******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Until all the engine stuff is completed, SQ42 can't be. So it will be gen12, salvaging (as it needs the "destruction" part for the vehicles), component system for vehicles, room volumes system, AI (including quanta, I guess), physics, etc and etc. A lot of this stuff is more about tech behind it, not the assets, story, lore, etc. At least that is how it appears to be
This is the last thing on the raodmap about Gen12.

- Tuesday: Lore Post - Plain Truth: Lorville Lies & Subscriber Comm-Link
- Wednesday: PU Monthly Report & SQ42 Monthly Report Newsletter
- Thursday: ISC (a look the of progress of planetary settlements and a Sprint Report) & Ship Showdown Elite 8 Free Fly
- Friday: SCL (Narrative Team Q&A)

Ship showdown is also going exactly as I expected so far.

PU monthly report. Some interesting snippets, some daft, some like "wow CIG finally caught up with games from 1990!" slowly getting there. Genuinely things like ladder traversal updates being done that are a pitta now.

But to pull a few out bits from there of more interest or surprise where they got too after 10yrs!

Gameplay Features continued with Resource Network work, with relay items for the Hammerhead and the Hull A being updated to align with the Vehicle Content team’s work mentioned above. They then started looking into the setup of the Crusader Ares and other similar-sized ships.

A solution was also found for smaller items that connect to a ship’s power, like coffee machines and small lamps. This will also be utilized in the upcoming colonial outposts.

Work on life support was finalized and is now awaiting downstream support. In the meantime, work began on the gravity generator.

Finally, Salvage is now in the QA-test-request phase, which involves fixing bugs and other issues.
Mission Features are currently investigating how to lessen the impact of CrimeStats obtained through bugs (though the majority of bugs aren’t within the team’s remit). In pursuit of this, they worked on a change that will make CS1 and 2 not cause security (or allow players) to attack, meaning players will be able to request landing and reach the kiosks to pay off crimes. Providing it doesn’t cause any negative knock-ons, this is planned for release soon.
The ongoing rework of Lorville’s cityscape is progressing well and is now in the greybox phase. The team are currently adding high-frequency details and landing pads, and connecting the various neighborhood together.
The new Scene Renderer utilizing Gen12, which should bring a significant performance and efficiency improvement compared to the current renderer, is very likely to make its debut in 3.18. Additionally, clouds have had a rework, allegedly fixing the issue where they looked blocky or pixelated. One source compared their look to the clouds in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Also new ISC:

Finally been able to get my fleet about as close to what i want as possible thanks to this freefly event making limited ships available. My goals have kinda been all over the place from day 1, but what i mainly wanted was for myself an mate to have most of the 'end game' type ships for the industries we thought would be interesting. It wasnt so we could be OP from day 1, but because it felt like that was the most likely way we'd actually be playing with the ships we'd bought ourselves, rather than stepping-stone ships like a prospector, which gets sold or left in storage etc. I liked the idea of still using the ships that i originally wanted, and using them day-to-day, that being my contribution towards the game etc.

However bit by bit, my simple plan to get there has been constantly tampered with by CIG and their obscene repricing, and I'd never thought to get CCUs until it was too late. At the same time, all the viable ships i liked were originally was concepted as 3-5 crew are now 2-3x more, and that kinda screwed us a fair bit.
The issue i have now is that all the mid-tier ships are circa-$300, what i'd expected for the top-tier, and all my large expensive ships are either priced at their original price or CCU'd on the cheap. So if i sold my Starfarer (original $175 concept price) i could get a MISC Expanse ($150, or whatever its priced at next time its being sold) or the Vulcan at $220. Both lesser ships, for slightly less/more money. The alternatives are underwhelming and overpriced in comparison, but they're more manageable.

I have:
Reclaimer, Merchantman & Dragonfly (from a $525 UEE Explorer pack, previously Carrack, Terrapin & Dragonfly)
Mercury Star-Runner (free 10 referral Gladius + $130 credit)
Starfarer ($175 concept)
Cutlass (AMD Omega + $20, those are now selling for ~$300-400, people were trading codes for about $15 for a while!) - its a fun ship for 2ppl in the current games state, but not really one i'd be bothered about owning at launch.
^ Most of those have a couple of CCU's in order to hit those prices. ie Omega to Cutlass ($20) has a $5 CCU adding $30 value, so $25 saved.

The Mercury Star-Runner was the final piece ive been waiting for, love the ship and i think its a nice size with a couple of functions to it, and since 2003 the 'Mercury' name has been what myself and a bunch of friends used to competitively sim-race under and still use the name in other games. Giving up on the idea of owning the Orion, and finally getting the 10th referral (was on 9 for 3-4yrs before the 10th arrived) let a few pieces of the jigsaw come together. If theres a path to the Hercules C2 from the Reclaimer (both $400, but no side-grades, even via CS) i might go down that route, or the M2 ($520) if the Reclaimer price-bump takes up a lot of the current gap.

