******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

it's still not our org which ever way you cut it :p

Should be on tonight
@Curlyriff Are you?
please don't leave me with humug
Haha I couldn't even get SC stable last night. 3.17.5 is constant CTD for me lol. Worst build I've tried in over a year but nah I'm not on tonight as I've got my boy over so next time I'm actually then in is Wednesday night.

I don't mind the CTD but it would do it every time I tried to log back in and I think it is cause it thought I was in seat constantly. After 6 CTDs in a row and deleting both user folder and shader folder (first time I've actually ever done it since 2014) it didn't help. I probably need to do a character reset tbh.
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When I was in I had 150fps in space with 3.17.5 but yeah after that initial CTD it seemed to bork my character since it was just as it finished loading the verse and I tried to connect to said server. If I wasn't fed up I could have tried connecting to different server and then seeing if it worked.
Sc behaved a bit better late last night when I tried for 45min.

Dsync was there but not as bad as on Friday night.

@Curlyriff you sorted out your game?

Quite often these things are put on not just for our entertainment but also to stress the servers so they can optimise them as its happening, as always the longer these events go on the more stable they get.

Xeno Threat was created to test dynamic systems and stress the network, its proved very popular in its own right, it is brilliant, so they kept developing it with each new iteration improving on the last.

Xeno Threat with 110 player servers... that i'm looking forward to.
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I'm surprised that @jonneymendoza hasn't posted this yet.

Also, i did some bunker missions in 3.18 last night, the NPC pirates were actually scary :o
They even fixed that wired low grav physics skipping in the prison caves, you can run around in there now without all this strange floating about when ever you run over something like a rock.
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:D >>>>>
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Added Avenger Renegade, Sabre Comet, Gladius Valiant, C8 Pisces, F7C Wildfire, MISC Hull A, STV, and RSI Scorpius into in-game shops

Uuuuhhhh....... i like the RSI X-Wing now i can own one and not spend a penny of my own cash :D

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