******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I'm playing regularly but it's all Org events; making content when none exists yet ;)

As we've said here before, until 4.0 gets here, with server meshing, new flight models etc. the game's not in a great state. The sandbox is there to have some great times but they really need to pull their finger out and get stuff completed. And I say that knowing some of the issues they'll have doing that.

I do love the Khartu-Al as well but it's awful in pvp fights since it's HUGE front profile.


I think the Drake Vulture and Corsair will be in the 3.17.4 patch given those will be flight ready and on sale for IAE.

There are other things on the 3.18 roadmap that don't need PES so they could be moved to 3.17.4, but the chances of that happening are slim.

Daymar Crash Site
New Rivers in Stanton
Sand Cave Archetype
Greycat PTV Race Track

Sandbox Prison Activities
Security Post Kareah Reactivation
New Missions Orison
Salvage Hull Striping

We might get some of those things, or none at all. The only thing that needs PES is the Cargo Refactor.

More headache removing some of those into the 3.17.x branch to be honest.
There's been leaks about when IAE event/sales will be and there's another free fly week in Nov. Drake Corsair PU release also confirmed for IAE. Subject to change of course, it is RSI.

Star Citizen will be free-to-play for 13 days from 18/11/2022 to 30/11/2022 - UTC: OCTOBER 18TH, 3PM

IAE starts November 18th.
Yikes, just installed this after a few years away on my new OC'd 7950X system and it still runs like total ****. And the graphics are from like 2014, even on max. How are people still throwing money at this, runs and feels like an Indie game in alpha.
Yikes, just installed this after a few years away on my new OC'd 7950X system and it still runs like total ****. And the graphics are from like 2014, even on max. How are people still throwing money at this, runs and feels like an Indie game in alpha.

The graphics are not from 2014, its not the same game that is was in 2014.

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with a 7950X i'm assuming your IO, RAM and GPU are also pretty high end..... i don't know man, play it for a bit, let the shaders cache, maybe get away from cloud city? (Orison)

I run a mid level NVMe, 32GB RAM, Ryzen 5800X and an RTX 2070 Super, it runs fine for me at 1440P. :)
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Yikes, just installed this after a few years away on my new OC'd 7950X system and it still runs like total ****. And the graphics are from like 2014, even on max. How are people still throwing money at this, runs and feels like an Indie game in alpha.
Maybe you should stop running the game in a potato machine and actually run the game on any gpu 1070 above and get yourself at least a 1080p monitor and ditch that CRT monitor you still use.
Yikes, just installed this after a few years away on my new OC'd 7950X system and it still runs like total ****. And the graphics are from like 2014, even on max. How are people still throwing money at this, runs and feels like an Indie game in alpha.

Not sure what you was playing. Maybe ED as that deffo looks like it from 2014 ha. There a lot of issues, visual fidelity isn't one of them.

Also performance till 3.17.1 was solid for like 4 patches where I was seeing 60-100fps depending where was in game with a 5950x and 6900xt. There old posts and videos showing that in this thread. It actually runs better than ED and NMS on my system. These last few patches been rough but come 3.19 I think things will be better again.
Not sure what you was playing. Maybe ED as that deffo looks like it from 2014 ha. There a lot of issues, visual fidelity isn't one of them.

Also performance till 3.17.1 was solid for like 4 patches where I was seeing 60-100fps depending where was in game with a 5950x and 6900xt. There old posts and videos showing that in this thread. It actually runs better than ED and NMS on my system. These last few patches been rough but come 3.19 I think things will be better again.

But it must be a bit rough playing at 800x600 :)
I wonder what happens when this game is actually finished (lol). People who beta tested it all the way through may well be bored of it by then, and those coming in from new could find it overwhelming due to how much content there is. I wouldn't even know where to start. It does look good in parts though, I am just completely unsure now exactly what the game is supposed to be, seems like a disjointed mass of whatever.

Also why is there real currency against ships? Is it littered with huge micro transactions?
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Not sure what you was playing. Maybe ED as that deffo looks like it from 2014 ha. There a lot of issues, visual fidelity isn't one of them.

Also performance till 3.17.1 was solid for like 4 patches where I was seeing 60-100fps depending where was in game with a 5950x and 6900xt. There old posts and videos showing that in this thread. It actually runs better than ED and NMS on my system. These last few patches been rough but come 3.19 I think things will be better again.

