******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Meh, thought there wasn't a lot to it. But quick overview
  • The new underground facilities was good because they can add a lot of gameplay but it is literally years out.
  • The updated flight model actually sounds decent though. I can see that making the game more fun and engaging. They need a racing mode that allows proper boost like the QT mode has but have the QT drive disabled so like a 3rd mode.
  • Lorville rework looked good but not sure it was needed
  • LODs for planets ground scatter and such still rubbish
  • Haven't resolved tiling ground textures which look pants
  • The new foliage they showed and were happy with looked meh at best
  • The new mission flow seemed pointless if we are getting a new cyberpunk styled scan system
  • The wall hack scan was rubbish tbh and not needed
  • The power management gameplay and room system etc generally looked decent but seems to be 12+ months away if not longer
  • We still don't have any physical properties for materials in game with terms of the damage system, weight etc although some seem to be there for fire propagation
Now that covers the core parts. The one thing I really disliked is the skills system. The issue is it is a mechanic that forces artificial skill difference based on time in game. So you end up with player whom are generally more skilled because they play more getting an even larger boost to their abilities in say FPS combat. Now that means someone whom just has less time to play has even less chance to win in a firefight and are likely to get fed up. Now they also stated it would only be minor benefit but then why even bother. If it is only 1-2% then it is a system they will spend developer time on just isn't worth it and people wont feel rewarded. Those whom want it will want more affect than it provides and those that don't want it feel it is either a waste of time or will get annoyed that it has a larger affect.

Player skill in terms of the real persons skill was meant to define whom was better in a dog fight or FPS combat situation, you start adding buffs and that goes out the window to some extent. Shall wait to see but I am not particularly happy and anyone whom has been on Spectrum I am sure have seen my rants on it.
New flight mode speed model. I think none lethal ships like cargo runners are going to hate this new system unless shields can still be active while in quantum mode.

The new underground bunker missions..... I can see that area have 5-7h of gameplay to be had in that area alone!!! That is why I signed up for SC. to fly to some landing zone/outpost/facility and simply stay there doing lots of different types of missions that is akin to CP77.

The new skills/ability. Good that they are adding this! Need more MMO RPG elements in the PU but not a "level XP" system.

Meh, thought there wasn't a lot to it. But quick overview
  • The new underground facilities was good because they can add a lot of gameplay but it is literally years out.
  • The updated flight model actually sounds decent though. I can see that making the game more fun and engaging. They need a racing mode that allows proper boost like the QT mode has but have the QT drive disabled so like a 3rd mode.
Now that covers the core parts. The one thing I really disliked is the skills system....

*trimmed the quotes down*
Entertainingly contrasting views on a few points there! :cry: I feel for CIG trying to make the game that everyone wants!

I'm really liking the flight speed changes. I was initially extremely concerned about them, but after the initial explanation, some extra comments on Spectrum and then Reddit + Youtube discussions adding some more points of view I think we're in for a nice improvement. This post on Reddit collates a lot of the information in one place and paints a positive picture in my mind: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitize...ngs_to_know_about_scm_and_qcm_that_some_seem/
The fact that there is fear from PvPers that targets will escape too easily, aswell as others thinking they're going to be too vulnerable is a good place to start for balance. I think CIG will be able to easily tune the balance either way just with fairly minor changes around how quick the mode switch is and how quickly things spool up or down.
On one hand, it's easy to imagine a situation where an attacker could start shooting, only for the target to fly across the attacker (forcing a 180 turn of the attacker) and be moving at high speed in QCM so that the target would never catch up. Sure there are missiles, but that still takes time to lock, time to fire, and then time to catch the target - but the fleeing ship could be in quantum/boost before they hit.
At the same time, you could end up with scenarios like a fighter starts attacking an armed hauler with a turret, say a Freelancer, has been caught but instead of using QCM sticks with SCM and move away from the attacker. They've got decent shields, a rear facing turret that will track a target nicely (that'll likely be moving slower than in current gameplay and potentially at a shorter range) and may be able to just force the attacker to disengage, or atleast buy time to switch modes and jump away.

The proposed changes need to be considered with other mechanics too, a longer time to kill on targets once armour comes along being the key one. Plus we don't know any of the speed values yet, entirely possible ships like the MSR will be able to outrun if not match a lot of pure combat ships anyway.

As for the underground bunker stuff. That looked really good, can't wait to explore it. Lots of potential for gameplay and missions there, the game could really do with some significant variation on the current dull as dishwater bunker missions. Smaller scale "Siege of Orison" style missions will be fantastic, plus they'll no doubt be locations for box missions, trade etc. I don't think they're necessarily years away either, the main requirement for them will be art based, and CIG have a big art team who can churn out locations that don't really have any hard prerequisites from things like server meshing or persistence.

As for the skills system. That can do one, not something I want to see in SC. I don't think it offers any value at all.
*trimmed the quotes down*
Entertainingly contrasting views on a few points there! :cry: I feel for CIG trying to make the game that everyone wants!

