Normally I would say Kwango was being overzealous, but he is actually telling the exact truth this time.
Kwango had to hold my hand (metaphorically) through the whole process, and had he actually been present with me in the room I would have strangled him at least 3 times.
And now I have to do it all over again, because a certain RAF Engineer, who cannot get this done himself for reasons, needs me to help him out.
I may arrange to split the work load with someone.
And what do you mean not worth it???
1: Those 500lb bombs kill anything, from AA trucks to full sized Pillboxes and Heavy Tanks, and it has 4 of them.
2: Its fast, difficult to kill with small caliber guns, packs 2 engines for redundancy, and is maneuverable for a bomber, so has survivability in bucket loads.
3: It packs 2 gunners, who, when fully leveled, are pin-point deadly accurate.
4: Because they're all premium planes, they come with MASSIVE lion earning boosts (+124% I think is the best). And I use them to kill Heavy Tanks and Pillboxes, which are already good earners, so I can easily make 1million Silver Lions in a single night I if need to.
5: I can run them in high tier propeller matches to make even more money.
6: I have 3 of them now. THREE OF THEM. So if someone kills me... so what? I have another! AND ANOTHER! And when that is dead, I load my Premium Torpedo Bomber with its 500lb bombs, and that has even BETTER lion earning bonus!
This is very useful when the Horten 229 is gonna set me back 1.5million SL easily if I want to expert his crew.
Then there is the 163 to get, the next Canberra, the Mig jets, the Sabres... You get it.