Its a fair chunk of change spent, even though it melts down to about 1/2 its value. My mate has the same UEE explorer pack, but with a Terrapin -> Hull C CCU waiting.
Anyone else in a similar position, pledged for something that sounded perfect at concept, and the either grew or was properly spec'd and now its looking troublesome?
I feel they're simply too expensive for what you get, especially considering the state of the game currently. I have the Titan, Glad and Dragonfly currently so a mid sized ship would be ideal. Redeemer, Carrack or 600i are the only ones that fit the bill. The MSR size is a great size and utility but I hate the layout. Most ships have some dumb design decisions imo. The Carrack wing turret pods that extend out the side of ship are just dumb. There seems to be a real WW2 bomber ball turret thing going on.

I don't think it's going to be hard to earn ships in game, when they eventually get to a released state. I don't see how they could make money and ships a scarcity when so many people own huge fleets.

I'm toying with the idea of getting VKB Evo's and strongly believe that good sticks and headtracking should be bought before big ships. However I'm not sure I'm playing enough to justify it.
Yeah, even the original price-range for ships was a little crazy. Im pretty sure all of my ships came via early bitcoin mining, 2012-2014 probably, while it was still fairly unknown, so never really felt the same as money earnt working etc, it was kinda like play money.
I first heard about it as a news story over on bit-tech, taking about it hitting around $60m raised or something like that, and thought it was obscene and crazy what idiots spend money on. Less than a month later a mate mentioned it, and my response was "i dont do space". Never liked it, not in films, tv, games, nothing except for Red Dwarf & Star Wars. However what pulled me in was they were doing something other developers had just stopped doing, which was being ambitious and shooting for the stars, having a vision of something that felt meaningful. It'd been something that i strongly disliked, and things have only got worse (sequels/iterations of the same game).
So i bought an Aurora LN, "... and nothing else", 2-3wks later i had a Starfarer, a month later i bought $500 credit to eventually buy a Retaliator and BMM, then the 3rd wave of concept ships came out and the Reclaimer was everything i loved. Big, Ugly, Industrial. It just went on from there. Nothing crazy after that, just basically trying to exploit the system CIG set up to exploit its backers, and use it to my advantage etc.

Sadly i think my mates Carrack will be too big for us, too. We did buy a handful of aUEC ships before the wipe and the Redeemer was one i liked, but its role isnt something we're interested in. I really wish CIG hadnt drifted so far away from ships which had variants for different roles, like the Cutlass, Freelancer, Reliant etc. It feels like cargo & combat are the only roles where theres a variety of sizes & styles, to suit what you're looking for. We both like the Raft & Mole, although both wish the Mole interior was what the Raft has, its so similar but just done FAR better.

I've had the Saitek x55 for about 6-7yrs now and its spent the last 5yrs collecting dust. Even made custom aluminium plate mounting plates to mount it onto the Obutto cockpit, but now thats disassembled and im midway through building a new desk area. I bought the rig for sim racing & SC, and barely touched either in the last 6yrs, and it stopped making sense. The whole setup would have been perfect for SC, too. I could get kb, mouse, HOTAS and racing wheel, all mounted at the same time and useable, so i'd have had fps, flight & driving all somewhat optimal or close to realistic. Havent given a thought to whether theres somewhere comfortable to mount the HOTAS in the new setup. I did enjoy using it though, and while ive never been bothered about being the one flying, its ended up being the role ive done and its been fun, just never feel like its worth figuring out the HOTAS button map cos we barely play it and back then things used to change frequently, dunno about these days.

Its either going to need brilliantly done NPC characters who'll crew our ships, or more likely we're gonna have to assimilate into some generic SC guild/org and hope its a positive experience.
more likely we're gonna have to assimilate into some generic SC guild/org and hope its a positive experience.
This is my fear as well.
There is so much to be excited for in SC, but for me, gaming is something done on my own or with real life friends. I am not especially anti social, but i am not comfortable talking with random folks in games, i dont like telling people what to do and i do not like being told what to do (poor experiences in DOTA2 and counter strike reinforced this for me). I am banking on there being npc crew which allow me to experience all the content in SC (if i put the time in) and not rely on real players.

but the way things are going, as well as what i see in equivalent similar games would seem i am possibly going to be SOOL.

in all my time playing elite dangerous i have had a few really positive experiences with random squads... also a couple in battlefield badcompany on xbox 360............ but they are so few and far between and i have had far more experiences of rude / obnoxious players talking down to people, or swearing / being racist, or even just playing their loud music etc (not always aimed at me but i just dont like it) Gears of war was awful for this.

