*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

I think any of the guys on pre order or beta are staying away for the time moving and moved their char from newbie areas lol.

Looking for guild for PvE - I am jedi knight

You need the Kellian Jarro server and the Nice Hat guild :)

/whisper Sylinx, Oenone, Pooks, Evairl, Progene, Mel'riahnel or Zeet :)
Back with a PhD and ready for some Frostclaw/Kellian Jarro action :D

Edit: Queues seem significantly reduced this evening! Think I will wait for Frostclaw (says 30mins, we will see!)
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Congratulations :)

Thanks :)

Guild chat isn't working for me.

Queues seem much, much better tonight. Got through 500 in Frostclaw in 10 minutes - don't mind that at all tbh.

Edit: I love these threads:


I rushed, that's not the point. I am the only 50 so flashpoints are a no go right now, as is Ilum PvP. I am still exploring, but maybe I missed something here? I found 2 level 50 quests....is this correct? My crafting is maxed.

I didn't play the Beta so I may be missing something. But is there really only Flashpoints, and PvP for 50's? I rushed because...that's what I do. But I figured there were some long quest lines to do at 50....

lol, just lol :D
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Need some sleep, plus guild chat has died for me, so apologies if it looks like I was ignoring you.

My last chance to play would be the morning, but it is down for maintenance :( - so see you all online on the 27th/28th :D
You could always buy a ticket to enter there... its only a small amount of 1,000,000 cr.

People are going to be so disappointed if they do that - then again, credits become much easier to earn as the game goes on.

Gutted that I sold so much blue/purple gear to vendors - only just realised how much I could have made of the exchange and how easy it is to use :(
Really not keen on the city based planets like Coruscant and Nar Shadaa. Feels very enclosed and more linear. The open organic planets lead you too believe its an open world. Bored of corridors so I just did the class quests and jetted off :)

Agreed, I am not a huge fan of Nar Shadaa - it looks pretty, but is just too enclosed and corridor like. I killed the world boss, did the class quests, then left the place.
While we are all waiting to play, thought I would direct everyones attention to a lot of useful info in the first 2 posts of this thread, and the OcUK guild home page at http://www.beyondtheclock.com/home :)

Will be picking this up today! (Still unsure on CE or normal) Looking around everyone and their dog is the class i'd like to play, Sith Inquisitor. I'm coming from wow and my main was a mage (Also in the original the Ocuk guild - Shattered Halls)

I'm wondering if people are finding a lack of tanks / healers? I know it'll differ from server to server but I like to choose my class and stick with it. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. :)

No shortage of tanks, but there is definitely a shortage of healers on every server I have been on.
How are the servers now btw on frostclaw? - shame I've abandoned one of every class above L12 and 1 l23 on there :(,

I've re-rolled on Bao dur (empire) & Ludo Kreshh (republic) - no waiting times at all atm & a decent population.

Pretty much fixed across the board now. By the end of peak times last night, although Frostclaw said full, I got on instantly on a number of occasions. Even when I was in a queue of 500, I got in within about 10 minutes. Hopefully this continues!
Sadly not no.

But there thinking about allowing you to change your advanced class later on.

I am still undecided on this - it is an interesting idea, but seems like too much of an easy path tbh.

More than anything I would like to be able to tweak the design of my character!

Is there any way to get anything near Sith Juggernaugt style armor for a Jedi Guardian (Dark Jedi)? Hoping she won't be running round looking all heroic!

Apparently not, the republic armour is seriously lacking at the moment.

When are they going to bring in AA.. graphics are nice but the edges of a lot of things annoys me so much

Force it though your graphics card control panel. Mine is forced to 16xEQ through CCC.
Im about level 80 in synthweaving on my Inquisitor and I'm wondering whether I should scrap it and go Biochem as it will probably be more profitalble endgame.

I reckon artifice will be more profitable, although saying that most people seem to have it - and will probably be running around with purple lightsabers endgame! I personally find biochem to be very useful, especially as a tank when the healers aren't quite keeping up. Hopefully it will be profitable endgame too :)
I get a pretty big FPS hit if I force it via CCC.

It's not like my hardware is poor (over-clocked 6970 @ 940 , I5 2500k @ 4.5ghz, 16gb DDR 1600 RAM).

I'm dropping to around 30ish FPS in certain areas when playing windowed mode with forced AA/AF, never drop below 60 with no AA (v-sync on ofc).

Weird, I don't seem to take a hit at all. I am sure they will re-enable it in-game pretty soon tbh.

Did a couple of flashpoints last night, seemed like good fun altho I slightly outlevelled them, just seems a bit of a faff about to get to. Gonna have to stop runnign around soloing stuff and get some group play in to learn to tank :p

Having only one taunt seems really odd tbh guess I need to play around a bit more to learn teh class.

REALLY liking the space combat like, it's made me want a bigger screen lol.

The upgrades system has me confused tho lol, people constantly saying oranges are better but some of the Quest rewards adn even the blues I can craft seem way better.

The flashpoints get progressively more difficult, even if you do out level them. They may be a pain to get to, but at least having them together means finding a group is pretty much instantaneous.

I find the single taunt annoying too, but you get an aoe taunt later on :cool:

Would have to agree with you on the space combat - was apprehensive in beta, but it is really fun and has a lot of potential.

I would disagree with the people that say orange is better - getting the upgrades can be expensive or hit and miss through quests. I currently have a few orange items, but will probably get rid of them when I get better gear.
I've not even tried pvp yet, any tanks on here comapred the pvp gear to the PvE/crafted stuff?

and activated mya ccount last night at around 4pm took all of 15mins to enter game and timecard, then the Queues seemed a lot better than usual, wonder if theyve actually sorted the servers or if its a mix of people preordering but not purchasing and not being bothered to queue to enter codes.

I haven't tried PvP yet either. Then again, I am a tank and have heard mixed things about PvP and being a tank.

The server queues have definitely been sorted now.
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