******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I'm not much of a poster in here, I've not even played it in about 4 years after being a very early adopter. But I'd definitely be interested in an OCUK Org when the game is fully finished.
You can edit it to include the following.

Short intro of the game.

How to join and play.

Recent new player youtube video guide by one of the popular sc youtuber.

Link to roadmap.

Then org info
Tidied up a bit, shortened too.

Put the roadmap on the second post, it's a bit confusing tbh

If you have any recommendations for videos etc let me know Jonney!
Love it when you quantum to a planet and drop into normal space - but are instantly doing 500m/s towards the ground and explode before you can do anything about it. Thanks game, why don't you rub salt in the wounds by having my body despawn before I get back to the marker to collect all my stuff from my body.... Oh wait, you did that too. Sigh. :o
Love it when you quantum to a planet and drop into normal space - but are instantly doing 500m/s towards the ground and explode before you can do anything about it. Thanks game, why don't you rub salt in the wounds by having my body despawn before I get back to the marker to collect all my stuff from my body.... Oh wait, you did that too. Sigh. :o
Don't start quantum already doing 500m/s. Do it from stationary. It always brought you out at speed you was entering as intended.
I'm not much of a poster in here, I've not even played it in about 4 years after being a very early adopter. But I'd definitely be interested in an OCUK Org when the game is fully finished.
Ditto! Have been on in a few days due to work but got some free time coming up so wouldn't mind jumping back on with some people.
Don't start quantum already doing 500m/s. Do it from stationary. It always brought you out at speed you was entering as intended.
This is news to me, I normally drop out of quantum stationary and yet are nearly always moving when I enter quantum... I'll have to test this some more.
How do you not have time to avoid the ground when quantuming in, even at 500m/s? Did you go for tea break or something? :cry:
The second the quantum ended as I got to the planet, I was fired towards the ground, 500m/s+ straight down when I first noticed it. I'd come in at a low enough angle that my altitude wasn't that high when I dropped out of quantum!
You're all welcome on the Gulliver.


You not named your MCR Humbug? I thought you could.

edit: too much gin it's clearly on it..
How do you name your ship? Or is it only certain ships that you can do it with?

*nevermind, decided not to be lazy and actually look for the answer!:p Yes it is only certain ships at the moment.
Here is a bit of theory crafting from my side regarding 3.17.2 and 3.18.

When i analyse and look at what was added to 17.2 , its timeline and what is to come of 3.18 vs what they CIG said how 3.17.2 was just smallish patch based on the 3.17 branch and 3.18 being a special case, i call that rubbish and here me out.

First of all, Check out the list of features, locations, core tech and other improvements they added in 3.17.2 and compare that to 3.17.

You will probably find that 3.17.2 contains more than 3.17 so that automatically means that 3.17.2 wasnt some light small patch like we got from 3.16 at Q4 2021.

2nd of all, CIG said 3.18 would need around 3 months of ptu testing.... 3.17.2 had over 2 months of ptu testing and infact, they are still doing PTU testing on 3.17.2 as current live version is broken in places..

So were am i getting at on this post?


3.17.2 was the 3.18 patch aka a typical X.X Quertar release patch.

Tyoically, a querter patch takes around 2 months average of testing on the ptu. thats nothing new at all.

My guess is that instead of just telling us that 3.18 wont have cargo refactor and salvaging, they instead come up with some ******** anout a x.x.x patch keeping us occupied while they work and release a ptu patch of x.x for 2-3 months of testing(lol 3.17.2 too nearly that much on ptu...).

It is quite a masterstroke from the marketing team really if you think about it because had they just took out salvaging and cargo refactor, the whole community would have gone mental and exploded.

What are your thoughts?

Am i making sense lol?

Is there flaws in teh above assumption that 3.17.2 is the real 3.18 patch and that CIG basically removed salvaging and cargo refactor from it?
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