******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Hello Gorgeous. I've been waiting for you...


My thanks go to Matt who helped me with this, and all the other guys who squadded up during the events. I hope you all got your tank/plane of choice.

We must now all have an event day where we all fly them together and bum noobs like there's no tomorrow!:p:D
Flew my Canberra for the first time last night. Man, that thing is a points MOW-SHEEN! Very little can catch you so you're guaranteed to at least get a load of points each game as you hit bases and ground units. Good payload too.
Loving the Do217 E-4!

The Do217 E-2 is good, but the E-4 is even better.

Easily the best German bomber when its maxxed (aced).

4*1000Kg bombload, decent speed and good frontal guns for the laughs.

The 2*20mm cannons firing forwards are a most amusing surprise for some! :p

I've shot down a good few fighters and bombers with it! :D

While I'm doing rather well in US aircraft at the moment, I keep getting one shotted straight away in the jagpanzer. I either get ammo racked or one shot goes straight through the three crew members who sit in a straight line. Meanwhile the last stug seems to take loads of shots before it goes down.
hey guys, returnng player here, bit of a novice in the air and never played the ground forces yet but intend to over the next few nights. Do we have an OCuK squadron for everyone or is it only for serious players?

Is Realistic battles a better place to play or is arcade just as good?
Yep we have a squadron, its for everyone pretty much, the only stipulation is that people at least make some effort to join in with other people, we're not just there for the clan tag for lone wolf players.

It's sort of for serious players, as in we're serious about trying to win (most of the time) but we're not serious about how that is done, its more about the enjoyment of playing with other people.

Realistic vs. arcade is much of a muchness, some people prefer realistic but I think the majority of us play arcade. No doubt the guys who primarily play realistic will be happy to squad up aswell.

Search for the OCUK squadron and post up your in game mane mere and fire us an invite!
Yep we have a squadron, its for everyone pretty much, the only stipulation is that people at least make some effort to join in with other people, we're not just there for the clan tag for lone wolf players.

It's sort of for serious players, as in we're serious about trying to win (most of the time) but we're not serious about how that is done, its more about the enjoyment of playing with other people and active ramming of both the enemy and our own team.

Realistic vs. arcade is a whitewash for Arcade, as RealBiscuit is for geeks and wierdo's. No doubt the guys who primarily play realistic will be happy to squad up aswell, coz they have no friends.

Search for the OCUK squadron and post up your in game name here and fire us an invite!
I, Boycey, openly enjoy and participate in Docking.

Fixed :D
Brain that's incorrect he doesn't advertise it... the Boycey must be courted! :D

Hope you guys are all doing okay, with working weekends now, having a new girlfriend and everything else that's going on I'm struggling to find time to play... hopefully be on in the PM today though...
having flown a few rounds last night as arcade in tier 2 I really enjoyed it, how much harder to fly and land is Realistic battles? Is the damage model a lot stricter as well? At times last night I was pumping 8x browning rounds from my hurricane into things and getting loads of hits and they were flying like nothing was happening.
At times last night I was pumping 8x browning rounds from my hurricane into things and getting loads of hits and they were flying like nothing was happening.

Were you using stealth ammo or another type? The problem with wing-mounted guns, and having lots of them, is convergence. If your convergence is set to 400 metres, then at 400m you're going to get all your bullets hitting and you'll smash things up in no time. At any other distance, or any other angle, you'll only get some of your bullets hitting, possible as low as just 1 gun on target if you're turning and at non-optimal distance.

Also, I'm not entirely convinced that the damage modelling of .303 rounds is entirely accurate, they do feel quite weak in the Spitfire/Hurricane - but maybe that's just in comparison to 20mm cannons.
In realistic the damage model is a bit stricter, not as strict as simulator obviously but I prefer it.

Ref: .303's, well there was a reason why Brit planes started to adopt 20mm Hispano after relatively ineffectiveness of .303 against increasingly up-armoured planes and bombers.

I personally approve of US planes with 8 x 50 cal, rather than cause a catastrophic hit like a cannon they just chew stuff up good n' proper ;)
thanks lads, I just holiday'd all my plan crews in US as well so I could focus on tanks with the US. I don't like how you have to share crew slots its a shame their not seperated out some what.

I'm at work, does the typhoon have 303's as well or move up to cannons?
one of each, the 303 typhoon is dog egg, the cannon armed one is higher teir but amazing and the premium cannon one is probably the best gold eagles i have ever spent, its a 3.7 beast
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