******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Bit of a nothing show unless you enjoy art jpegs. Looks like might be worth another look in 6 months or so when they get it to the next phase of the process.

Being able to fly around all these buildings like in Area 18 and New Babbage is nice, it gives it a sense of volume and scale, but what would be really cool is if these buildings had full interiors that could be accessed not just from the roofs but also at ground level.

They don't all have to be points of interest, but some of them spread out through the city when they have mission givers, racing, gambling.... and even being able to rent or buy apartments in them.

I can see Area 18 becoming a gigantic version of Cyberpunk, and its a city on a planet, one among many planets in a system among many systems.
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Being able to fly around all these buildings like in Area 18 and New Babbage is nice, it gives it a sense of volume and scale, but what would be really cool is if these buildings had full interiors that could be accessed not just from the roofs but also at ground level.

They don't all have to be points of interest, but some of them spread out through the city when they have mission givers, racing, gambling.... and even being able to rent or buy apartments in them.

I can see Area 18 becoming a gigantic version of Cyberpunk, and its a city on a planet, one among many planets in a system among many systems.
i hope they add more POI around arcorop and not just in area 18!!!
Being able to fly around all these buildings like in Area 18 and New Babbage is nice, it gives it a sense of volume and scale, but what would be really cool is if these buildings had full interiors that could be accessed not just from the roofs but also at ground level.

They don't all have to be points of interest, but some of them spread out through the city when they have mission givers, racing, gambling.... and even being able to rent or buy apartments in them.

I can see Area 18 becoming a gigantic version of Cyberpunk, and its a city on a planet, one among many planets in a system among many systems.
My only real concern is how long it will take and it be more than generic overall tbh.

Hi everyone

This evening, we plan to run a stress test on the PTU for Star Citizen Alpha 3.18. This is a critical step in our journey towards hopefully opening the PTU to all backers over the weekend, and we'd love your help! Your involvement and feedback have been a MASSIVE help thus far. That's why we are kindly asking for all hands on deck to hammer the PTU this evening. We're in the home stretch, and your participation will help us get this one out the door.

The stress test will kick off at 3 PM Pacific / 2300 UTC and run for 2 hours. We encourage all Wave 2 testers to join in and put the servers through their paces. The more players we have online, the more effectively we can simulate the live release conditions and identify any potential issues before truly opening the flood gates on PTU, followed by a swift launch to the live servers.

During the stress test, we will be monitoring the servers, performance, and stability, and gathering feedback from the community. Your bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are incredibly valuable to us and will play a crucial role in the final stages of launch.

Thank you for your support and participation. We hope to see many of you in the PTU tonight. Separately... if you see anyone from CIG flying around... bring it on
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Last night was ******* fun!

I teamed up with a random and we was in his Connie.

We took a player bounty and found that said player in space who was in a Connie as well and we had a intense battle that probably lasted 20mins before the bad guy disabled our ships and we was left for dead, or so I thought....

Me and the other bloke Eva out of the Connie and went towards the bounty guy who was next to us and he saw us coming and tried to gun us with down with his turrets but Diddnt manage at all.

He then came out of the ship to try and finish us off and as soon as I saw him pop out of his ship, I shot him!

We boarded his ship lol and then we did 3 bunker missions and they all worked!

I then accepted a medical assistant beacon and went and saved the guy before logging off for the night.

All on the bounties Connie that we stole!

Everything was working like elevators, bunker markers etc and no 30k.

There was some random freezes in the game though.
Building interiors can be very modular, all you need is 4 or 5 different assets stiles and with that you can make dozens of different looking interiors.
They can however they have just shown that
  • buildings and cities need full rework cause they are too small to make them work
  • You have Roof, habitation, commercial, lobby and underground as unique points meaning you need a half dozen modules for each of those locations alone per architecture type. That gives you around 30 interiors (the roof is kinda not interior but yeah). If you say the 4 cities are unique in Art style (Lorville, ArcCorp, New Babbage & Orison) then you are now at 120 interiors needing to be produced, they can then do the set dressing to change them up significnatly and then they will likely need to do clean, rundown, derelict versions where cities might have areas that are abandoned, gang related, needing refurbishment etc.
  • They are going to need completely new zones that are more than rooms such as those transit hubs etc
  • There is a lot of stuff that isn't built out that needs to make them interesting because they need gameplay and some need to be completely unique and not cookie cutter so things like
    • manufacture locations where you can bring materials, sabotage machines, cut off supply chains
    • Hydroponics area that for say Area 18 could be used as fields or towers of algea in a deep warehouse underground to produce the oxygen required for ArcCorp.
    • Underground oceans again in ArcCorp, it is needing water so having such locations in vast swimming pools basically where you actually then se giant tidal power turbines and such producing the energy for the planet as the ocenas there can still be tidal due to the moons that orbit ArcCorp.
    • Weapons facility testing sites with bunkers and such on Hurston with security etc that you need to hack to get into to steal classified data.
As much as those unique things are different to the interiors discussed (but they brought up the unique structure as thought with interiors being designed for) they are still more total interiors so overall the requirment is going to be a long road at least.

