely should have started everyone off on a level playing field. Another wipe, before people invest any real time. Its only been out a day.
It would have been the only fair way to handle it.
I spent the vast majority of my money, only had a couple hundred thousand left.
3.18 is expected in 3 months or so, aka early next years. That is not a long window to allow people have a ton of money to try things. They'll be people that don't then want to some of them and buy them with cash.

I bought a couple fighters I wanted to try outfitted everything and then was going to save up for a carrack. I should have just bought the 600i and a load of other small ships.
Does anyone know when the next free trial is?

Just upgraded my graphics card and would like to test it out before I commit to pledging.

Speaking on pledging, been trying to find out on the actual site, but if I go for the base pledge which is £45, will I get access to the full game when it finally releases?

I don't think the next free trial has been announced but it might be in Nov as there's a big sale event then.

You need a Starter Game Package, these contain "Star Citizen Digital Download". This is in effect one character slot and lets you play.
Getting a lot of broken missions at the moment, last one I rocked up to a data centre to clear out the unwanted guests and their narcotics. Bad guys were there but there were no narcotics all the pallets were empty.
Oh and I thought they were fixing it so the turrets didnt shoot you when you are legitimately at a bunker for a mission at the request of the company?

The game is more broken and worse performing than it was at 3.17.1...
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