******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

The in-game settings seem to make little difference and optimisation is poor. All settings should be on high / very high though. This helps as it pushes as much as possible to the GPU which helps the cpu. CPU will still be maxed though.

Quality > V.High
Scattered Object Distance > High
Terrain Tessellation distance > High
Planet Volumetric clouds > High

Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3d settings > Increase the Shader Cache, change it to 10GB.

It's "best" to have 32GB of RAM, but 16 is fine (I have 16) but both require a page file on a fast disk, at least SSD but ideally NVME. The page file should be at least 1:1 your RAM size. You can use HWInfo to check the memory load to fine tune this.
Thanks for this. I’ve found some servers are better than others. I’ve got 32GB RAM and also using an NVME. I’ll try and tweak some settings you’ve recommended.
Me and two mates of mine did JT event Arma style tactical opt the other day

We flew in a cutty with a cyclone and we landed about 2000km away and used the cyclone to take us near the facility.

Once we was there we was sniping people from like 100m away ish. It was fun but i had limited ammo as i forgot to restock properly and also dehydrated and had to quickly take my helmet off to drink in yela lol.

One of my mates had a railgun so he was shooting down ships that landed lol. Me and the other guy advanced into the facility but my other mate got shot down by a ship.

Me and my mate chilled for ages inside

We Lost JT as soon as my mate went afk and i was alone. I managed to kill a few myself but eventually got outnumbered and died.

That was ******* fun!!!

Roll on 3.18 when Kareah becomes basicaly JT and can be dynamically activated by us the players
I love the railgun...
Me too. I was the guy using the railgun in Jonney's adventure tale.
One of the guys (and his ship) I killed pressed charges on me and tried to justify it because I was using a railgun and not dogfighting :cry: They're apparently against the rules of engagement now.
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Me too. I was the guy using the railgun in Jonney's adventure tale.
One of the guys (and his ship) I killed pressed charges on me and tried to justify it because I was using a railgun and not dogfighting :cry: They're apparently against the rules of engagement now.

A railgun is essential for JT, everyone should know that, without one you're entirely defenceless on foot.

Is JT still going?
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A railgun is essential for JT, everyone should know that, without one you're entirely defenceless on foot.

Is JT still going?
Exactly. You don't get to dictate what weapons can and can't be used, or get salty about being killed when you're participating in a PvP event.

Not sure if it's still going. Today is the last day and I'm not sure if the last rotation begins or ends at 4pm.
EDIT: Just popped on and it's still running.
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Well, we had fun tonight. An org had control of JT, so me and a mate went in on a cyclone and I managed to take out at least 5 of their ships and a couple of ground troops with a railgun before they got me :cry:
Should've recorded it. Shadowplay is being a **** lately though.
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Well, we had fun tonight. An org had control of JT, so me and a mate went in on a cyclone and I managed to take out at least 5 of their ships and a couple of ground troops with a railgun before they got me :cry:
Should've recorded it. Shadowplay is being a **** lately though.

I'm also having problems with Shadowplay, sometimes it just locks up.
Tried the Kareah game loop in 3.18.

We got past the defences by Mr_Snapz just booling in with the Cutty Red, we jumped out the back, we had previously tried in my Corsair and the station quickly reduced us to space dust.

Took out security NPC's, they are still unresponsive. i got a guy in some big amour who was carrying a datapad we needed, i didn't know that, none of us really knew what what we were supposed to do.

After watching some real player bounty hunters prating about outside i discovered a locked room with an evidence locker, one of our team knew we needed a number that was on the datapad i found, now i know what that was for, problem is a bug currently in 3.18 where some screens are just black, nothing on them, so we couldn't complete it.

We went there really not knowing what was going on, but figured it out, at least now we know for when they fix these screen bugs. open the evidence room and raid the locker. Oh and one of our team was completely bugged, i couldn't see him at all.

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Having so much fun playing this.
Did the black kite mission yesterday with a friend, we started on New Babbage, walking around in first person, only to get to our ship, fly out of the atmosphere, QT to the last known location, a small dot in the middle of space.
Exited our ship next to the black kite ship, small space walk into that, killed some dudes, blew up the ship and just buggered off back for tea and medals..
I mean ..maybe it's just me being new to the game, but is anyone else still blown away by the fact that you can do all that, without a single loading screen.
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For all the lack of patches and features released last year due to PES tech being worked on, i must say that i did enjoy most of the x.x.x patches that were released as they mainly added more FPS missions and locations as well as finally adding navMesh tech.

When i originally backed this game, the one thing that got me to back this game was to finally experience and play a game where i have complete freedom of doing FPS missions anywhere in the verse and using any means of transport to get to a location.

Many games previously will either just teleport u to a new map/location or at best, you only are able to explore and roam around a city.

SC at its current LIVE build allows you to explore a single star system with no barriers and loading screens.

Im just a nutter for FPS combat and exploration.

Think Arma but set in a star system!
Having so much fun playing this.
Did the black kite mission yesterday with a friend, we started on New Babbage, walking around in first person, only to get to our ship, fly out of the atmosphere, QT to the last known location, a small dot in the middle of space.
Exited our ship next to the black kite ship, small space walk into that, killed some dudes, blew up the ship and just buggered off back for tea and medals..
I mean ..maybe it's just me being new to the game, but is anyone else still blown away by the fact that you can do all that, without a single loading screen.

This is one of those things that cannot really be communicated, with a lot of work and effort the game has been deliberately designed to make you feel a part of it, you don't really feel like your star trekking or star warsing if you don't feel like your ship is real, if its just a cockpit that you fade to black in and out of, so the ships have fully rendered interiors, and modelled to an extremely high standard, you turn lights on and off, you have working beds, pressing other buttons that open weapon lockers, ship component modules, all the ramps, doors and wings are all beautifully animated, even if the ship is over 200 meters long there is no corner cutting, have you been on a tour of the Origin 890 Jump? Its ###### amazing.

There are over 100 ships, most of which have interiors, can you imaging ubisoft or EA doing that? Not a chance, its very expensive and time consuming, so they will always opt for the easy option.

Then you have the problem of physics containers, the moon or planet is a physics container, your ship has one if not more physics container, the vehicles or ships you park inside your ships hanger have thier own physics containers, you are your own physics container, so you have physics containers within physics containers within..... that's one huge nightmare for a physics programmer, early in the persistent universe putting a vehicle in a ship would often have the whole thing hilariously freaking out, the physics containers would fight eachother, but they stuck with it, kept working on it and for years now actually its been pretty much flawless.

No load screens, they had to create their own really complex object container streaming technology, both server and client that streams, or on the fly loads the game in and out as you move through it, because the whole thing would never fit in your memory, its why we have loading in and out, normaly, CIG created a way to do that... without actually loading in and out! If that makes any sense?

There is a lot more, and its why its taking so long, CIG are not making Batllefield 6, or Farcry 7. in history every now and then someone tries pushing way beyond the boundaries of what currently is or thought possible, right now in gaming that's CIG.

Why bother? Because there is a market for it. and its CR's personal dream. its not for everyone, but in the last free fly 350,000 new accounts were created, 70% of which bought the game.

This guy puts it quite well.

You're spot bud, it's almost impossible to communicate to someone that's not played it recently.
I genuinely get lost in it, that's hard to do these days as a grown man with work stress, life stress in general, but I do.
That walk from the Hab, taking elevators, grabbing some supplies, getting on the metro to the port, requesting my ship (100i) and opening the door, getting seated, sorting a mission etc.
It's so immersive and its all the small things that add up.
I applaud CIG for it, it's wonderful work and I'm really excited to see what happens next.
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