******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I can't listen to Bored gamer and I don't watch that chap either :cry: It just popped up in my feed and it seemed relevant.
Honestly, I barely touch the game these days and don't really give a toss until something major happens.

Citizen Kate does some good gameplay stuff though. I don't mind her.
bored gamer is clearly a massive fanboy and I certainly can't watch all his stuff.... (he posts too much about SC when there isn't much to say) however he seems nice a nice enough guy and I do think he is genuine and useful content in small doses.... kind of like if I had been a YouTuber in the elite dangerous early years. I was (and the seed is there to still be again) a raging fanboi. I was biased as hell but it was genuine and I was not a paid for shill. (he may be paid for but I believe his love of the game is genuine)

I will take that over a lot of "content creators". also push comes to shove I just prefer positive content by biased fans rather than toxic hate (dunno if any of you have seen yamiks.... I just can't watch him even if there are nuggets of truth in there)
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I can't listen to Bored gamer and I don't watch that chap either :cry: It just popped up in my feed and it seemed relevant.
Honestly, I barely touch the game these days and don't really give a toss until something major happens.

Citizen Kate does some good gameplay stuff though. I don't mind her.

Bored Gamer would make a 20 minute video if Chris Roberts sneezed, None of his videos reveal new information, He just narrates what's already known.
I've legit spent the week in bed shattered after it, and i live a 20min bus journey away (plus ~8min walk) :D.
In fairness, a lot of that is my medical conditions, but theres no way i'd want to do both days contents in a single day. Yeah, they could tighten it up a bit, but its not like it was padded with needless content, such as looking back at the last years work, or doing Q&A sessions.
I wasnt impressed that the 'priority access lanes' on the VIP ticket means 40min of queuing with everyone, and then being told 'VIP this way, regular that way' and walking directly into the location with just 1 person ahead of me. I didnt pay for my ticket, but had i done so, i'd have expected priority queues to mean 2 queues. Im not good on my feet, and that absolutely destroyed my energy levels before they'd even started.

They'll definitely have a development build or 2 that has certain incomplete/unreleased features operational, but they'll have had that since the very beginning, rather than it being a secret 1.0 build they're building over months. I doubt its drastically different to the 4.0/meshing releases the Avocados have occasionally accessed, maybe 6mo ahead of what we're seeing. It'd be easier to do things like a launch a demo instance with base building on a local machine, rather than constantly having to update a private master build and if something breaks it prevents others from working/testing in the meantime.
Dang had I known you was there dude you could have met up with myself, Pete and Humbug and a few others! Sorry dude. The whole Queue etc and delay getting in was annoying. LA last year you was inside waiting queue wise (well first 1k people were) and they opened very much on time etc. There was no priority line last year either thinking about it, I was standard then and like 3rd/4th person through the smoky door lol.

I looked at the schedule and wasnt fussed about the middle of Day 1's contents, im not arsed about social content, and couldnt care about them playing dress up, so i was thinking i might just walk into the shopping center and have a wander round or find somewhere that had the 3pm footie on. In the end i stayed put cos i was already shattered, and was really impressed with both - mostly because it wasnt what i was expecting, but also because it looked good and was much needed
Yeah exactly, I wasn't worried about the Org/Social but was holding our seats when they did a coffee run and actually thought it ended up one of the most important panels! Indeed. Finn whom was with us was the Miner dude on stage so got himself a ship out of it at least! Was good times with it all.

The 5 systems is disappointing though. I feel like they really could do with throwing in a couple of additional less-populated systems, or they could have done with creating a few into the lore to begin with. Tens of thousands of players online, in a single instance universe, and theres only 5 systems? As huge as they are, that still feels a little bit tiny to me. Then throw in half a dozen orgs with 10k+ members, i expect some will attempt to prevent access to 'their' space, and then you'll have areas where Orgs are straight up at war with each other inside a system, making it difficult to enter and not get caught up in it all. It sounds problematic.
If there was more like 8-10, and they were somewhat empty like Nyx is, i'd be a little more positive about it. I've already spent the last couple of years avoiding playing SC because i dont want it to hit v1.0 and immediately be bored with 80% of the content cos i've hammered every new location, new career game-loop, in the years building up to release. That was with the expectation that they were working on a bunch of planets quietly behind the scenes.
I guess we'll get a good indication when we have server meshing online, although i doubt capacity would be even hit 10% of what it'd hit once we're 1.0+. Thats the only thing that left me concerned from this years event. It also effectively killed any hope of Operation Pitchfork happening, if theres no Vanduul system to invade right before a wipe, people arent going to act as recklessly as they would have, cos its risk free opportunity to do dumb things as a community.