So yeah I think there is a lot more when you truly break it down if you dont want the same issue we have with the little outpost structure which we know they are adding significantly more rework with those structures that also need modular interiors also.
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They can however they have just shown that
  • buildings and cities need full rework cause they are too small to make them work
  • You have Roof, habitation, commercial, lobby and underground as unique points meaning you need a half dozen modules for each of those locations alone per architecture type. That gives you around 30 interiors (the roof is kinda not interior but yeah). If you say the 4 cities are unique in Art style (Lorville, ArcCorp, New Babbage & Orison) then you are now at 120 interiors needing to be produced, they can then do the set dressing to change them up significnatly and then they will likely need to do clean, rundown, derelict versions where cities might have areas that are abandoned, gang related, needing refurbishment etc.
  • They are going to need completely new zones that are more than rooms such as those transit hubs etc
  • There is a lot of stuff that isn't built out that needs to make them interesting because they need gameplay and some need to be completely unique and not cookie cutter so things like
    • manufacture locations where you can bring materials, sabotage machines, cut off supply chains
    • Hydroponics area that for say Area 18 could be used as fields or towers of algea in a deep warehouse underground to produce the oxygen required for ArcCorp.
    • Underground oceans again in ArcCorp, it is needing water so having such locations in vast swimming pools basically where you actually then se giant tidal power turbines and such producing the energy for the planet as the ocenas there can still be tidal due to the moons that orbit ArcCorp.
    • Weapons facility testing sites with bunkers and such on Hurston with security etc that you need to hack to get into to steal classified data.
As much as those unique things are different to the interiors discussed (but they brought up the unique structure as thought with interiors being designed for) they are still more total interiors so overall the requirment is going to be a long road at least.

So yeah I think there is a lot more when you truly break it down if you dont want the same issue we have with the little outpost structure which we know they are adding significantly more rework with those structures that also need modular interiors also.

You make it sound awesome :)

Area 18 needs a from scratch rework anyway, not least because as they have said several times its old, based on old technology and its causing problems as everything around it gets modernised, again they have said its also not what was originally intended, its a rush job hacked together to make it a thing.
Despite this there are a lot of different building types on ArcCorp, more than any other city.

We have two places where at least one of the towers have interiors, the Aspire Grand has a roof lobby, habs and a ground lobby plus the underground train station. Orison was the last city they built, that has a similar thing with Green Imperial, the Hospital building, the shopping centre building has a large bar on the top floor, then theres the Space Port, Province Platform, Cloud View Centre, a lot of the random platforms.... now that i have written all that down i think Orison actually has quite an extensive dedicated building interiors architecture.

I take your point, its harder than it think, but they have said this is what they want to do, and they have started on it without saying what that work specifically is, and in the past they have said Area 18 will get completely reworked, they have finished the Loreville city skyline rework complete with deliberately built city racing areas, that didn't take long, they have the work flow very nailed down these days, and they have said it will also get an interior rework, eventually.

They have 900 people and growing, if nothing else the art and assets for Squadron should be the first thing to get completed, those guys will need something to do..... We know they want the cities to be more like Orison, even on a huge scale, they will do it just because they can.
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You make it sound awesome :)

Area 18 needs a from scratch rework anyway, not least because as they have said several times its old, based on old technology and its causing problems as everything around it gets modernised, again they have said its also not what was originally intended, its a rush job hacked together to make it a thing.
Despite this there are a lot of different building types on ArcCorp, more than any other city.

We have two places where at least one of the towers have interiors, the Aspire Grand has a roof lobby, habs and a ground lobby plus the underground train station. Orison was the last city they built, that has a similar thing with Green Imperial, the Hospital building, the shopping centre building has a large bar on the top floor, then theres the Space Port, Province Platform, Cloud View Centre, a lot of the random platforms.... now that i have written all that down i think Orison actually has quite an extensive dedicated building interiors architecture.

I take your point, its harder than it think, but they have said this is what they want to do, and they have started on it without saying what that work specifically is, and in the past they have said Area 18 will get completely reworked, they have finished the Loreville city skyline rework complete with deliberately built city racing areas, that didn't take long, they have the work flow very nailed down these days, and they have said it will also get an interior rework, eventually.

They have 900 people and growing, if nothing else the art and assets for Squadron should be the first thing to get completed, those guys will need something to do..... We know they want the cities to be more like Orison, even on a huge scale, they will do it just because they can.
One thing I do not understand with Lorville is they say they are updating the buildings, layout, structures etc but haven't got interiors or their metrics setup so as far as I can tell they will likely have to rework it again as just one example that they seem to be doing it backwards. You get away with that on smaller structures because relative the amount of space lets say a room ends up needing to be 1m wider and 0.5m taller well something that has 4 rooms and 2 floors isn't a huge issue.

You now have to add that to a skyscraper though where it is say 16 habs wide and 200 floors tall and you have 20 of those towers as example then you need to do a lot more rework moving around other structures, transit points and such.

Their rework has also still appeared to take at least someone working on it to date is over 6 months with another 3-4 months to go assuming they hit 3.19.
One thing I do not understand with Lorville is they say they are updating the buildings, layout, structures etc but haven't got interiors or their metrics setup so as far as I can tell they will likely have to rework it again as just one example that they seem to be doing it backwards. You get away with that on smaller structures because relative the amount of space lets say a room ends up needing to be 1m wider and 0.5m taller well something that has 4 rooms and 2 floors isn't a huge issue.

You now have to add that to a skyscraper though where it is say 16 habs wide and 200 floors tall and you have 20 of those towers as example then you need to do a lot more rework moving around other structures, transit points and such.

Their rework has also still appeared to take at least someone working on it to date is over 6 months with another 3-4 months to go assuming they hit 3.19.

I think it will hit 3.19, they said its done.
It just came too late for 3.18 and well they have other problems with it and its probably not a good idea to add to it at this late stage in its development.

To me this seems like someone's after thought, probably CR, he looked at the Loreville rework, said that's great but why can't i go in to all these buildings....? :D
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I'm on it now. Servers getting stressed for sure! But bunker missions are working! Completed the two already!

I was there :)

The test seemed to go quite well, a few network hangs and the inventory system fell flat on its face about 30 minutes in, we got what they now call the "Spinventory" where you just get the constant spinning reticle in the inventory.

Much better than previous stress tests but still needs work.
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I'm not bothering with the PTU but seeing comments from those that do. It does sound good. Soon(tm) :D
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