Still waiting for your battleship! You said that would be done two years ago!Yeah.
Game development is hard yo.... who knew? People messing about in the Unreal Editor think its easy because look, i can make a really bad shooty game in about 6 months, because Epic Games have put in about 20 years worth of work for you so you can connect a few flow nodes and place your free Quixel 3D assets on your auto generated landscape.
Try inventing a new way to level load without level loading, or coding physics grids so they behave when placed inside eachother by multiple unpredictable human players, you wouldn't be sat on your arse painting 3D trees if you could do that.
Star Field, one more "Star" game hoping to replicate the Star Citizen success in its genre, i wish them that, i'm looking forward to trying it out, i'm sure it will be a good game. But its a game made in the traditional way, everywhere is a loadscreen and you can only go where it will allow you to go... there is nothing ground breaking about it. It has been in development for 7 years so far.