Yeah I wanted to see 20 systems honestly and would have been content. I made a list on Spectrum chatting to a few on what I feel would have worked to get a mix of more UEE space, a few extra lawless, some Xian & Vanduul systems in since one offers great trade and the other more PvE content then. We should theoretically quickly have 7 systems with Nyx & Vega partially complete for SQ42 and more unique locations to play with in the PU then. I think Pitchfork will still happen when a Vanduul system does drop tbh but they will just be using their LTI ships anyways which wont really change much risk/reward.

One note is that during the Nyx view they clearly pointed the red mess as a Vanduul location so maybe will yet surprise. You never know, a 6th system of Vanduul space at least to connect things up a little since aliens and ships are modelled. Not like they couldn't make it basically impossible to traverse in Vanduul space.

My list of 20 planets are:

  1. Terra
  2. Stanton
  3. Hardian
  4. Oya
  5. Castra
  6. Tohil
  7. Odin
  8. Bremen
  9. Vega
  10. Kallis
  11. Kellog

  1. Pyro
  2. Nyx
  3. Oso (Kinda unlawful anyways)
  4. Oberon
  1. Vorgil
  2. Tiber
  3. Vector
  1. Virtus
  2. Eealus

If i'd read more comments like that first line from you, you'd have been returning to the ignored list :p It just sounds like textbook Scam Citizen hater theory.
The few investors involved might need placating with a more defined outline of what the target is, but they can very easily do that behind closed doors. They wouldnt need to do that while 4500 backers were also there, and stream it live to the rest of the community & co.
Surely the whole point of it was setting the expectations of the community. What needs to be included for their 1.0 release, and what will have to come at a later date. Things like the 5 system universe lower expectations and complaints come release, and stuff like the storyline quests is something that we'd never really had an indication would exist, but is felt necessary to help ease people into the game and hand-hold a little early on. I think since day 1 the community has got a little carried away with what will be possible and what is hopeful/wishful thinking, and this should clarify things somewhat.
Haha, fair enough. I think having the 1.0 and showing that in front of 4500 backers and the world and their reaction shows for investors that there is confidence and although there may some disappointed there is enough goodwill and desire for the game still for them to be as you say placated waiting accordingly. I do still think they will be aiming for 1.0 sooner than we all think. I am in mindset of 2028 is realistic with what shown. I think CIG will want to aim for 2026 also though for 1.0 and go from there being that key tech with SM and such should be in and working and there isn't huge engine update requirements as feel dynamic meshing will be in the next two years also. The story mission for the PU is very NMS style and think it will be a good thing for those that want more structure than an open sandbox to give them little direction etc as they work out their play style and such. The only thing that really got my back up is the turn around on the NPC driven economy to player economy switch. We are in a game where the lore would suggest there are tens of billions of humans and yet a few million will be controlling things and also more powerful than mega corporations with the new economy and crafting systems mix. Shall see how they go with that.

They'll definitely have a development build or 2 that has certain incomplete/unreleased features operational, but they'll have had that since the very beginning, rather than it being a secret 1.0 build they're building over months. I doubt its drastically different to the 4.0/meshing releases the Avocados have occasionally accessed, maybe 6mo ahead of what we're seeing. It'd be easier to do things like a launch a demo instance with base building on a local machine, rather than constantly having to update a private master build and if something breaks it prevents others from working/testing in the meantime.
True indeed that. I was more thinking there build with possibly the 5 systems mocked up, basically a 4.0 branch with it connecting at least but yeah you are more likely correct. Hopium coming in with that haha.
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@PaulC2K I wouldn't be too dismissive of the "only 5 systems in 1.0" I would much rather 5 dense systems, which if the tools they demo'd really does allow them to populate planets well, should mean so much content per planet, you'll always have something to do.

