******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

A slow start but showed off some nice tech. It's all normal things these days but the planet scale that they are doing it on is impressive.

Social revamp was ok, bits will be very exploitable / abusable. Finally getting Org's, clan tags, storage, player colours etc. All basic things that were needed.
It's nice that they are fleshing out basic required systems, but it's still a billion miles off being an actual game, I wonder how much planet tech v5 will push things back, also possible teaser about SQ42 release date in one of the slides. Something about hanger 42 in July 2025.
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A slow start but showed off some nice tech. It's all normal things these days but the planet scale that they are doing it on is impressive.

Social revamp was ok, bits will be very exploitable / abusable. Finally getting Org's, clan tags, storage, player colours etc. All basic things that were needed.
Leaving outside some RT elements, nothing is really normal when it comes to procedural generation. No one games pushes that far.
The tech stuff was my favourite so far. The new biomes and weather system look great. I'm sure it won't appear in game for some time, but will add a load of atmosphere eventually. The social stuff looked alright, but it's just adding stuff that is pretty normal and what you'd expect in a big multiplayer game, nothing particularly exciting.
Looking forward to Beyond Pyro later, and the Redacted session later should be good. SQ42 finally being released? :P
Yeah 2026 is a bit disapointing, even if it was January 2026. Considering it's been feature complete a year already I was hoping for next year.
That said, it did look pretty bloody epic. If it is genuinely 30+ hours of core storyline gameplay, all matching the level shown there in the prologue it could be one hell of a game.
2 more years, its been a SQ42 meme for a while now but come on, get a bit of self awareness CIG. Bloody Hell.
So should cig release it tomorrow and have it crash on u every 30mins and not mentioning the glitches and bugs or would u rather wait until it's all fixed and polished?

I don't get the complaints.
10 years its been in development, we get told its feature complete last year and you don't get the complaints :confused:

Also at least 2 years till the Javelin and Idris are available for players in game the PU, cause they aint coming before SQ42.
10 years its been in development, we get told its feature complete last year and you don't get the complaints :confused:

Also at least 2 years till the Javelin and Idris are available for players in game the PU, cause they aint coming before SQ42.
I know it's a different game but I believe Cp77 took 2 years plus of polish.

Let's just wait and see
2026 is disappointing but it was a very hype inducing intro play through. They need SQ42 to be a 100% release though so I understand taking even more time. And they need the PU to be in a complete / good enough state so people play SQ42 and go straight into the PU and stay.
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