Yeah ED looks like a 2014 space shooter despite getting a 2021 face lift for Odyssey, yes somehow in many cases it also manages to run worse than Star Citizen. it has many of the bugs Star Citizen has, like NPC's rubber banding, standing with their knees in the floor or on furniture, bits of it just not working sometimes.
Its biggest problem tho is its incredibly clunky, i don't even really care about the biggest complaint of ED, the Engineering side of it, what frustrates me is how every menu, every system mechanic seems to have been designed by an ape, people think Star Citizen is difficult to learn, oh no it isn't..... not until you have tried to figure out how to get from your scanners to your weapons on a fully loaded out ship, its literally a cryptic combination of key presses, like a mini game puzzle, there is no keybind for your scanners or weapons, instead they are on multiple load-out profiles sub-sectioned by A and B, you use a combination of M and N in specific series to cycle through them, M for profile and N for sub-profile, i have spent 10 minutes trying to get to my weapons pressing combinations like N>N>M>N>M>M>N>N>N>M trying to get to specific components, and i have seen plenty of other people get stuck in the same loops trying to get to their weapons or whatever...

Its horrible, the game is about dead and i suspect its because new comers to it just can't figure it out, a friend in another Discord channel, one of those ED refugees told me the people who designed ED are not game designers, they are scientists, and the developers themselves have an idea that immersion = complexity, the game is complex for the sake of being complex, that complexity is something that has been ramped up over the years as they try to make it more immersive.

Its a real shame, it has a lot of potential, if it was just a simple space game like so many others in its usability, just have a button to bring up your weapons or scanners, not menu and sub menu cycle buttons...
I'm enjoying some aspects of it, i have never been ED or Star Citizen, i just love Sci Fi space games and Star Citizen right now has hit a development wall, until they knock that wall down it not going to move forward, its going to be stuck where it is......

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I wonder what happens when this game is actually finished (lol). People who beta tested it all the way through may well be bored of it by then, and those coming in from new could find it overwhelming due to how much content there is. I wouldn't even know where to start. It does look good in parts though, I am just completely unsure now exactly what the game is supposed to be, seems like a disjointed mass of whatever.

Also why is there real currency against ships? Is it littered with huge micro transactions?
finished? No live service type ghame is ever finished.

MMo's and even MP games keep being worked on with new content and updates released all the time and the same will be true with SC.

CIG are not guna just release 1.0 of the game and call it a day... They will keep on adding new content and features after release
Yeah ED looks like a 2014 space shooter despite getting a 2021 face lift for Odyssey, yes somehow in many cases it also manages to run worse than Star Citizen. it has many of the bugs Star Citizen has, like NPC's rubber banding, standing with their knees in the floor or on furniture, bits of it just not working sometimes.
Its biggest problem tho is its incredibly clunky, i don't even really care about the biggest complaint of ED, the Engineering side of it, what frustrates me is how every menu, every system mechanic seems to have been designed by an ape, people think Star Citizen is difficult to learn, oh no it isn't..... not until you have tried to figure out how to get from your scanners to your weapons on a fully loaded out ship, its literally a cryptic combination of key presses, like a mini game puzzle, there is no keybind for your scanners or weapons, instead they are on multiple load-out profiles sub-sectioned by A and B, you use a combination of M and N in specific series to cycle through them, M for profile and N for sub-profile, i have spent 10 minutes trying to get to my weapons pressing combinations like N>N>M>N>M>M>N>N>N>M trying to get to specific components, and i have seen plenty of other people get stuck in the same loops trying to get to their weapons or whatever...

Its horrible, the game is about dead and i suspect its because new comers to it just can't figure it out, a friend in another Discord channel, one of those ED refugees told me the people who designed ED are not game designers, they are scientists, and the developers themselves have an idea that immersion = complexity, the game is complex for the sake of being complex, that complexity is something actually something that has been ramped up over the years as they try to make it more immersive.

Its a real shame, it has a lot of potential, if it was just a simple space game like so many others in its usability, just have a button to bring up your weapons or scanners, not menu and sub menu cycle buttons...
I'm enjoying some aspects of it, i have never been ED or Star Citizen, i just love Sci Fi space games and Star Citizen right now has hit a development wall, until they knock that wall down it not going to move forward, its going to be stuck where it is......

I cant take ED seriously because of how it looks and lack of immersion.

I also cant be botehred investing on another space game. One is enough lol and i during SC's development wall, its a wonderful time to experience completely different kind of games to play.

Right now i am suprisingly having lots of fun with Witcher 3 and the new MW2 game.

beforhand i was way into racing sims on my control pad also.