5 systems, with dense planets that have 3000+ points of interest, along with fleshed out gameplay loops, base building should be sufficient to keep even the biggest attic goblin busy.


100 systems, with a handful of points of interest and one or two landing pads. Which was the original kickstarter pitch. We didn't have fully realised planets and the ability to fly in and out of atmosphere at will.
That's what (well, one of the things) I dislike about No Mans Sky. All those generated planets, but the just feel so bland. I'd rather have something hand crafted to be interesting than something that's generated that might be interesting by pure chance.
CIG really need to address this imo

I wonder how many people bought multicrew ships or multiple characters based on the above and won't be able to use them now? hopefully not many but maybe they should open up possible refunds for those who wish?

and yes I know many here who plan to play with groups do not see the issue and probably think I am banging on about nothing!...... but I can't be the only player who normally does not go near MMOs but was persuaded due to the promise of NPC's to fill the roles that players could also fill?
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I think we will see both Vanduul and Xian in 1.0, Nyx was mentioned to have Vanduul raiding parties and Castra is on a Xian border, I wouldn't surprised if there were settlements on some planets, or even stations in space. With the Vanduul in Nyx they could certainly do some major PvE content involving them, imagine a small battle group to combat culminating in boarding their ships as part of a multistage "raid boss"

As for development, they would almost certainly have multiple branches running in parallel, a live, ptu, 4.0 and 1.0 at a minimum. Features they put into 1.0 that are "compatible" with 4.0 will likely be moved over, specially if they no impact on current gameplay or require significant testing in a multiplayer environment.
CIG really need to address this imo

I wonder how many people bought multicrew ships or multiple characters based on the above and won't be able to use them now? hopefully not many but maybe they should open up possible refunds for those who wish?

That's from 11 years ago, no doubt things have changed since then.
balls... just saw that npc crew are not going to be in starcitizen for 1.0 release. they are still in the long term plan to come at some point post release but given i have already fallen for that line in the other space game i play, i have to say i am v disspointed with that news.

One of the crucial aspects of SC has always been the NPC system. If this is how they launch 1.0 then it's a fake 1.0 imo. What seems more obvious is that they're running out of money so they have to speed along whatever they can and call it 1.0 so that hopefully revenue goes back up and they can keep working on it. Could still end up a great game but not quite what was hyped.
That's from 11 years ago, no doubt things have changed since then.
it's funny.

when elite dangerous launched and features were missing..... some would log in asking where X y z feature was. these people were largely shut down (possibly even by myself) saying to be reasonable give them time these things will take years you can't expect all on day one... be patient.

then at some point it became.... that was years ago... you can't possibly expect them to still honour that.

which is great for the developers. they get a gifted cop out regardless of which side of the fence they are on.

yes sometimes features change and for minor details it's just par for the course.

but for big ticket items which could be core features ,.or where they actively sold a product for cash directly for a cut feature (like say a guide to running private servers if private servers are cancelled)

then I think the developers should address that head on and possibly offer refunds if requested.

hopefully they still come in star citizen. I am not saying I won't enjoy tooling around in a small ship on my own and maybe by the time I can afford a big ship NPC's will be in..... but I do think if not at launch they should commit to it being a definite priority and rough timelines given for a soon after release promise and if there is a genuine chance they are dropped then refunds offered for those with stuff the can't use or multiple.accounts for npcs
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it's funny.

when elite dangerous launched and features were missing..... some would log in asking where X y z feature was. these people were largely shut down (possibly even by myself) saying to be reasonable give them time these things will take years you can't expect all on day one... be patient.

then at some point it became.... that was years ago... you can't possibly expect them to still honour that.

which is great for the developers. they get a gifted cop out regardless of which side of the fence they are on.

yes sometimes features change and for minor details it's just par for the course.

but for big ticket items which could be core features ,.or where they actively sold a product for cash directly for a cut feature (like say a guide to running private servers if private servers are cancelled)

then I think the developers should address that head on and possibly offer refunds if requested.

hopefully they still come in star citizen. I am not saying I won't enjoy tooling around in a small ship on my own and maybe by the time I can afford a big ship NPC's will be in..... but I do think if not at launch they should commit to it being a definite priority and rough timelines given for a soon after release promise.