I just dont have any faith in gamers. a well made npc however will play their role correctly, i dont care if they are not having a fun gaming experience.
This is my fear as well.
There is so much to be excited for in SC, but for me, gaming is something done on my own or with real life friends. I am not especially anti social, but i am not comfortable talking with random folks in games, i dont like telling people what to do and i do not like being told what to do (poor experiences in DOTA2 and counter strike reinforced this for me). I am banking on there being npc crew which allow me to experience all the content in SC (if i put the time in) and not rely on real players.

but the way things are going, as well as what i see in equivalent similar games would seem i am possibly going to be SOOL.

in all my time playing elite dangerous i have had a few really positive experiences with random squads... also a couple in battlefield badcompany on xbox 360............ but they are so few and far between and i have had far more experiences of rude / obnoxious players talking down to people, or swearing / being racist, or even just playing their loud music etc (not always aimed at me but i just dont like it) Gears of war was awful for this.

I just dont have any faith in gamers. a well made npc however will play their role correctly, i dont care if they are not having a fun gaming experience.
Not everyone in gaming are pricks though. You just gotta find a org that you enjoy playing with.

There is a reason why @Uncle Petey always asking me to come online with him after we started playing together a couple of years ago. He loves my sexy voice on the mic ;)

But seriously there are a lot of like minded folks around. You will be surprised at how many chilled laid back SC games there are.

I peronaly like the direction that SC is going and i would like it to be reliant on group gameplay with the odd solo missions like doing mining on you're own, clearing a outpost etc of npc's, hauling a small amount of cargo or even take out some enemy fighter npc ships who are on small/medium size single seater ships etc.

I would absolutely hate it if players could solo a idris for example.

That would ruin the game for me and others.

These ships shoudl require a minimum amount of humans to man them.
Not everyone in gaming are pricks though. You just gotta find a org that you enjoy playing with.

There is a reason why @Uncle Petey always asking me to come online with him after we started playing together a couple of years ago. He loves my sexy voice on the mic ;)

But seriously there are a lot of like minded folks around. You will be surprised at how many chilled laid back SC games there are.

I peronaly like the direction that SC is going and i would like it to be reliant on group gameplay with the odd solo missions like doing mining on you're own, clearing a outpost etc of npc's, hauling a small amount of cargo or even take out some enemy fighter npc ships who are on small/medium size single seater ships etc.

I would absolutely hate it if players could solo a idris for example.

That would ruin the game for me and others.

These ships shoudl require a minimum amount of humans to man them.
I guess we are not gonna agree ultimately and that is ok different strokes and what not. but why would it spoil your game if you could get NPC crew. these would be competent but are let's face it not going to be as good as an organised human team, so if it is competitiveness you are worried about then am sure you will be fine. or is it just that you don't want to see too many of the big ships in the game ? this I think is a valid concern.

perhaps I got the wrong end of the stick when I backed in KSer but at the time I was looking for a new version of wing commander (S42) and a new version of privateer but with some multiplayer stuff if you wanted it (SC)

either i was ignorant of what I was buying or the game has changed radically since I backed - If you are correct and it is some largely forced Multiplayer game.
there is a reason I don't play EVE for instance

btw I didn't mean to call all MP gamers rude and obnoxious and if that was how I came across I apologise. the issue is mostly with me and what I enjoy. I am sure there are plenty who are great. MP gaming is just not really thing. I tolerate it if I have to if the rest of the game is good enough for my taste.
I guess we are not gonna agree ultimately and that is ok different strokes and what not. but why would it spoil your game if you could get NPC crew. these would be competent but are let's face it not going to be as good as an organised human team, so if it is competitiveness you are worried about then am sure you will be fine. or is it just that you don't want to see too many of the big ships in the game ? this I think is a valid concern.

perhaps I got the wrong end of the stick when I backed in KSer but at the time I was looking for a new version of wing commander (S42) and a new version of privateer but with some multiplayer stuff if you wanted it (SC)

either i was ignorant of what I was buying or the game has changed radically since I backed - If you are correct and it is some largely forced Multiplayer game.
there is a reason I don't play EVE for instance

btw I didn't mean to call all MP gamers rude and obnoxious and if that was how I came across I apologise. the issue is mostly with me and what I enjoy. I am sure there are plenty who are great. MP gaming is just not really thing. I tolerate it if I have to if the rest of the game is good enough for my taste.
It would spoil the game as no one will team up in these kids of ship battles.

It also encourages the whales to further mark this game as a pay to win.

What stops it being a true pay to win game is the fact that people with idriss's will need some human players to make it fully functional.

If you could just hire npc's that are just as capable if not better than a human player, then you have a large advantage over most SC players

In regards to what you backed for orginally and regarding group play vs solo play, this podcast explains it best :

He touched up on this midway into the podcast, it starts at 43min mark.
Imagine Starfield would have been dreamt about, project started, developed, released, and explored and completed by millions of people before Star Citizen goes into Beta.
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