******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Tuesday: Lore post
Wednesday: PU & Sq42 Monthly reports
Thursday: Halloween celebrations start (Day of the vara)
Saturday: Citizencon at 3pm UTC

Should be a monthly report I think as well at somepoint.

Had a big tank battle with the Org yesterday. We paired up, driver and gunner and I think it was 8v8. Was great fun; although the Nova tank has zero grip and gets stuck on anything. Driving on Lorville and there's millsions of small flat-ish rocks, each one grinds the tank to an almost full stop. Catch the angel wrong and it's also quite easy to flip.
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Does anyone here use flight sticks? If so do you have any recommendations for storage when they're not in use? I have manky cats that love going out in the rain and brushing themselves on everything on my desk so I want something to protect my sticks so I can finally unpack them and use them.
Does anyone here use flight sticks? If so do you have any recommendations for storage when they're not in use? I have manky cats that love going out in the rain and brushing themselves on everything on my desk so I want something to protect my sticks so I can finally unpack them and use them.
A cover / sock over the stick is the only thing I've seen and is what I'm thinking about making.

Does anyone here use flight sticks? If so do you have any recommendations for storage when they're not in use? I have manky cats that love going out in the rain and brushing themselves on everything on my desk so I want something to protect my sticks so I can finally unpack them and use them.
I use something like this

https://virpil-controls.eu/vpc-desk-mount-v4-s.html And i just move and remount it a the very edge of my desk when i am not using it
My VKB just lives on the desk behind my monitor when not in use. I think in your shows I'd look to stop the cats walking around on your desk when sopping wet from being in the rain, rather than targeting the joystick!

Leaked SQ42 footage looks of interest, some nice locations to explore, big scale battles (hopefully it's playable and not just a cutscene) and different ships.

Sq42 Footage leake from Dec 2021.

Looks good

Ok, the first 8 minutes of this is just meaningless camera panning with some really bad music dubbed over it, no audio from the game at all, just terrible music.

I can't blame CIG for not wanting this leaked, it says nothing at all about what the game is like to experience, if anything that music and the low quality of the image makes you feel like this is a bit crap, this has got those idiots from SC Leaks written all over it, only they have the talent to turn whatever this was in to that crap, i really can't stand those guys, Hater or whatever his name is is a ###### and that other guy, the younger one, he's as thick as he is weird.

The last minute is some scenes from a huge space battle, that looks awesome, its the only thing worth watching, skip to there.
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Another question please guys, I’ve got 2 gladiator nxt evo’s and I think I want to desk mount them. Ideally something that can be removed easily so when I’m working at my desk I can remove them. Thanks
Hi mate, I did see them and they looked awesome but I couldn’t see the mounting option for my sticks. I’ll take another look in case I overlooked. Thanks mate.
VKB also do their own desk mounts, which include a variant which has a plate for mounting Gladiators.


The UCM-Stronghold is very robust, but does take up a lot of space - you have to sit quite a way back from the desk (even with the "Short" version).
So what did everyone think of Citizencon? Was an alright showing in my opinion, Pyro is shaping up to be nice, the new underground facilities and Lorville remake both look very nice and the Spirit looks a nice ship. The ship speed changes are an interesting one though, kinda worried how it's going to play out, but having read through various opinions on Reddit, Spectrum and Discord I think it has potential to work providing it's balanced right.
So what did everyone think of Citizencon? Was an alright showing in my opinion, Pyro is shaping up to be nice, the new underground facilities and Lorville remake both look very nice and the Spirit looks a nice ship. The ship speed changes are an interesting one though, kinda worried how it's going to play out, but having read through various opinions on Reddit, Spectrum and Discord I think it has potential to work providing it's balanced right.
I'm worried about those new flight model speed changes
The real problem I had was when Chris and the other guy was chatting. They just waffled along for ages and repeated a load of things. It was clear they're motivated and happy with the work they're doing but wasn't great for watching.