NPC crew will be a thing eventually, the AI blades they are adding will be the testing bed for that, once that is working they can expanding it and give the AI blade a "character"

Back when both games were on kickstarter, they were both starting with a vision, Elite released early with basically nothing to do, even now 12 years later its still a basic space sim that never really grew past its initial player base.

Star Citizen is only similar to its kickstarter campaign in name only now. It has changed so much its basically an entirely different beast. The thing is when you're pledging for a ship, you're not buying a product, you are being awarded something for supporting the vision of the project. That's how I feel about, I upgraded my pledge to the vulture years ago, I've not done salvage for ages or even like the direction they are going with it, but I don't need my money back because of that. I still believe the end goal product will be worth while. Of course if I feel like salvage isn't something I want to do at all, I can always reclaim by pledge for credits and get something else.

Same with SQ42, I was lucky I got it included with my $37 kickstarter backing, but after the 75 minute preview at citcon I'd gladly pay full price for the single player game.
Bored Gamer would make a 20 minute video if Chris Roberts sneezed, None of his videos reveal new information, He just narrates what's already known.
I only suggested him because he narrates what's already known. That was my point. The above video that Petey posted missed a lot of info and made a lot of assumptions..

This is why I suggest bored gamer as eh doesn't do that and says it as it is and not in a long video.

Anyways space tomato is my fav youtuber and I even watch his podcasts and deep dives. But it ain't for everyone.
I've legit spent the week in bed shattered after it, and i live a 20min bus journey away (plus ~8min walk) :D.
In fairness, a lot of that is my medical conditions, but theres no way i'd want to do both days contents in a single day. Yeah, they could tighten it up a bit, but its not like it was padded with needless content, such as looking back at the last years work, or doing Q&A sessions.
I wasnt impressed that the 'priority access lanes' on the VIP ticket means 40min of queuing with everyone, and then being told 'VIP this way, regular that way' and walking directly into the location with just 1 person ahead of me. I didnt pay for my ticket, but had i done so, i'd have expected priority queues to mean 2 queues. Im not good on my feet, and that absolutely destroyed my energy levels before they'd even started.

I looked at the schedule and wasnt fussed about the middle of Day 1's contents, im not arsed about social content, and couldnt care about them playing dress up, so i was thinking i might just walk into the shopping center and have a wander round or find somewhere that had the 3pm footie on. In the end i stayed put cos i was already shattered, and was really impressed with both - mostly because it wasnt what i was expecting, but also because it looked good and was much needed.

The 5 systems is disappointing though. I feel like they really could do with throwing in a couple of additional less-populated systems, or they could have done with creating a few into the lore to begin with. Tens of thousands of players online, in a single instance universe, and theres only 5 systems? As huge as they are, that still feels a little bit tiny to me. Then throw in half a dozen orgs with 10k+ members, i expect some will attempt to prevent access to 'their' space, and then you'll have areas where Orgs are straight up at war with each other inside a system, making it difficult to enter and not get caught up in it all. It sounds problematic.
If there was more like 8-10, and they were somewhat empty like Nyx is, i'd be a little more positive about it. I've already spent the last couple of years avoiding playing SC because i dont want it to hit v1.0 and immediately be bored with 80% of the content cos i've hammered every new location, new career game-loop, in the years building up to release. That was with the expectation that they were working on a bunch of planets quietly behind the scenes.
I guess we'll get a good indication when we have server meshing online, although i doubt capacity would be even hit 10% of what it'd hit once we're 1.0+. Thats the only thing that left me concerned from this years event. It also effectively killed any hope of Operation Pitchfork happening, if theres no Vanduul system to invade right before a wipe, people arent going to act as recklessly as they would have, cos its risk free opportunity to do dumb things as a community.

