******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I’m glad I didn’t drop it because of my initial thoughts. The level of detail is amazing. I already feel attached to my ship, and would want anyone else flying it, even though it’s probably crap compared to most. I’ve also not fired a shot yet which is strange, I just don’t feel the want to shoot anything just yet. Landing the ship the first time was the most nerve racking experience I’ve had in a game in a while, especially because of the fact I was trying to do it upside down. I’ve just figured out that my helmet and other bits I’d thought had disappeared are in Nik Naks so I can get them back if needed. I started out in New Babbage but wanted some delivery jobs to do first so changed to Area 18 which is much better for me. Just been getting to grips with flying etc and really enjoying it.

Just goes to show, sometimes you can be far too quick to judge and dismiss something on first impressions, which is a shame because I think there would be others in my situation that would really enjoy it.
Thought I'd fire this up yesterday to see where it's at, seeing as I now have a hotas setup with pedals.

Got to the hanger and tried to map my controls which didn't go too well as it flung me into a wall and the ship exploded. :D

I'll maybe try again once I'm in space.
CIG are back at work and knocking out 3.18 patches....

Edit: They have also unlocked regional servers, before it was US only.
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I'll hopefully be on at some point towards the weekend or next weekend. Got a lot on at the moment but sc quickly becoming my place to just switch off all my worries and drama in my life and enjoy the immersion of sc.

We can all meet up in ocuk unofficial discord. We sometimes meet up there and play.
I’ve played for a few hours tonight. Tried a simple delivery mission and ended up giving up unfortunately. I tried picking all the packages up at once. The first package went through fine, the next two were placed in the drop box and nothing . I tried taking them out etc, still nothing. I ended up getting the box stuck inside my ass somehow and could t get it back, so aborted that one, logged out completely and started another…..exactly the same even though I tried picking them up separately. Got stuck in the same place. Am I missing something here? All this while my fps is jumping around from 45-20 fps. I understand it’s not a full release but at this stage it seems broken.
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There is an issue with package delivery missions if they are all collected from the same place; it duplicates the package ID instead of giving each one a unique ID. I've only ever done packages where you collect them from different locations....unfortunately this has been happening for a while:

Best bet is to only accept missions where you collect from different locations and deliver to the same place.
There is an issue with package delivery missions if they are all collected from the same place; it duplicates the package ID instead of giving each one a unique ID. I've only ever done packages where you collect them from different locations....unfortunately this has been happening for a while:

Best bet is to only accept missions where you collect from different locations and deliver to the same place.
Thanks for the info.

I wasted hours trying different things incase I was doing something wrong on what should have been very simple and relaxing. It’s one of the basic starter missions, it should work. After reading up I’m astonished that this has been an issue for years and never fixed.

At this point, it’s a great concept but that’s all it is.
Bugs are part and parcel of the alpha experience, I'm afraid. You learn to deal with them and enjoy the things that do generally work properly if there's no workaround.
I think people are willing to put up with just about anything because of the kind of game it is, any other game would be slated. It seems that people are happy just floating around in space and just laugh off the game breaking bugs.

Yes it’s in alpha but for how many years? It’s very lazy that something so simple hasn’t been fixed after so long.

The performance is unacceptable and they are talking about increasing server size massively? The bugs are never fixed but they are introducing more ships etc?
I think people are willing to put up with just about anything because of the kind of game it is, any other game would be slated. It seems that people are happy just floating around in space and just laugh off the game breaking bugs.

Yes it’s in alpha but for how many years? It’s very lazy that something so simple hasn’t been fixed after so long.

The performance is unacceptable and they are talking about increasing server size massively? The bugs are never fixed but they are introducing more ships etc?

That's quite a turnaround from your earlier post below after having a bit of trouble with a box delivery mission :)

I’m glad I didn’t drop it because of my initial thoughts. The level of detail is amazing. I already feel attached to my ship, and would want anyone else flying it, even though it’s probably crap compared to most. I’ve also not fired a shot yet which is strange, I just don’t feel the want to shoot anything just yet. Landing the ship the first time was the most nerve racking experience I’ve had in a game in a while, especially because of the fact I was trying to do it upside down. I’ve just figured out that my helmet and other bits I’d thought had disappeared are in Nik Naks so I can get them back if needed. I started out in New Babbage but wanted some delivery jobs to do first so changed to Area 18 which is much better for me. Just been getting to grips with flying etc and really enjoying it.

