******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

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Remember to rename you're 4.0_PREVIEW folder to LIVE (or replace etc.) so you don't have to download everything again.

As with many big patches it seems looted gear may or may not have been lost.

A writeup for the next chunk of SaveSanton / Pyro quest chain. You can only pick one faction.


Ship skins for the factions.
FF: https://dto9r5vaiz7bu.cloudfront.net/aecfjsb4xr4yd/source.jpg
HH: https://dto9r5vaiz7bu.cloudfront.net/etc2g2l4u0532/source.jpg
CoP: https://dto9r5vaiz7bu.cloudfront.net/wq915xt02e4f0/source.jpg
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