******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

"two weeks" ;)


That's Evocati testing "in late September", IE October.

3.17 has now been faffed about with, continuously in Evocati testing for 6 months, its still going on now, we still aren't done, we are sick to the back teeth of it.....

Don't expect 3.18 live this year, not even close, the last time they gave a date for targeting 3.18 it was "late Jun" here we are just about in September.

Just for once i would like to see CIG publish a major patch that isn't a year or more late!
There was a thread about the light fighter meta, it's a different team but they said the priority is not on polishing the PU combat experience but to get the future combat experience into a good shape. Which is exactly true and from a Dev life cycle and is a valid reason but their workflow for these new systems and rolling them out into the PU seems a mess. Which isn't a good sign this far into the project. Not having the staff is normal but the game has reached a stage where they need a PU team that gets some of these fixes and upgrades into the PU more regularly. Or just get the new stuff finished. It's clear they still have major codes issues and from what little I've seen, management issues. ;)
That's Evocati testing "in late September", IE October.

3.17 has now been faffed about with, continuously in Evocati testing for 6 months, its still going on now, we still aren't done, we are sick to the back teeth of it.....

Don't expect 3.18 live this year, not even close, the last time they gave a date for targeting 3.18 it was "late Jun" here we are just about in September.

Just for once i would like to see CIG publish a major patch that isn't a year or more late!
Yes i dont expect 3.18 LIVE until mid January. If we are lucky at best, a open PTU for xmas period.

THis means that CIG should move some of the 3.18 stuff into a 3.17.3 patch that should roll out intime for IAE.

Just add the new prison missions and kareah gameplay along with the new caves and that should be fime for a 3.17.3 patch.

Yes i dont expect 3.18 LIVE until mid January. If we are lucky at best, a open PTU for xmas period.

THis means that CIG should move some of the 3.18 stuff into a 3.17.3 patch that should roll out intime for IAE.

Just add the new prison missions and kareah gameplay along with the new caves and that should be fime for a 3.17.3 patch.


I agree a .3 patch should be done and it should include some simple balance fixes. When it's just a number change to say the Blade, that would require almost no testing.

Caves I have mixed feelings on. I'll go and explore them and will be cool however with no gameplay loops for them, they're a bit pointless for most of the player base. Unless they're large enough to setup some fps battles etc.
Yes i dont expect 3.18 LIVE until mid January. If we are lucky at best, a open PTU for xmas period.

THis means that CIG should move some of the 3.18 stuff into a 3.17.3 patch that should roll out intime for IAE.

Just add the new prison missions and kareah gameplay along with the new caves and that should be fime for a 3.17.3 patch.


Trust me you don't want to know what my thoughts are right now :)
There was a thread about the light fighter meta, it's a different team but they said the priority is not on polishing the PU combat experience but to get the future combat experience into a good shape. Which is exactly true and from a Dev life cycle and is a valid reason but their workflow for these new systems and rolling them out into the PU seems a mess. Which isn't a good sign this far into the project. Not having the staff is normal but the game has reached a stage where they need a PU team that gets some of these fixes and upgrades into the PU more regularly. Or just get the new stuff finished. It's clear they still have major codes issues and from what little I've seen, management issues. ;)
HI. i am not backing or sounding like a cig fanboy but IMO, the reason why things appear half finished is because each gameloop actually ties together with other game loops.

Take for instance mining.

When it first arrived it was very basic! but if you look at it, it is still the same mechanic, except that if you now look at it as a whole, its far more in depth as in
  • now you have refineries.
  • Now you have vehicles that pick up gems.
  • We now have mining gadgets
  • The ability to sell
And we will have this gameplay loop expanded even more via:
  • salvaging hull stripping
  • Cargo refactor
  • Dynamic economy

If you was to take each point above seperately, some people would think that it is small and incomplete but in teh grand scheme of things its enhancing the overal gameplay loop/proffesion or connecting it all together.

THe flight combat is the same.

  • Added ability to carry /transport components
  • Added teh power triangle
  • added operator mode(missile for now)
WHats to come in the future:
  • Relay power systems(first beinga ded to HULL A and then the Hammerhead
  • life support system
  • physical damage
  • physical components
  • Salvaging hull strip and repair(notice how i included this in two seperate types of gameplay proffession?)
TDLR things seem incomplete because CIG releases these bullet points above a patch or two at a time, not all in once
When it first arrived it was very basic! but if you look at it, it is still the same mechanic, except that if you now look at it as a whole, its far more in depth as in
  • now you have refineries.
  • Now you have vehicles that pick up gems.
  • We now have mining gadgets
  • The ability to sell
Yeah and it is still very limited and bland and nothing like their design docs suggested and shallow. Sorry but that isn't something to sell as good because it just isn't.
I have not read the design docs.

What are some things that are missing in mining gameplay?

There a number of elements in here. Some are half implemented and some completely missing still.
Well, someone finally responded to my thread on spectrum with useful info.

To save you having to log in.