Just goes to show, sometimes you can be far too quick to judge and dismiss something on first impressions, which is a shame because I think there would be others in my situation that would really enjoy it.

Anyway, you're not entirely wrong - although I'd disagree with the happy just floating around in space part :D
Believe it or not, while we can generally 'laugh off' the odd game breaking bug, its still able to royally **** us off. No regular player is sitting there with a 'This is all completely fine' mentality, despite what the trolls would have you believe.
It's not that we're happy to put up with anything, it's that there's a core experience here that can't be found anywhere else and it means that we're willing to tolerate certain things to a degree.

A lot of us would also agree with you about there being constant new ships being on sale when there's a game to build and fix. However, the teams making the ships aren't responible for building the game or fixing bugs and nobody is obliged to buy anything.
A lot of bugs do get fixed. The problem is that with it being constantly updated, some bugs return and sometimes we get entirely new ones from patch to patch.

As for the performance issues, again, it's an alpha build. That's not a cop-out, it is what it is. Proper optimisation comes later and is apparently improved somewhat in the 3.18 PTU. Humbug or Jonney can probably give you a better answer on that.
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That's quite a turnaround from your earlier post below after having a bit of trouble with a box delivery mission :)

Anyway, you're not entirely wrong - although I'd disagree with the happy just floating around in space part :D
Believe it or not, while we can generally 'laugh off' the odd game breaking bug, its still able to royally **** us off. No regular player is sitting there with a 'This is all completely fine' mentality, despite what the trolls would have you believe.
It's not that we're happy to put up with anything, it's that there's a core experience here that can't be found anywhere else and it means that we're willing to tolerate certain things to a degree.

A lot of us would also agree with you about there being constant new ships being on sale when there's a game to build and fix. However, the teams making the ships aren't responible for building the game or fixing bugs and nobody is obliged to buy anything.
A lot of bugs do get fixed. The problem is that with it being constantly updated, some bugs return and sometimes we get entirely new ones from patch to patch.

As for the performance issues, again, it's an alpha build. That's not a cop-out, it is what it is. Proper optimisation comes later and is apparently improved somewhat in the 3.18 PTU. Humbug or Jonney can probably give you a better answer on that.
My initial thoughts were to uninstall the game. After a few more hours of reading up and watching videos I saw it had potential, and there were more things on offer that would interest me. The performance and other annoyances such as trying to eat or drink and the whole top half of my body disappearing until I move away from the store I bought the food from is something I can get passed. I figured I’d start with something really simple and after sort of getting the hang of things (after another bug where quantum wouldn’t engage unless I turned everything off and back on a few times) I manage to find somewhere a bit more exciting to change to my home base, area 18. This all in itself took a good while but I was enjoying it. Then last night I decided to do a very basic delivery drop and it took me hours to figure out it wasn’t me doing something wrong, it was in fact broken. I made 0 money and wasted hours getting nowhere. My concern is will this affect me getting further jobs due to reputation?

Now maybe this is a one off and I’ve been really unlucky, but what worries me is that if this is the first thing I’ve tried and this happened, am I constantly going to be trying to do something wasting fuel etc to hit a bug and end up in the same situation?

Surely they should just remove these things if they aren’t going to fix them. Is there some sort of list of bugged missions I have to find so that I can at least avoid this?
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My initial thoughts were to uninstall the game. After a few more hours of reading up and watching videos I saw it had potential, and there were more things on offer that would interest me. The performance and other annoyances such as trying to eat or drink and my whole top half of my body disappearing until I move away from the store I bought the food from is something I can get passed. I figured I’d start with something really simple and after sort of getting the hang of things (after another bug where quantum wouldn’t engage unless I turned everything off and back on a few times) I manage to find somewhere a bit more exciting to change to my home base area 18. This all in itself took a good while but I was enjoying it. Then last night I decided to do a very basic delivery drop and it took me hours to figure out it wasn’t me doing something wrong, it was in fact broken. I made 0 money and wasted hours getting nowhere. My concern is will this affect me getting further jobs due to reputation?

