******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Up to 120 players, i say up to because when there is an event on its reduced to 100 players, a recent test for 200 players was successful, that's not to say it will be that soon, but it is the next goal.

On persistence, most MMO's with persistence, Rust, Scum, ARC, Conan.... wipe that persistence at least once a month, Star Citizen its permanent.
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You realise MMO is generally seen as more than 64 multiplayer (although actually just lots of players, 64 became common as that where thing slime COD, Battlefield etc used to top out generally) and it have persistence in that the game world still runs whilst you are not playing unlike general multiplalyee games.

What do you think makes a game an MMO?

SC as it sits now is technically as defined by MMO standards already one.

It's not an MMO, it's an onlpine multiplayer game very much like COD etc, just a different genre.
Up to 120 players, i say up to because when there is an event on its reduced to 100 players, a recent test for 200 players was successful, that's not to say it will be that soon, but it is the next goal.

On persistence, most MMO's with persistence, Rust, Scum, ARC, Conan.... wipe that persistence at least once a month, Star Citizen its permanent.

They're literally designed that way, becuas otherwise their game worlds become stale.
Up to 120 players, i say up to because when there is an event on its reduced to 100 players, a recent test for 200 players was successful, that's not to say it will be that soon, but it is the next goal.

On persistence, most MMO's with persistence, Rust, Scum, ARC, Conan.... wipe that persistence at least once a month, Star Citizen its permanent.
Also, the economy is shared across all servers
It's not an MMO, it's an onlpine multiplayer game very much like COD etc, just a different genre.
No it isn't at all. Why isn't it. You have given no reason to suggest otherwise or why it doesn't fit the defenition of an MMO at all. Online multiplayer games like COD or similar have no persistent world. They are maps loaded up for it. What is like COD is arena commander where it is multiplayer on maps. That is not SC and the PU. PU is in the name, persistent universe.

I asked before what you define as an MMO and you haven't responded to that because I expect you don't have a definition to fit what you want it to be.
The line of what an MMO is quite blurred these days as well. I personally see it as a legacy term. Many mean MMORPG when they say MMO, keeping in mind that the Online part is almost redundant these days. ;)

A (large) number of players on the same server with a persistent environment, where players see and interact with each other in an open world(WoW) or instanced(GuildWars1). Where SC falls down currently is the servers are ~100 players but the long term goal is to have one world (EU, APAC etc.) with instanced areas. The same as other classic mmo's.

I am massively (;)) looking forward to Master Modes. They're starting to test them in the PTU this week for the new Arena Commander in 3.20. Master Modes will fundamentally change how the flight dynamics work and drastically improve (imo) flight and combat.

Also Xeno Threat started again yesterday in the PU and it's only running a for day.
"The XenoThreat event this weekend was a quick and necessary 24 hour test, and will not be running the traditional 8-12 days."
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No it isn't at all. Why isn't it. You have given no reason to suggest otherwise or why it doesn't fit the defenition of an MMO at all. Online multiplayer games like COD or similar have no persistent world. They are maps loaded up for it. What is like COD is arena commander where it is multiplayer on maps. That is not SC and the PU. PU is in the name, persistent universe.

I asked before what you define as an MMO and you haven't responded to that because I expect you don't have a definition to fit what you want it to be.

EVE is clearly an MMO, what is SC exactly? some servers with less than less than 100 players?

So there's some persistance in your game, what is it?, what is fought over, won and kept exactly? what control of the universe do guilds have?

At best it's an open world always online game. What you have is some persistance and a lot of people flying about in ships they bought and then calling in an MMO.
EVE is clearly an MMO, what is SC exactly? some servers with less than less than 100 players?

So there's some persistance in your game, what is it?, what is fought over, won and kept exactly? what control of the universe do guilds have?

At best it's an open world always online game. What you have is some persistance and a lot of people flying about in ships they bought and then calling in an MMO.

