So, my and my friend bought this with the intent on doing missions, mining and other stuff together, it didn't go as planned.
We both bought one of the low end packages, £60 for the Aegis Titan (I think)
When we initially spawned into the game, we were both like "holy ****" look at this, it's beautiful because it really is.
However after a few hours of play it was clear that there are problems, my friend got stuck in a wall then killed by a lift - my ship glitched and spun around in the hangar, we ran into so many problems it was unreal.
I started off doing some of the basic missions, collect a box from a space station - drop it off at a dropoff point, the first one I did - the box disappeared. The second one - when I went to the drop off point to deliver the box, the door to the drop off point gibbed me instantly. I also lost all my stuff.
This went on and on from Friday to yesterday night, and we're like "wtf is this" and got our refunds.
10 years and what $600M spent, it's so arse-about-face it's inexcusable.