The QT mode changes I think are a good thing overall. Normal flight, Boost, QT is the best way I can think of or have seen in other games. It will, of course, depend on how they implement it. If anything I'm more concerned with the forced combat speeds. We don't want all ships to have the same speeds. They also seem quite focused on the light fighter meta. Medium fighters being jack of all trades, sometimes with turrets and I don't remember them mentioning heavies. Aka they still don't really know how to class or what to do with fighters.

Boost mode has a gameplay system attached as well. So you Boost over to moons etc. while keeping aligned to the destination. It's things like this that I'm happy to see them working on; involved gameplay mechanics.

The movement traversal looked amazing. What they showed off for movement was jumping off ladders and grabbing ledges, using your hands while eva'ing to move around. And anywhere they said, not only on fixed mantle points etc.
Not found which vid it's in so here's a timestamp. And 4h 16Mins shows the space eva.

Here's a timestamp from the broadcast that covers the fps npc AI tactics.

The new Spirit ship looks great though. I'm disappointed they made it a bomber instead of something else. I don't see the point in bombs as they're far to limited. They need more ships of this size though so the Cutty has competition.
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So what did everyone think of Citizencon? Was an alright showing in my opinion, Pyro is shaping up to be nice, the new underground facilities and Lorville remake both look very nice and the Spirit looks a nice ship. The ship speed changes are an interesting one though, kinda worried how it's going to play out, but having read through various opinions on Reddit, Spectrum and Discord I think it has potential to work providing it's balanced right.
With that leak I was expecting something more from SQ42, some side mission at least. Or some mission from SC. Didn't quite had the wow factor from last year, but still ok.
Yeah, I was thinking they might at least go with "well, you weren't meant to see that leak. But now you have, we may as well release a decent quality version of it..."
I've not seen (and not going to bother) the leaked vid but was told it was year old footage.

Considering how much Chris rambled on, it doesn't surprise me that it's taking a while ;) I can see us getting quite a lot into the ptu within a year. If they truly have all the tools running now the devs should be able to push things out relatively quickly. I think one of the bigger time sinks is going to be updating all the existing ships and areas to use the new stuff. There's still a lot of ships that need a repass. So much depends on server meshing though.
What are peoples thoughts on citizencon after watching and digesting it all on the weekend? what are your pros and cons of it?
Here is mine:

Pyro stuff didn't impress me as its just planets and nice looking rock formations that we already see in stanton.

New flight mode speed model. I think none lethal ships like cargo runners are going to hate this new system unless shields can still be active while in quantum mode.


Lorville v2 looks great but at the same time, wished they had done the interiors as well but they did note that they will in the next phase.

New investigation mission looks good and gives you more choices etc on what to do but it seems they will just add one or two types only(we need 100's of these missions)

The engineering gameplay. wow just wow. amazing and I cant wait for this.

The new underground bunker missions..... I can see that area have 5-7h of gameplay to be had in that area alone!!! That is why I signed up for SC. to fly to some landing zone/outpost/facility and simply stay there doing lots of different types of missions that is akin to CP77.

The new skills/ability. Good that they are adding this! Need more MMO RPG elements in the PU but not a "level XP" system.

Closing points
Overall the event was more condensed and straight to the point and the stuff they showed on SQ42 leads me to believe that possible from 3.18 or 3.19 onwards, we will be getting near gold standard gameplay additions and not just half baked stuff!

Did you note how the new resource management system also contains CREW PERMISSIONS!!! AND also taking out components and fixing them manually!!
That is a prime example of creating a fully fledged game mode/mechanic in the game because previously CIG would drop a patch with crew permissions, and then another patch with taking out ship components and another patch for fixing components and finally, a patch that distribute power relays etc.

Now they are adding it all in one package. So when we see the new resource system in the pu, its going to contain all the above.

Here are some of the vidoes from the event

Good summary of the talk with christ roberts @Cantankerous

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