******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

That's not ours !

With you being a no show for a few days and Curly not knowing if he was going to be available i thought i would do it in our other org given that a few of us were already there playing it, you're in that org too mate :)
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With you being a no show for a few days and Curly not knowing if he was going to be available i thought i would do it in our other org given that a few of us were already there, you're in that org too mate :)

it's still not our org which ever way you cut it :p

Should be on tonight
@Curlyriff Are you?
please don't leave me with humug
Unless we just happened to be on a really dodgy server last night, I'd give this a few days. The game was a ****show even by it's own standards.

Its actually working well, De-Sync is the problem, its really bad.

Oh and CTD's.... @Curlyriff after you left Sapo CTDed, then Huni...... so its not just you.

I didn't :P
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Yeah, I CTD'd a few times, died randomly in a shuttle for no reason and got repeatedly trapped in a lift :D
The mission itself worked well, sure - if you ignore the said desync/rubberbanding, awful fps and random crashing.

We've seen this event work far better in the past, so we'll see what happens I guess.
Yeah, I CTD'd a few times, died randomly in a shuttle for no reason and got repeatedly trapped in a lift :D
The mission itself worked well, sure - if you ignore the said desync/rubberbanding, awful fps and random crashing.

We've seen this event work far better in the past, so we'll see what happens I guess.

For sure its worked better in the past, the last time the whole thing worked perfectly, something about this 3.17 build, its not right.... it needs to die, we need 3.18, Xeno Threat. my favourite of all the Dynamic Events.

Performance is ok for me, i do turn the volumetric clouds off complete or i get FPS like a power point presentation, yes i stole that from your mate :D

Crashing, its rare for me, it does happen but more times then not people around me are crashing and my game remains solid, dunno why, me and Yakkern were the only ones who didn't crash last night.
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The only thing I've really noticed in 17.5 is the elevator doors are opening into thin air again. Hadn't seen that since 17.2 maybe?
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