****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Where would all their revenue come from without premium?

Already been shown by other companies you don't need in game revenue to make a successful game. League of Legends that is all.

Also I'm not saying premium should be scrapped or should be free, just reduce the price a little that's all, is it really worth nearly £90 a year just to have +50% XP and credits? That can buy you 3 triple A titles...
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Already been shown by other companies you don't need in game revenue to make a successful game. League of Legends that is all.

Also I'm not saying premium should be scrapped or should be free, just reduce the price a little that's all, is it really worth nearly £90 a year just to have +50% XP and credits? That can buy you 3 triple A titles...

LoL holds no interest for me so I couldn't really comment on a comparison. Do the developers of LoL generate the same amount of income as WG do with WoT?

For me yes, but I can see why others wouldn't want to pay it. Also if you pay up front it's just under £70. They also do have offers on this occasionally so it's nearer £50 a year.
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LoL holds no interest for me so I couldn't really comment on a comparison. Do the developers of LoL generate the same amount of income as WG do with WoT?

LoL generates its money through different methods that don't affect players. I've just never really agreed with companies offering easier ways for people to progress by using money, it should be down to playtime/skill not how much you're willing to spend. It's obvious why they do it though because people prefer the easier option and many are willing to spend whatever it takes to get that.
LoL is also a much more simplistic game so you cant really compare. Its essentially stagnent with the only new content being ocasionally adding a couple of heroes/items so their ongoing development costs are next to nothing other than balancing?

WoT on the other hand is adding Maps, Tanks, Nations, Features, UI not to mention being moddable and trying to juggle balance.
LoL is also a much more simplistic game so you cant really compare. Its essentially stagnent with the only new content being ocasionally adding a couple of heroes/items so their ongoing development costs are next to nothing other than balancing?

WoT on the other hand is adding Maps, Tanks, Nations, Features, UI not to mention being moddable and trying to juggle balance.

But LoL also has far more players.

That argument doesn't weigh up either as like I said earlier other games have a similar fee to WoT but have far more content and regular updates.
It doesn't fit your particular requirements for an MMO.

it doesnt fit any requirement for an mmo
Was GuildWars (original) classed as an MMO? If it was then i can see why WoT is.

Anyway, had a fun evening last night thanks to zoom helping me out with a platoon. I was on a seriously bad loosing streak on my own, MM deffinately had it in for me! But thanks to the platoon I managed to get my 15 wins just before midnight :)

Cromwell + Hellcat makes a lethal combo
Guildwars was classed as an

how is wot anything like guild wars anyway? GW is very close to an mmo but without the massively multiiplayer

WOT has more in common with
any every other multiplayer shooter because that is what it is.

You can not change the definition of an mmo just because you want to no matter how retarded you are (not talking about you personally but the people putting it into the mmo category for awards)

Where would all their revenue come from without premium?
gold ammo
gold tanks
paint schemes

WoT on the other hand is adding Maps, Tanks, Nations, Features, UI not to mention being moddable and trying to juggle balance.
a handful of tanks in how many years?
about 6 mas in how many years?
what new features?
UI has no changed.
balance? balance is be a russian tank and it has been since WOT was in beta

there have been hardly any changes in 3 years so don't act like that £9 is good value for money and LOL dwarfs the income WG get every year
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But LoL also has far more players.

That argument doesn't weigh up either as like I said earlier other games have a similar fee to WoT but have far more content and regular updates.

Such as? I'm not trying to be arsey but i cant think of another online game of this type that updates with new content on such a regular basis.

We got 8.7 at the end of July, and now 8.8 at the start of September for example.

I was just curious in regards to GuildWars lobby city hubs and then instanced game worlds. It seems a good comparison to WoTs lobby system and instanced matches for example. .... In my mind at least lol :)

[edit] You realise 2 out of that list of 4 consumables you mentioned can be purchased with ingame currency and not real money right?
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Such as? I'm not trying to be arsey but i cant think of another online game of this type that updates with new content on such a regular basis.

We got 8.7 at the end of July, and now 8.8 at the start of September for example.

Such as? Is this serious? If you class it as an MMO then nearly every MMO on the market has more content and frequent updates. In fact GW2 is a one off fee and has way more content and now has a good update every 2 weeks as well as small frequent ones in between.
Such as? I'm not trying to be arsey but i cant think of another online game of this type that updates with new content on such a regular basis.
pretty much every free online game but if you want a specific example TF2
[edit] You realise 2 out of that list of 4 consumables you mentioned can be purchased with ingame currency and not real money right?
I thought you could buy all gold consumables with ingame money now?
but anyway that is not the point you can not afford to keep buying gold ammo for long before your balance becomes empty.
We got 8.7 at the end of July, and now 8.8 at the start of September for example.
and look at eve-online and how much free content they had over the years for there £8.99

I was just curious in regards to GuildWars lobby city hubs and then instanced game worlds. It seems a good comparison to WoTs lobby system and instanced matches for example. .... In my mind at least lol
why because WOT has a garage and a chat box? it's nothing like walking around an open city looking at other peoples and inspecting them freely in the open.