It has 100 people in a server now, sometimes more. They tested 200 people jut recently but even if it was 50 people per server that doesn't actually change anything. Further to that there is full persitance in SC. The world persists be it that you are online or not. Not what exactly is some persistance? What is the same principle for WoW? Literally open world always online unsurprinsigly would be an MMO.

I don't think you are providing anything to distingush MMO from what you are saying. They are litereally one in the same. WoW also covers that in the same way. What do you fight over won and kept? Gear right to then do the next thing. SC is the same, you take missions and keep armour, weapons and resources you earn which can then be sold in the economy. This gives you UEC to then purchase ships or more gear just like earing in other games and you keep those ships etc. That is all in game now and being done for years. The economy is linked to all servers as one large economy also. So all players on all the different servers link back to that one persistance.

The line of what an MMO is quite blurred these days as well. I personally see it as a legacy term. Many mean MMORPG when they say MMO, keeping in mind that the Online part is almost redundant these days. ;)

A (large) number of players on the same server with a persistent environment, where players see and interact with each other in an open world(WoW) or instanced(GuildWars1). Where SC falls down currently is the servers are ~100 players but the long term goal is to have one world (EU, APAC etc.) with instanced areas. The same as other classic mmo's.

I am massively (;)) looking forward to Master Modes. They're starting to test them in the PTU this week for the new Arena Commander in 3.20. Master Modes will fundamentally change how the flight dynamics work and drastically improve (imo) flight and combat.

Also Xeno Threat started again yesterday in the PU and it's only running a for day.
"The XenoThreat event this weekend was a quick and necessary 24 hour test, and will not be running the traditional 8-12 days."

Interesting you see SC falling down because of only having 100 players but massive is never defined as a number in any defenition. What number changes that is very arbitary to each person but denying it because player count is not really something I understand. For instance WoW again is concidered an MMO right, well when you are doing a raid in game you only go up to 40 players. A mission in SC you could have up to the full 100 players if you wanted. A zone in FF XIV is limited to 300 players or inside a house is 100 player which thus would that mean the 100 player limit in one location (that is the same as SC currently) means that is not an MMO either then? (note I am taking figures from 2022 when I last played about with it so it might have tweaked a little).

Other games all use the same principle zones as well. I don't think CIG will ever get past using zones either but appear to be aiming for more like 1k per zone and then what is truly visible to the player would be 100 or so players due to fitting in the space etc, draw distance. I do think CIG will fall over with their current plans as I cant see how they will limit say 1000 people getting together on a planet surface and it actually work.
Falling down was the wrong phrase to use, I was trying to refer to the points that had been raised in this random rabbit hole we've gone down. SC tickets all the boxes for an MMO even though there is no set number of players, as this is far more linked to the technology available. Which is also why I stand by my view of the MMO tag isn't descriptive these days.
3.20 leaks from the files:


Engineering gameplay?
engineering_PLACEHOLDER_room02,P=Room 02
engineering_PLACEHOLDER_room03,P=Room 03

New contract manager app
mG_ContractsMgr_AppSubTitle,P=View, Accept and Create ContractsmG_ContractsMgr_AppTitle,P=Contracts ManagermG_ContractsMgr_CreateNewBeacon,P=Create New BeaconmG_ContractsMgr_Distance,P=DistancemG_ContractsMgr_IllegalMode,P=Illegal ModemG_ContractsMgr_MainTab_Accepted,P=AcceptedmG_ContractsMgr_MainTab_Beacons,P=BeaconsmG_ContractsMgr_MainTab_History,P=HistorymG_ContractsMgr_MainTab_Offers,P=OffersmG_ContractsMgr_QuickSort,P=Quick Sort:mG_ContractsMgr_Reward,P=RewardmG_ContractsMgr_SearchText,P=Search for things like names or rewards
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Well after my original account going bye bye due to me not having 2FA, I decided to re-invest with the basic package.

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