******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Testing takes as long as it takes and they strip out anything that's overly difficult or time consuming to fix generally.

There's not a huge degree of consistency from one patch to the next tbh, they have a track record of moving the goal posts.
Testing takes as long as it takes and they strip out anything that's overly difficult or time consuming to fix generally.

There's not a huge degree of consistency from one patch to the next tbh, they have a track record of moving the goal posts.
I think this is more to do with them saving face as it sounds nicer if they said "hey guys, 3.18 wont come in q2 but will try and get it for q3" instead of saying "hey guys, the original stuff we wanted for q2 3.18 wont make it so we wil push it back to q3 patch for now"

Imagine the uproar had they said the latter. Not from us folks who are clued up here and dont care much but most of the community would go mental saying SALVAGE DELAYED AGAIN, SCAM SCAM CITIZEN
It is the same difference with words so I don't think it really matters. Everyone knows that 3.18 is basically over 3+ months late but at end of the day it is meant to be a large sum of parts from Persistence to Gen12, cargo and salvage. This of course I feel will be the last patch for the year. From what I understand 3.18 hasn't even got to Evocati anyways even though they suggested it would drop once 3.17.2 went live.

Then consider that Q3 should end of September but they have never hit that date even when they started roughly on time for a patch. It all irrelevant what it called though. What comes out each patch is all that matters.
You could be right there Jonney, but I don't know that it really matters if CIG did do that. They've regularly missed goals before, missing another in a roundabout way and trying to hide it is a bit of a moot point. Cargo refactor and such will release when it's ready, same with everything else.
Of course, I ssay when it's ready. I obviously mean just before it's really ready.... if Siege of Orison is anything to go by! :cry:
You could be right there Jonney, but I don't know that it really matters if CIG did do that. They've regularly missed goals before, missing another in a roundabout way and trying to hide it is a bit of a moot point. Cargo refactor and such will release when it's ready, same with everything else.
Of course, I ssay when it's ready. I obviously mean just before it's really ready.... if Siege of Orison is anything to go by! :cry:
Yea it dont matter too much but i dont think i could agree when CIG says 3.17.2 is a minor extended patch of 3.17 when really and truly it is a fully fledge typical Querter release patch.

IMO 3.17.2 has more features and core tech than 3.17.0 itself
Agreed, 3.17.2 is a pretty good patch in the scheme of things. Siege of Orison is pretty big, plus all the other derelict missions. It's quite a bit of content to check out even if there are no significant gameplay changes.
Had a siege of orision session last night which was a bit crazy. Must have been at least three orgs there. And one group of griefers sniping people as they walked off the shuttles. I was specifically looking out for them and then just died; full on wallhack levels going on. Was later told they'd got on top of the roofs on the left somehow
Had a siege of orision session last night which was a bit crazy. Must have been at least three orgs there. And one group of griefers sniping people as they walked off the shuttles. I was specifically looking out for them and then just died; full on wallhack levels going on. Was later told they'd got on top of the roofs on the left somehow
One of the reasons I couldn't care less about meeting other players and having PvP.
CIG aren't interested in hacking etc at the moment but doesn't mean their accounts aren't being flagged for later bans or deletions.

Let cheaters cheat not prior to release and use their activity to help improve systems without letting on. This is how I typically deal with issues like that at work, gives you more data to improve automatic detection and flagging.
Corsair update. The side on Y winged ship. Still wonder how that'll handle in atmosphere if it gets that far. :D
9:20 they showoff new UI.

The new UI :eek:

I am forever impressed by the level of detail and effort that goes into building these ships, but then I guess that is the benefit of have a game developed on the timescale of a game like Star Citizen. Devs have all the time in the world to devote to incredibly detailed ship models and functionality. I wont lie though it helps with immersion level to no end. Just a shame it gets completely shattered as soon as you start playing FPS...:cry:
The new UI :eek:

I am forever impressed by the level of detail and effort that goes into building these ships, but then I guess that is the benefit of have a game developed on the timescale of a game like Star Citizen. Devs have all the time in the world to devote to incredibly detailed ship models and functionality. I wont lie though it helps with immersion level to no end. Just a shame it gets completely shattered as soon as you start playing FPS...:cry:
I am bit sceptical about that new ui. Wonder how it translates in game?
Jeez... Almost unplayable at the moment. Not sure whats triggered it all, but rafts of people having issues in every server I join. It was fine when I logged off last night. However, loads of people have bugged money, Accounts at 0 and not earning money from missions, Ships turning on but wont lift off, missions bugging out left right and centre.

I took off from NB game glitched out as I was exiting the atmosphere. when I logged back in I was at the centre of the stanton system outside my ship, thankfully I managed to climb back in and QT back to MT. I took a mission landed at the site, a Conny from the last player was still in location, should have been my first warning, but I landed any way the Conny disappeared, I got out the Nomad, and it too despawned... :rolleyes: Thought ah well screw it I'm here might as well make a quick 60K. Went inside, enemy spawned in, headshotted the first one I saw, and boom mission failed! Bugged mission, stranded, then other players start reporting that their ships are disappearing on landing... Thats enough for today I guess.
Ship showdown, don't vote for the predictable crap.

Vote 325A.

It deserves more recognition than it gets, its not a durable ship in combat, like many others, but it has the right balance of manoeuvrability without being nervous or twitchy at the controls, with 2X size 3 and 1X size 4 guns, + 4X size 2 and 2X size 3 missiles it packs quite a punch.
Its one of the few fighters with a bed and it is a very good looking ship.


Nah its all about the Nomad. probably the most versatile ship in the game. I tried out many ships during the Freeplay including the above mentioned. I have a few ships now Including the Constellation and Prospector, 325a, avenger titan, and I'd hired a few others that I was considering. The Nomad gets used 90% of the time. Its flexible, has all the amenities you need, has a very convenient exterior loading bay, can be pretty lethal in a scrap I've been 1 vs 4 before and came out of it only losing a tail wing, great shielding for such a small ship. Honestly its everything you could ever need in a ship and more especially early game, I loved it so much I made it my pledge ship.
Shame its not much of a looker... :p
Nah its all about the Nomad. probably the most versatile ship in the game. I tried out many ships during the Freeplay including the above mentioned. I have a few ships now Including the Constellation and Prospector, 325a, avenger titan, and I'd hired a few others that I was considering. The Nomad gets used 90% of the time. Its flexible, has all the amenities you need, has a very convenient exterior loading bay, can be pretty lethal in a scrap I've been 1 vs 4 before and came out of it only losing a tail wing, great shielding for such a small ship. Honestly its everything you could ever need in a ship and more especially early game, I loved it so much I made it my pledge ship.
Shame its not much of a looker... :p
How does it compare to the Titan? Ignoring appearance it seems slightly more cargo focused, maybe a bit larger? Only seen a couple in game.
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