WOT is basically a chatroom with battles which is very far from an mmo but the way you are going on you seem to be either very naive or not very knowledgeable about pc games
a handful of tanks in how many years?
about 6 mas in how many years?
what new features?
UI has no changed.
balance? balance is be a russian tank and it has been since WOT was in beta

Are you just trying to troll here?

a handful of tanks in how many years?
3 standard and 2 new premium in the last patch alone.

about 6 mas in how many years?

what new features?
Camo patterns, Built in replays, new graphic engine, water passing all spring to mind as "added" features.

UI has no changed.
The tech tree has been redesigned, the service record has been redesigned. Both UI.

balance? balance is be a russian tank and it has been since WOT was in beta
Take a read of any of the previous patch notes, things are always being changed. Just because you dont agree or pay attention doesnt mean theres no balancing happening.
new graphic engine? the game is still using the peice of **** engine it was 3 years ago the one that is so basic it can only handle 1 cpu core in an age when most people have atleast 4 cores.

I'm trolling? read your own posts or go play an actual mmo so you can see how big a rip off WOT's premium fee is.

which is what we were arguing about being a rip off and should be half as much.
then some people decided wot was an mmo so it's justifiable because you have been brainwashed into believing WOT is an MMO even though the game is a million miles away from being anything like one.

as I said WOT is only an MMO for marketing purposes no actual devs will ever believe it is an MMO.

to pretty much everyone in the real world an mmo is a massively multiplayer online game set inside an actual world that is often a believable setting and so vast and full of other players that you can believe to an extent that it is "real"

go play planetside 2 and you can see what an mmo is with battles of thousands of players and not 15 on each team like its 1998 and it's your average online game
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it doesnt fit any requirement for an mmo

Guildwars was classed as an

how is wot anything like guild wars anyway? GW is very close to an mmo but without the massively multiiplayer

WOT has more in common with
any every other multiplayer shooter because that is what it is.

You can not change the definition of an mmo just because you want to no matter how retarded you are (not talking about you personally but the people putting it into the mmo category for awards)

gold ammo
gold tanks
paint schemes

a handful of tanks in how many years?
about 6 mas in how many years?
what new features?
UI has no changed.
balance? balance is be a russian tank and it has been since WOT was in beta

there have been hardly any changes in 3 years so don't act like that £9 is good value for money and LOL dwarfs the income WG get every year

I don't really know why you bother with the game when you are so bitter about it? Gold is a premium feature, they go hand in hand. They wouldn't generate the same amount of revenue without premium even if they left gold in. They are in this to make money not do you a favour. Every channel that matters to WG see WoT as an MMO, it doesn't really matter to them that you think different. You are after all still playing it...
LoL generates its money through different methods that don't affect players. I've just never really agreed with companies offering easier ways for people to progress by using money, it should be down to playtime/skill not how much you're willing to spend. It's obvious why they do it though because people prefer the easier option and many are willing to spend whatever it takes to get that.

I doubt if it is the same league as the money machine that is WoT though?

I'm time poor and cash rich so I'll take the Premium account leg up that's offered. I can only once a week, twice at most. I've been playing it from the start and still have only just played 3k games :D The XP bonuses don't effect the game balance that much though, and Gold ammo is now available to all. None of the Gold tanks are overpowered, it's all down to skill and the luck of the RNG. That and not getting a rubbish MM :D
they can see it as an MMO all they want the person who invented MMO would not see it as anything but an online shooter with a handful of players on each side.

bf3 has 64 player maps does that make it an mmo? or does it in need a global chat room

league of legends hads tournaments giving away millions of $
I believe the first prize in the latest tournament is 2 million $ it is not some small insignificant game it is likely the largest MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) there is going and it knows how to classify it self and amazingly how to give value for money
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You can play WoT for free what better value for money is there? You can bash it all you want, it's successful at what it does. Everyone has different opinions on how much something is worth to them. Yours is lower than what WoT have set as their mean target, that's all.
no one was bashing anything people were just saying £9 a month is to much and £5 would be about right.

then some people who fell for the advertising of an mmo come in and defend it because all mmo's have a subscription fee and this is one so it is normal.

some of you genuinely seem to believe it's an mmo which is what got so many people riled up
Probably makes more through the amount of people streaming it, weekly tournaments and merchandise.

Pay to stream and enter tournaments? Or is it the advertisement revenue through those? They all get their slice of our pie I guess, you just go for the one you like.
no one was bashing anything people were just saying £9 a month is to much and £5 would be about right.

then some people who fell for the advertising of an mmo come in and defend it because all mmo's have a subscription fee and this is one so it is normal.

some of you genuinely seem to believe it's an mmo which is what got so many people riled up

I'm not defending anything. A person was lambasted for saying it wasn't that bad a monthly amount for an MMO. As it is commonly referred to as an MMO the statement was not incorrect at all. That's the space it's competing in and doing quite well. I've already said I couldn't care less what it is classified as, it really doesn't matter and is just completely irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

WG market it as an MMO, they charge for it as an MMO and they win industry awards for it as an MMO. You disagree and that's fine, but your opinion isn't fact.
my opinion isn't fact? you can not try to alter what a genre is and that is a fact...

WOT is nothing like any MMO that ever existed because it is not one how hard is it to understand? it is an online shooter at best a MOBA.

the mechanics in WOT are in just about every other shooting game/online game

there is nothing MMO about it

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