Yes. custodian SMG is a tiny item that in theory yea you dont care but what about a ship you just bought down and u are salvaging it and in another server that ship respawns there and someone sees it there and blows i for fun and poof the derelict ship you are trying to salvage its hull, components and cargo just goes poof gone?
The custodian smg is only one item that i mentioned but the same rule applied to ships, cargo, future player bases, dynamic events that leave derelicted ships etc etc
They have already said it will work (maybe not initially) that all server locations will have items in same state and location including things like outposts etc. However if someone is doing something like salvaging it in one location it becomes a locked state in all other regions and so the state will only update when nobody is in proximity. Now if that ever happens and works is a different thing but that was their intention. It might be annoying that you can't interact with something because of it being locked in another region server but hopefully that wont be so common since for the most part most regions longer term are meant to be like Europe, North America, Asia as such and thus different time zones when majority play and such things and plus the amount of players per region would be tens of thousands so finding a wreck and it not being gone in like 30 mins of being found is unlikely.
So with that there no reason weapons, armours, small cargo can't be left in unlocked state and anyone can take as such a small element. However derelicts, outposts, ships etc would be in a locked state even if open in another server.