I'm really liking the flight speed changes. I was initially extremely concerned about them, but after the initial explanation, some extra comments on Spectrum and then Reddit + Youtube discussions adding some more points of view I think we're in for a nice improvement. This post on Reddit collates a lot of the information in one place and paints a positive picture in my mind: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitize...ngs_to_know_about_scm_and_qcm_that_some_seem/
The fact that there is fear from PvPers that targets will escape too easily, aswell as others thinking they're going to be too vulnerable is a good place to start for balance. I think CIG will be able to easily tune the balance either way just with fairly minor changes around how quick the mode switch is and how quickly things spool up or down.
On one hand, it's easy to imagine a situation where an attacker could start shooting, only for the target to fly across the attacker (forcing a 180 turn of the attacker) and be moving at high speed in QCM so that the target would never catch up. Sure there are missiles, but that still takes time to lock, time to fire, and then time to catch the target - but the fleeing ship could be in quantum/boost before they hit.
At the same time, you could end up with scenarios like a fighter starts attacking an armed hauler with a turret, say a Freelancer, has been caught but instead of using QCM sticks with SCM and move away from the attacker. They've got decent shields, a rear facing turret that will track a target nicely (that'll likely be moving slower than in current gameplay and potentially at a shorter range) and may be able to just force the attacker to disengage, or atleast buy time to switch modes and jump away.

The proposed changes need to be considered with other mechanics too, a longer time to kill on targets once armour comes along being the key one. Plus we don't know any of the speed values yet, entirely possible ships like the MSR will be able to outrun if not match a lot of pure combat ships anyway.

As for the underground bunker stuff. That looked really good, can't wait to explore it. Lots of potential for gameplay and missions there, the game could really do with some significant variation on the current dull as dishwater bunker missions. Smaller scale "Siege of Orison" style missions will be fantastic, plus they'll no doubt be locations for box missions, trade etc. I don't think they're necessarily years away either, the main requirement for them will be art based, and CIG have a big art team who can churn out locations that don't really have any hard prerequisites from things like server meshing or persistence.

As for the skills system. That can do one, not something I want to see in SC. I don't think it offers any value at all.
Yea after reading some of the coments about the flight model, i think it could be alright.

In 3.18, the area's used on siege of orison will have missions!
Overall I'm happy with the discussed speed changes. I agree it should put them in a good place to balance and tweak things. AvengerOne had a reasonable vid about it but keep in mind he's a 1%'er pvp guy.

The skills are An interesting one. How they've talked about them puts them in not a good place. I don't want to go back to Morrowind days of jumping up a hill for a few hours to max jump etc. Or Eve where I lose fights because I've not played the game as much as someone. However, I'm not adverse to getting skills but currently think they would be better as skill tree's. Spec into Piloting and get a wee bit more gforce you can handle, Spec into FPS to wearing heavy armour etc.
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I think skills will be ok if you have a max total skill points, and you can balance it between other stats.
Ie to give yourself 5% extra hitpoint, it reduces your ability to withstand GForce by 5% - arbitrary numbers ofcourse. This way someone with 100s of hours of experience isn't just going to be able to beat a new player at everything and lead to the grinding mechanics that sound unfun. Have the skills there as a tactical focus only.
Overall I'm happy with the discussed speed changes. I agree it should put them in a good place to balance and tweak things. AvengerOne had a reasonable vid about it but keep in mind he's a 1%'er pvp guy.

The skills are An interesting one. How they've talked about them puts them in not a good place. I don't want to go back to Morrowind days of jumping up a hill for a few hours to max jump etc. Or Eve where I lose fights because I've not played the game as much as someone. However, I'm not adverse to getting skills but currently think they would be better as skill tree's. Spec into Piloting and get a wee bit more gforce you can handle, Spec into FPS to wearing heavy armour etc.
i accept i am not the primary gaming demographic for SC but (and it is a big BUT) so long as PvP is not massively rammed down my throat i am ok with stats that develop over time.

I guess i am an RPG player at heart and i like seeing numbers go up on skills, i find it gives me stuff to play for.

i do see the problem however and respect others will disagree...... you dont want to be getting noob stomped all the time just because you just started and someone else has 2000 hrs in the game. a tough one to balance for sure
(Waka's Day) Initial PES playtest! Today: 15:00 CDT | 20:00 UTC for 2-3 hours depending on build stability. This initial test will be focused on login flow, loading into the Universe, and spawning a ship. A playtest post will be up a bit later before the test. There will be many features not fully implemented in this build and there will be quite a few issues so when we have this post up please reference it for major issues and workarounds!

I used someone’s referral code a while back and got a land bike thing worth $40 and lifetime insurance. After speaking to a friend he said that it was transferable, so I thought I would sell my 100i starter pack, then trade the bike up to get a cutlas black… went through with the purchase, ended up not selecting store credit and paying £64 to upgrade, then I went to login and no longer had a valid game subscription so then had to buy another start pack (with the store credit) and end up with a different ship because I got the 100i starter pack on sale lol.

