Be interesting to see how the british tanks perform, on the lower tiers they should be ok but that's about it. Firefly sherman is a certainty as well.
I'm not even sure that they'll do well at low tiers. Early tanks will almost certainly have the 2pdr (40mm) main gun, which only has solid-shot AP shells, and no HE shells at all.
Although it was a viable gun against early war tanks, in-game the solid shot mechanics don't give the same killing potential as APHE, so you're going to need to hit either vital spots precisely, or repeated hits until the enemy dies. If they introduce the Matilda II, this shouldn't be a problem.
The British tree should really get the M3 Grant tank at BR 2.7, as we had them in North Africa, because our own tank industry couldn't produce anything capable of taking on Panzers effectively in time for that campaign.
Later British tanks were commonly armed with the 6pdr (57mm) gun, and Gaijin have already posted that the Churchill's 57mm main gun is going to struggle with penetration at range. So yea, thanks for that Gaijin. Bet we don't get the Churchill with the 95mm howitzer fitted either.
The Firefly should be devastating, but what's the bet that it'll have some retarded BR like 6.7 or 7.0? Ideally I'd like to see it at about 4.7, that would be nice.
Tea anyone?