******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

While I like the look of it, I don't get why they made is the same size as the Nova, at least it can fit in a couple extra ships but no mention of the Valkyrie. I've seen overlays that we might be able to jam it into the Valk but it's slightly wider than the ramp.

And alien tax week has started and I do love the Khartu-Al but it's a bit rubbish in game currently. Massive front profile, engines that get shot of extremely easily and a small fuel tank. Blade is good I enjoyed having one last patch (bought ingame) and the Glaive redesign looks great. Not sure a wee fighter is worth the amount they charge though, at all.

The video is titled Inside Star Citizen: SAN'tALK.YāLL but it also reveals the Hull-C which looks great.

What vehicles will the Storm fit inside?​

The Storm officially shares the same garage size as the Tumbril Nova and Anvil Atlas-platform vehicles, so anything that supports them. However, its reduced height and length allow it to fit into some ships that cannot fit the above, such as the Anvil Carrack and Drake Corsair.

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Yeah that not be accurate. That assumes there is only one game by CIG. It also doesn't allow for any infrastructure costs for CIG to build a company etc compared to those that Rockstar & CD Project already had setup. It also goes on to say those figures for other games don't include marketing, now if you want to suggest that CIG haven't spent huge amounts on Marketing then kinda can stop there as well. All the videos, marketing materials, websites, forum, CitCon etc are all marketing and huge amounts of it. Every time they do a sale they do adverts for it, every time a patch drops.

Not to mention they have live servers running during development via AWS, that is also a huge cost that none of the others need to consider. It is a silly comparison tbh.
Right I have booked Hotel for LA for CitCon. I have never been to anything like this but I need a holiday this year and a week in LA which I have never visited either plus going to the convention, why not. Flights are relatively cheap! If anyone feels like joining going Thursday 19th October to Tuesday 24th October. Flights are about £450. Drop a PM if anyone interested. I will be going by self anyways. Live once and all that hey.

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Hey guys, have you heard of a game called Starfield? It is set in space and has Star in the title so thought we could start talking about it in here.

Ah.... but this is the original "Star" game, all others are just copies :D

Google "Star" Atlas.
We have a new Banu message being translated in the normal places.

There seems to be some new words in the message which is complicating translation.
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We have a new Banu message being translated in the normal places.

There seems to be some new words in the message which is complicating translation.

Looking forward to the missions, was a good episode. Expanding the bunker missions is great, love me a good bunker.

I've been basing out of Orison since the jump limit was lowered and a main reason for that was to get used to the place more for when the missions start. It's also right beside Grim which I fly out of a lot. I do miss A18 though, it's so convenient for buying things.
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Is there a known workaround for shops not loading any inventory? In the top right of the shop screen where it says your name usually, that's blank too.
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