If i'd read more comments like that first line from you, you'd have been returning to the ignored list :p It just sounds like textbook Scam Citizen hater theory.
The few investors involved might need placating with a more defined outline of what the target is, but they can very easily do that behind closed doors. They wouldnt need to do that while 4500 backers were also there, and stream it live to the rest of the community & co.
Surely the whole point of it was setting the expectations of the community. What needs to be included for their 1.0 release, and what will have to come at a later date. Things like the 5 system universe lower expectations and complaints come release, and stuff like the storyline quests is something that we'd never really had an indication would exist, but is felt necessary to help ease people into the game and hand-hold a little early on. I think since day 1 the community has got a little carried away with what will be possible and what is hopeful/wishful thinking, and this should clarify things somewhat.

They'll definitely have a development build or 2 that has certain incomplete/unreleased features operational, but they'll have had that since the very beginning, rather than it being a secret 1.0 build they're building over months. I doubt its drastically different to the 4.0/meshing releases the Avocados have occasionally accessed, maybe 6mo ahead of what we're seeing. It'd be easier to do things like a launch a demo instance with base building on a local machine, rather than constantly having to update a private master build and if something breaks it prevents others from working/testing in the meantime.

I am ok with 5 systems. Yes it could obviously be more but it should be ok to start off with.

Also, these orgs dont really have 10k users. Trust me they dont. Far from it. Why? Because I’m a member of some of them plus pagen and others LOL.

My point is currently you can be a member of multiple orgs but soon with social/org feature mode, you can only represent one.

What is operation pitchfork?

What i mean by 1.0 branches i mean an actual 1.0 develop branch where ALL the teams merge into.

Currently from what we know, teams all merge into the current up and coming big patch ie 4.0 but i reckon they have an actual 1.0 branch where feature a and feature b gets merged into this branch and they test and make sure it all works. Ie base building merging into 1.0 and also the genesis being merged in and they can test to see if the dynamic weather etc works and check what happens if someone places a building in a forest etc.

They will then have another team merging the sandworm in and check how that reacts next to someone’s base!!!

Hope that makes a bit of sense?

Normally they would wait until they have planned what the next patch is and merge these 3 features in there but i reckon they are doing that now on a 1.0 dev branch
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@PaulC2K I wouldn't be too dismissive of the "only 5 systems in 1.0" I would much rather 5 dense systems, which if the tools they demo'd really does allow them to populate planets well, should mean so much content per planet, you'll always have something to do.

5 systems, with dense planets that have 3000+ points of interest, along with fleshed out gameplay loops, base building should be sufficient to keep even the biggest attic goblin busy.


100 systems, with a handful of points of interest and one or two landing pads. Which was the original kickstarter pitch. We didn't have fully realised planets and the ability to fly in and out of atmosphere at will.
They said using the genesis tool, they can easily add 3000 POI in one, yes ONE planet….
I think we will see both Vanduul and Xian in 1.0

I hope so, I hope we also see the Banu considering they trade with any and all space fairing races including the Vanduul.

I only suggested him because he narrates what's already known. That was my point. The above video that Petey posted missed a lot of info and made a lot of assumptions..

This is why I suggest bored gamer as eh doesn't do that and says it as it is and not in a long video.

Anyways space tomato is my fav youtuber and I even watch his podcasts and deep dives. But it ain't for everyone.

I really like Space Tomato as well, I generally watch all of his streams when I can as he sometimes speaks to devs as well but in general he has a really good way of putting things.
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Drama kicking off once again.

The RSI Galaxy won't have base building, even after it was sold as the primary means of creating a large base at last years citizencon. It's not often they outright lie but this is one of them.

for me on the blades / npc debate it doesn’t really bother me if my ship is co piloted by “ai” or an npc i mean what difference does it make to me when im flying the ship? i’m not looking in the turret wondering what npc is in there. It will be nice to have on the helm but i’ve no doubt that will be easy to fill with players anyway even if your a “solo” player.

on the galaxy debate… it needs to have building as they advertised it as having the ability to do so.
Something, something, Subject to change.

They should have their feet held to the fire over that and be forced to offer refunds.

i mean the wording on their advertisement for it says

“RSI Galaxy supports the ability to build S->L structures”

people bought it for this and now it doesn’t do it.

Subject to change needs to be reasonable. IE “Sorry due to the changing scale of base building we don’t think we can accommodate the galaxy building large structures and will limited to small/medium.”

This should come hand in hand with a refund policy to match expectations of advertised features
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