Hi guys, i'm sizing up a GPU upgrade, my current GPU is an RTX 2070 Super. (MSI Gaming X)
At 1440P Very High it runs Star Citizen quite well, until i enable Volumetric Clouds, those things absolutely murder it, i'm lucky to get more than 15 FPS with them on high.
I don't know why, and i do have the impression this later generation of GPU's handle those clouds very much better.
I'm looking for anyone with either an RTX 3070, an RX 6700XT or an RX 6800 to confirm that to be true, or not true for me please, those are the GPU's in my budget range and i don't care if its Nvidia or AMD, its all the same to me i'm just looking for the best performance i can get for my money.

If you have one of those GPU's could you go to MicroTech, go to somewhere with clouds, about 10 or 20KM altitude and use these settings if you can, 1440P Very High, Clouds on High.
Record or screen cap your frame rates please.

The video below, which should be set to start at 15:30, will give you an idea of what i'm looking for.

Thank you.  



Some posted the image below, this is 1440P Very High with clouds on high, which is as high as they get.

RX 6700XT, 45 FPS, that is very much higher than my RTX 2070S.

So i'm very comfortable buying an RX 6800 now, which is good because IMO the 16GB of VRam it has is very much more useful and longer lasting than the 8GB on an RTX 3070 which costs about the same.

Given SQ42 is the thing that is using up most of the development resources i thought i might look to the roadmap to see if i could find signs of an end to it.

The roadmap currently goes to Q1 2023, so no SQ42 before then, i added up all the components that go right to the end of where the current roadmap ends, those are the ones that are most likely to be extended when the roadmap gets updated, if not today by the next quart, its supposed to show 1 year out, its currently just over 2 quarters.

There are a huge number of these bars, more than 100, most are for Star Citizen only, of the SQ42 ones only about half, 13 of them reach the end of the current quarter, and most of those are Bug Fixing and Tech Debt, which is interesting, just looking at that you would be forgiven for thinking the bulk of the development is done.

So lets see how many of these get pushed how far whenever the next two quarters are added, and if they drop a whole load more to the roadmap.

Voted Redeemer.
Booo. But only because I "own" a glad and therefore would get the skin. Not that it has any chance of winning :D

Given SQ42 is the thing that is using up most of the development resources i thought i might look to the roadmap to see if i could find signs of an end to it.

The roadmap currently goes to Q1 2023, so no SQ42 before then, i added up all the components that go right to the end of where the current roadmap ends, those are the ones that are most likely to be extended when the roadmap gets updated, if not today by the next quart, its supposed to show 1 year out, its currently just over 2 quarters.

There are a huge number of these bars, more than 100, most are for Star Citizen only, of the SQ42 ones only about half, 13 of them reach the end of the current quarter, and most of those are Bug Fixing and Tech Debt, which is interesting, just looking at that you would be forgiven for thinking the bulk of the development is done.

So lets see how many of these get pushed how far whenever the next two quarters are added, and if they drop a whole load more to the roadmap.


It's also not that accurate. I've flicked through that thing before and there's things that have "completed" but are still being worked on. It's not that the project has ended, only part of it that was listed on the timeline. Again I feel these timelines are more a hindrance considering the code delays they have. It gives people a "X to Y" type date which is not how dev work happens.

New patch coming as well.

3.17.2a LIVE.8186206 Patch Notes

Feature Updates
- Combat Assistance Service Beacons
Lowered frequency of Low Threat missions. Increased frequency of Moderate, High, Critical Threat missions. Fixed an issue that was causing Combat Assistance Service Beacons to pay much more than intended. Additional balance pass to Combat Assistance Payments and adjusting probabilities of mission difficulties spawn frequency.
- Changed MAX Button on Shop Kiosks to +10
- Friends List is Now Sorted Alphabetically
- Reduced the HP of Multiple Parts on the Esperia Blade

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing multiple Elevators to break and not function
- Party launching should now work more consistently
- Fixed an issue causing player medical beacons to not complete mission/payment when player is brought back from incapacitation
- Fixed an issue causing UGF Missions AI to go missing and block missions from completing
- Fixed a bug with the Search and Destroy mission where probes destroyed counter reports wrong if you destroy the probes before the mission says you located them
- Ships should no longer get stored at Klescher upon completion of prison sentence
- Hull-A Empyrean, Horizon, and Dusk Paints should no longer be missing
- NPCs on dropships should no longer be completely unresponsive for an extended period
- Fixed an issues causing players to have an infinite load screen after recovering from a client crash while in a ship or vehicle
- Player List in Commlink app will no longer reset scroll position back to the top when the player list updates
- Fixed an issue that was causing Combat Assistance Service Beacons to pay much more than intended
- Players should no longer be arrested when using the Orison Spaceport Docking Port elevators
- Sending aUEC to a player not in the sender's instance will no longer cause the aUEC to disappear into the void
- Renting ships should no longer give a transaction error
- Aegis Gladius Foundation Skin should no longer obscure the Cockpit's View
- 3 other fixes

- Fixed 8 Client Crashes
- Fixed 9 Server Crashes
- Fixed 2 Server Deadlocks
- Fixed a Backend Service Crash that was causing aUEC wallets to reset to zero
- Made many backend super pcache improvements to make it more robust

Its a long video and its worth watching it all but the fun and interesting bit starts here....

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