******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Any tips for a newbie, I've never played a plane game before :/

Play through the tutorials, and spend a while flying reserve/rank 1 aircraft before attempting to move up the ranks.

The mouse aim system was strange to me as someone who had played a fair few flight sims before; in essence you don't actually control your aircraft, instead you control the "camera" and the game automatically maneuvers the aircraft to go where the camera is looking.

It sounds like a strange system, but once you get used to it then it's quite intuitive (albeit difficult to perform some maneuvers with).
Been trying to get up to 350k lions to buy my latest Spitfire (level 10 british) and got to 340k, checked to see how much, and then noticed it needs another 70k to train the crew!!!

I am just trying to grind through until I can get my lovely Mosquito, level 12 for that, so hopefully will have the money to buy it and train the crew by the time I hit level 12.

Slightly annoying you have to buy the previous planes in the tree to get to the one you want though.

Loving the game!
Just wait, next patch should be moving the Wellingtons into their own tree. That way you want have waste tonnes of lions on pointless Wellingtons to get to the Mosquito.
Also next patch will be reducing cost of aircraft.
Got this last night after reading this thread and I'm thoroughly hooked haha!

Almost level 6 with the British already, and 30k XP of my Spitfire MKII.

If you're reading over this thread, I highly recommend downloading the game and having a go.
How is everyone getting on? I notice that all of a sudden on every ground strike map, bf109's just fly up straight away to get bombers. I used to love bombing but is near impossible now. As a bomber player I used to allways go high in my fighter as I know how to counter what I do as a bomber, it used to be just me in my Spitty, now the 109's are up there too, did they get an increase in rate of climb?

I managed to get a few people to stick together and try to bomb together, but as normal nobody gave us fighter cover. We did take out half the base pretty quickly but then we all fell...by guess what? A blinkin 109 :(
How is everyone getting on? I notice that all of a sudden on every ground strike map, bf109's just fly up straight away to get bombers. I used to love bombing but is near impossible now. As a bomber player I used to allways go high in my fighter as I know how to counter what I do as a bomber, it used to be just me in my Spitty, now the 109's are up there too, did they get an increase in rate of climb?

I managed to get a few people to stick together and try to bomb together, but as normal nobody gave us fighter cover. We did take out half the base pretty quickly but then we all fell...by guess what? A blinkin 109 :(

I had a blooming great game last night. Got a fully upgraded Spitty MK II, and gave my friend who's playing a bomber some fighter cover.

I killed upwards of 7 planes who were on his tail! Best game I've had yet! So yes, get yourself a decent pilot or 2 for fighter cover and you're fine in your flying castle :)
Haven't played this in a while now, but I was a big fan of it before my OS reinstall. I tend to use British planes, mostly due to my love for Spitfires and Hurricanes :)
Yeah I'm heading toward the IX, the grind is huge to get there! But thoroughly enjoy the game so personally it's not so much of a grind at all. Just a shame you can't use your favourite plane over and over.
can someone enlighten me, I've got the mig-3 lagg-9 etc and all of them get pimped by the noob aircraft!!!! Now I've done ok so far, I'm not a pro but love flight sims and the reduction in turn rate is unbelievable, I now can't lose anyone who gets behind me!

I've tried KB+M as opposed to just mouse and also my x-52 but this is horrendous, no point going up tiers if i still get owned because I cant escape lv1 or 0 fighters!!!
can someone enlighten me, I've got the mig-3 lagg-9 etc and all of them get pimped by the noob aircraft!!!! Now I've done ok so far, I'm not a pro but love flight sims and the reduction in turn rate is unbelievable, I now can't lose anyone who gets behind me!

If you're getting into turning battles against biplanes then you're doing it wrong.

Monoplanes give up some turning performance for a large increase in speed and climb rate; play to your strengths not theirs, boom and zoom them.
If people arn't aware this is now on Steam :)

and they also have a decent deal on at the moment for around £18

2 Planes
2 Months Premium
10,000 Gold Eagles

Getting into this quite a lot at the moment, still slightly getting annoyed at the "pilot was knocked out" but will need to increase vitality on one of my planes so it doesn't happen!
Getting into this quite a lot at the moment, still slightly getting annoyed at the "pilot was knocked out" but will need to increase vitality on one of my planes so it doesn't happen!

Once you get over 50 or so vitality you should see that message a lot less often.

Of course what it should really say is "pilot was reduced to a pulpy mess of blood and bone fragments" but since this is a PG game then nobody really gets hurt, even if they're in a burning plane which hits the ground at six hundred miles per hour :p
Thought it was poo at 1st now im addicted. Do you get more xp for the other game modes?

I don't want to hang about with the lows in arcade for long.

Also any tips on where to put crew points and what not ?
Just been playing this tonight and it's epic! Brings me back to the days of endless hours playing IL2 Sturmovik. If anyone wants to join a squad then let me know, can always team up and watch each others backs! I hate not having a wing man or formation.
Once you get over 50 or so vitality you should see that message a lot less often.

Of course what it should really say is "pilot was reduced to a pulpy mess of blood and bone fragments" but since this is a PG game then nobody really gets hurt, even if they're in a burning plane which hits the ground at six hundred miles per hour :p

Got it up to 60 on one of my planes and some german plane still ripped me a new one with 1 shot :(

Still having a laugh though, starting on german planes now.
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