My friend gifted me a mining land vehicle though so I’m going to try mining and see what that’s like. Any tips for a complete mining noob?
I used someone’s referral code a while back and got a land bike thing worth $40 and lifetime insurance. After speaking to a friend he said that it was transferable, so I thought I would sell my 100i starter pack, then trade the bike up to get a cutlas black… went through with the purchase, ended up not selecting store credit and paying £64 to upgrade, then I went to login and no longer had a valid game subscription so then had to buy another start pack (with the store credit) and end up with a different ship because I got the 100i starter pack on sale lol.

My friend gifted me a mining land vehicle though so I’m going to try mining and see what that’s like. Any tips for a complete mining noob?
This should be relevant

I used someone’s referral code a while back and got a land bike thing worth $40 and lifetime insurance. After speaking to a friend he said that it was transferable, so I thought I would sell my 100i starter pack, then trade the bike up to get a cutlas black… went through with the purchase, ended up not selecting store credit and paying £64 to upgrade, then I went to login and no longer had a valid game subscription so then had to buy another start pack (with the store credit) and end up with a different ship because I got the 100i starter pack on sale lol.

My friend gifted me a mining land vehicle though so I’m going to try mining and see what that’s like. Any tips for a complete mining noob?

Yeah this is NOT your fault, IMO, the way SC works is you have to buy a "Game Package" to actually get access to the game, the game package usually costs around $10 than if you were to buy the stand alone ship.

So you have to upgrade the ship in the game package, or buy the game package with the ship in it, once you have one game package everyother ship you buy can be stand alone.

Its the most convoluted idiotic thing i have ever seen in purchasing games, there is no need for it to be this complex, there should be no such thing as a game package, the ship you buy should be your game package.

So that i'm not that guy who just rants, here are some useful instructions.

1, find which is your game package
2, in your hanger click on ship upgrades
3, on the left click on your game package ship
4, on the right select the ship you want to upgrade to and click on add to basket
5, in your basket click on the add button for store credit.
6, fill out the amount

There is more, once you're done all of that you need to go back to your hanger and find the game package, click on it to open it up, in there you need to apply the ship upgrade for it to take effect.






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Yeah I tried to see if there was way to melt both ships I have (avenger game package & Nox stand alone) and use them to combine into one put to purchase one ship (and pay any extra needed) but I couldn't work out the system to do anything for it.

Edit: did find way in the end but then never understood the value difference. In that I get it because TAX but the way it has been shown the price at end makes no sense.
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And look at that. 3.18 is delayed till maybe December now (when I say maybe December, I also mean more likely January). 3.17.4 for the sale still happening of course....
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And look at that. 3.18 is delayed till maybe December now (when I say maybe December, I also mean more likely January). 3.17.4 for the sale still happening of course....

Our next major update, Alpha 3.18, has begun testing with our Evocati group. This test has proven successful in narrowing down the hurdles that need to be tackled before we open this patch to a wider PTU, and we want to give special thanks to all of those who hopped in.

In a previous Roadmap Roundup, we shared that Alpha 3.18 is targeting a November first-half release just ahead of this year's Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (IAE). After more consideration, especially when evaluating data from our recent Evocati test, we have decided to spend just a few more weeks and target early December for a live release instead. This change will not impact the IAE which will now release in Alpha 3.17.4 patch. This will all be reflected in our next Roadmap update on October 26, but we wanted to communicate early.

I think the Drake Vulture and Corsair will be in the 3.17.4 patch given those will be flight ready and on sale for IAE.

There are other things on the 3.18 roadmap that don't need PES so they could be moved to 3.17.4, but the chances of that happening are slim.

Daymar Crash Site
New Rivers in Stanton
Sand Cave Archetype
Greycat PTV Race Track

Sandbox Prison Activities
Security Post Kareah Reactivation
New Missions Orison
Salvage Hull Striping

We might get some of those things, or none at all. The only thing that needs PES is the Cargo Refactor.

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I think the Drake Vulture and Corsair will be in the 3.17.4 patch given those will be flight ready and on sale for IAE.

There are other things on the 3.18 roadmap that don't need PES so they could be moved to 3.17.4, but the chances of that happening are slim.

Daymar Crash Site
New Rivers in Stanton
Sand Cave Archetype
Greycat PTV Race Track

Sandbox Prison Activities
Security Post Kareah Reactivation
New Missions Orison
Salvage Hull Striping

We might get some of those things, or none at all. The only thing that needs PES is the Cargo Refactor.

Salvage Hull stripping provably needs it cause you need wreck persistence to really make it work.

Tbh 3.17.4 likely the IAE stuff as minimal viable product whilst concentrating dev time still on 3.18 PES and associates rather than trying to pull out elements but we'll find out soon enough hey.
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