For me, whenever i need a time off from SC, i look at other games of diferent genre's
Yeah ED looks like a 2014 space shooter despite getting a 2021 face lift for Odyssey, yes somehow in many cases it also manages to run worse than Star Citizen. it has many of the bugs Star Citizen has, like NPC's rubber banding, standing with their knees in the floor or on furniture, bits of it just not working sometimes.
Its biggest problem tho is its incredibly clunky, i don't even really care about the biggest complaint of ED, the Engineering side of it, what frustrates me is how every menu, every system mechanic seems to have been designed by an ape, people think Star Citizen is difficult to learn, oh no it isn't..... not until you have tried to figure out how to get from your scanners to your weapons on a fully loaded out ship, its literally a cryptic combination of key presses, like a mini game puzzle, there is no keybind for your scanners or weapons, instead they are on multiple load-out profiles sub-sectioned by A and B, you use a combination of M and N in specific series to cycle through them, M for profile and N for sub-profile, i have spent 10 minutes trying to get to my weapons pressing combinations like N>N>M>N>M>M>N>N>N>M trying to get to specific components, and i have seen plenty of other people get stuck in the same loops trying to get to their weapons or whatever...

Its horrible, the game is about dead and i suspect its because new comers to it just can't figure it out, a friend in another Discord channel, one of those ED refugees told me the people who designed ED are not game designers, they are scientists, and the developers themselves have an idea that immersion = complexity, the game is complex for the sake of being complex, that complexity is something actually something that has been ramped up over the years as they try to make it more immersive.

Its a real shame, it has a lot of potential, if it was just a simple space game like so many others in its usability, just have a button to bring up your weapons or scanners, not menu and sub menu cycle buttons...
I'm enjoying some aspects of it, i have never been ED or Star Citizen, i just love Sci Fi space games and Star Citizen right now has hit a development wall, until they knock that wall down it not going to move forward, its going to be stuck where it is......

this is a star citizen thread however ED is a game incredibly close to my heart. I agree a lot with what you say and I would say in *some* areas elite is an example of what I hope the SC Devs do not do
the Controls in the actual game I generally love. the hybrid flight model is imo the jewel in its crown.
some parts are just clunky for the sake of it however such as fire groups and the combat Vs scientific ship hud. who designs a spaceship that says "computer says no" when you try to fire your guns when under attack. ? the ship knows what you are trying to do, and you are under threat but it won't fire for "reasons".

Much of the UI issues are the fault of it being designed to run purely on a pad. a daft decision made even moreso now the consoles the UI I believe it was designed around have now had the game cancelled on.
the hard science part of the game I love, the stellar forge is amazing and the premise of the game was there is no false gravity in elite.
again I fully champion elite going all in on scientific complexity , and is another thing which really makes the game stand out.
unfortunately be it lack of money or just that their talent moved on they ended up mid development it seems going from proper science fiction to generic healing lasers and fantasy style enchantments in the form of engineers.
the excuse of " you can't have loads of Interesting "shinies" dotted about space and weird phenomenon because "realism" rings kind of hollow when you look at other game inclusions. in that sense elite gets worst of both worlds. science parts have been diluted but it's lacking enough razzle dazzle to scratch the fantasy game itch imo.
I want elite to be science based, but that does not mean clunky fussy controls, that means an environment with teeth, proper airlocks which if they fail or you forget about you die,. Eva where you can drift into space... Hellion did this amazingly.
oh and someone forgot to tell the developers who made the on foot part of elite ody that there is not meant to be false gravity in elite.
who ever thought generic low budget FPS mechanics was a good fit for elite needs a head slap. The bar is so high for those games.
I do still love the game at its core, but I see so so much wasted potential. SC is still not out so I can forgive bugs and clipping issues and lumpy performance etc but a game which is 8 years old and it's last expansion is over a year old.
Elite is a game that does not know what kind of game it wants to be and is marketed at all sorts of gamer types. this leads to salty forums and a lot of frustration.
but bottom line it has just not had the attention / or skilled developers that the game deserves.
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I cant take ED seriously because of how it looks and lack of immersion.

I also cant be botehred investing on another space game. One is enough lol and i during SC's development wall, its a wonderful time to experience completely different kind of games to play.

Right now i am suprisingly having lots of fun with Witcher 3 and the new MW2 game.

beforhand i was way into racing sims on my control pad also.

For me, whenever i need a time off from SC, i look at other games of diferent genre's

The graphics are hilariously crap but we have been spoiled by Star Citizen, its not just about graphics tho, ED has its own charms, it does have an excellent sound design and good ambient music, a bit like Stellaris, that gives it its own immersion, it has personality, it gives you a specific sense of feeling, something that is never easy to achieve and kudos to them for pulling it off, they have, many fail.
Its not always just about how pretty the game is or how photo realistic it looks.
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I don't think the visuals are too bad. definitely showing their age now but some of the planetary visuals are impressive imo..... no other game gives the same sense of scale as elite. it is clear however imo either corners were cut with the latest expansion or Frontiers proprietary game engine has hit a brick wall.
the thing which I will never understand however is FD have decided to mothball the feature which I have never ever seen anyone have a negative thing to say about it..... VR.
not all elite players have VR but I am confident the majority of PCVR players do have elite.
I really hope CIG implement decent VR at some point before Star Citizens release.
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