******Official War Thunder Thread*******

I'm still playing my BR 2.0 Brit line up and doing surprisingly well in them :)

Normally top of my team in them.

Currently going with Beaufort (I think the one with out the gun?), HurryDerp, Hurricane 12x guns + 6 x Rockets, Hurrican x8 guns, Sea Hurricane x8 guns.
Might 'splash' out for another crew slot and put my other 2.0 Brit in there :)

But having a lot of fun now I'm sticking to a BR I can handle and fly well in at Arcade.

Also dip my toe in realistic aswell sometimes with them, but only occasinally
I'm still playing my BR 2.0 Brit line up and doing surprisingly well in them :)

Normally top of my team in them.

Currently going with Beaufort (I think the one with out the gun?), HurryDerp, Hurricane 12x guns + 6 x Rockets, Hurrican x8 guns, Sea Hurricane x8 guns.
Might 'splash' out for another crew slot and put my other 2.0 Brit in there :)

But having a lot of fun now I'm sticking to a BR I can handle and fly well in at Arcade.

Also dip my toe in realistic aswell sometimes with them, but only occasinally

Planes are certainly best between 2.0 and 4.0, imo.
Did you drop a nuke on that lot or something lol

I'd say 2 x 500kg into a cap zone? :)

Well while I was busy getting mashed by the Yak 7 behind me, I hadn't realised it was their spawn, I just saw a few red blobs and thought "Might get a kill or 2 there..." so chucked in my 2x500KG and 1x1000KG bombs.

Cue a 4 kill message popping up, followed by another 2 kills, and a final one - much lols was had! :D

I'm still playing my BR 2.0 Brit line up and doing surprisingly well in them :)

Normally top of my team in them.

Currently going with Beaufort (I think the one with out the gun?), HurryDerp, Hurricane 12x guns + 6 x Rockets, Hurrican x8 guns, Sea Hurricane x8 guns.
Might 'splash' out for another crew slot and put my other 2.0 Brit in there :)

My Russki's politely ask if you can raise the BR to 2.3, so they they can murder all comers...

The spawn rape in some of these maps is nothing short of pathetic, spawn in and you're facing numerous enemy tanks, or you have bombers dropping a load of bombs and wiping everything out that's trying to get out of the spawn area.
problem is it tends to be a fail team that lets people camp tbh, nothing you can do about it.

Although I'm now certain that bombers need removing from arcade battles.

Watched a jingles vid last night and one of the comments he made was about the MM, that you either get a fail team or a brilliant one, theres no middle ground
problem is it tends to be a fail team that lets people camp tbh, nothing you can do about it.

Although I'm now certain that bombers need removing from arcade battles.

Watched a jingles vid last night and one of the comments he made was about the MM, that you either get a fail team or a brilliant one, theres no middle ground

I find his videos hard to watch, in some of them he's literally laughing after every sentence for some reason or other. A lot of the time you have to wonder what he's laughing at as he seems to do it at the drop of a hat. :confused:
I find his videos hard to watch, in some of them he's literally laughing after every sentence for some reason or other. A lot of the time you have to wonder what he's laughing at as he seems to do it at the drop of a hat. :confused:

Yeah I don't watch a great deal of them, only the ones where theres been a big patch, or ones like that one where he explained why he wasnt playing WT anymore.

To be honest I barely watch any gameplay youtubes, I'd rather just play the game!
Yeah I don't watch a great deal of them, only the ones where theres been a big patch, or ones like that one where he explained why he wasnt playing WT anymore.

To be honest I barely watch any gameplay youtubes, I'd rather just play the game!

You'd watch my YouTube videos! I should start youtubing but the fact every other word would be a swearie might limit my audience! Lol
..or just record Kwango on Teamspeak next time and overlay that onto any Warthunder video :D it'd be great. Angry Irishman Plays WT....F (uncensored).
..or just record Kwango on Teamspeak next time and overlay that onto any Warthunder video :D it'd be great. Angry Irishman Plays WT....F (uncensored).

My epic fails are much better than any random WT video. I was playing the other evening and was furiously abusing someone in chat while trying to pop off shots in my IS-2. Took my eye off the main screen for a second to type and forgot I had set my tank to autodrive......drove straight of a cliff. Needless to say I got called numerous noob names. So I replied as best as I could, still not sure how I dodged a chat ban that time.

I've managed to curb my natural abuse of late to be fair, the 14day chat ban did help a bit! :p

CSGO is great for giving abuse. The amount of people who get so upset if you call them a cheat is brilliant. In fact I nkw tend to just pick one player on the warm up and call them a hacker straight out. They get so upset usually.
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Thirded! I also think we should petition Gaijin to make images of Kate Upton and her chebs as official decals in-game, with immediate effect. Having them as a skin isnt good enough, the chebs need sharing!
Starting to get into the realms of kv tanks, scary. :eek:

The engine seems to have a few issues in regards to pop-in, some maps when you go around a corner you can see everything drawing in. Also had issues with people hiding behind things with parts of their tank visible, its like the game engine doesn't know if they're fully behind something or not and you can see the tank appear and vanish.
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