Now maybe this is a one off and I’ve been really unlucky, but what worries me is that if this is the first thing I’ve tried and this happened, am I constantly going to be trying to do something wasting fuel etc to hit a bug and end up in the same situation?

Surely they should just remove these things if they aren’t going to fix them. Is there some sort of list of bugged missions I have to find so that I can at least avoid this?

I don't think it'll affect reputation to any real degree tbh. Besides, 3.18 will be a wipe, so you'll be starting from scratch anyway.
Box delivery missions aren't about making money, they're really just there for new players to get familiar and comfortable with navigating around the system etc.

You may well encounter other bugged missions. It happens. It can vary from server to server and patch to patch.
Aside from the issue reporting section on Spectrum, I don't think there is a list of bugged missions, because for the same reason that there is no in-game tutorial, things change from patch to patch. Hotfix patches are often deployed after major updates and they can even break other things, such is the nature of coding.
Expect 3.18 to be a bit of a mess to start with at least.
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Making a Mesh- Server Meshing 2015 to 2022.

This one has SaltyEMike commenting over it, he's a bit of a clueless knob stating a lot of his lack of knowledge derived assumptions as fact.
One thing his knob brain can't compute is the fact that testing is always happening, that's R&D, PES is critical to server meshing, we are on the third iteration of it, the first was P-Cache wich didn't work, then iCache wich also didn't work and now PES which does work, the only way they would know these things don't work is if they are testing them.
"Well if it happened then it failed" Yes Mike, it faild, ffs..... they even said this, "P-Cache Failed" - "iCache Failed" "PES Works"

Mike Isn't completely wrong tho, look a Jared's face here when CR is talking about Server Meshing. They have not been completely honest about the difficulties they have with developing these technologies. Not until Q3 2020 did they start being more frank about the difficulties.

If you want it without the knob commentary the original is here. One is entertaining the other is just the facts of what was said.

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Making a Mesh- Server Meshing 2015 to 2022.

This one has SaltyEMike commenting over it, he's a bit of a clueless knob stating a lot of his lack of knowledge derived assumptions as fact.
One thing his knob brain can't compute is the fact that testing is always happening, that's R&D, PES is critical to server meshing, we are on the third iteration of it, the first was P-Cache wich didn't work, then iCache wich also didn't work and now PES which does work, the only way they would know these things don't work is if they are testing them.
"Well if it happened then it failed" Yes Mike, it faild, ffs..... they even said this, "P-Cache Failed" - "iCache Failed" "PES Works"

Mike Isn't completely wrong tho, look a Jared's face here when CR is talking about Server Meshing. They have not been completely honest about the difficulties they have with developing these technologies. Not until Q3 2020 did they start being more frank about the difficulties.

If you want it without the knob commentary the original is here. One is entertaining the other is just the facts of what was said.

There are certain games that were in development for 10 years without Server Meshing or anything else groundbreaking for that matter. Single player games that were completely broken on full release.

I had to watch the first video. I hope to never have to listen to him again. He reminds me of Greg Doucette.
There are certain games that were in development for 10 years without Server Meshing or anything else groundbreaking for that matter. Single player games that were completely broken on full release.

I had to watch the first video. I hope to never have to listen to him again. He reminds me of Greg Doucette.

Yeah. :)

Game development is hard yo.... who knew? People messing about in the Unreal Editor think its easy because look, i can make a really bad shooty game in about 6 months, because Epic Games have put in about 20 years worth of work for you so you can connect a few flow nodes and place your free Quixel 3D assets on your auto generated landscape.

Try inventing a new way to level load without level loading, or coding physics grids so they behave when placed inside eachother by multiple unpredictable human players, you wouldn't be sat on your arse painting 3D trees if you could do that.

Star Field, one more "Star" game hoping to replicate the Star Citizen success in its genre, i wish them that, i'm looking forward to trying it out, i'm sure it will be a good game. But its a game made in the traditional way, everywhere is a loadscreen and you can only go where it will allow you to go... there is nothing ground breaking about it. It has been in development for 7 years so far.
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