****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

it's not hate it is not an mmo and that is fact.

Right. I've restrained from getting involved in this, but you've baited me in with this comment. Simply put, you really need to identify the difference between fact and opinion.

Now, I hate to quote Wikipedia, however, it's probably the right level for this discussion....

"massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously. By necessity, they are played on the Internet. Many games have at least one persistent world, however others just have large numbers of players competing at once in one form or another without any lasting effect to the world at all"

Please note, I am neither stating my opinion here, nor am I claiming any ridiculous "facts".
Im not really sure the point of this argument is about, does anyone actually care what it is? I couldnt give a damn really and I suspect most are the same.

Regarding whether its good value or bad value at £9 or £5 a month is down to the individual user. I've spent probably quite a lot on this game but I enjoy it (generally, aside from siema's!) and I play it a lot more than I would other games so I consider it good value for money. I could go and spend £1000 on a new exhaust for my car and people would think its a waste of money but everyone has different views.

Regarding the game changing very little, in terms of the look and feel of the game it has changed a fair amount especially from what it was in the beta and a lot of new content has been added. At the very start there were considerbly less tanks to play and a lot less maps. From what I remember there was about 12 maps in the beta vs 37 in game right now.
Im not really sure the point of this argument is about, does anyone actually care what it is? I couldnt give a damn really and I suspect most are the same.
^ this
It's just been going around in circles and a yawn fest now :) I'd rather talk about tanks.

In that vein, is there a better time of day for playing? I was playing until around 1:30am last night in tier 3-4, I was constantly getting into games where I was one of the bottom tanks and felt like cannon fodder. The day before I played earlier in the evening and felt like I could make a contribution, had more fun and earnt more XP.

I did notice in the server that there were 200k players online earlier in the evening and only 50k towards the end. I'm guessing that that the more casual players had gone to bed leaving the more dedicated and skilled players making it harder for me?
it's not hate it is not an mmo and that is fact.

There's enough of a debate going on here to indicate that this is not fact. It's officially regarded as an MMO, that's a fact, you and Squarez (and a few others) disagree with this, that is an opinion.

Considering you think that you cannot have an impact on your own win rate as an individual player I'd take any of your opinions with a pinch of salt personally. :p

And your view on Premium accounts is rather illogical as you have put that you think Gold ammo is fine, when that clearly gives you an overall in-game advantage over someone without Gold ammo, while all premium accounts allow is for you to level up faster, while playing less games...
Wow 3 whole pages in 24hrs what a rantfest. When I saw the number of pages go up thought something exciting was happening. er No. WGAF

Lets forget about this MMO business etc and get back to moaning about the one sided teams and complete turkey jurkins in the game. :)

"move on move on, nothing to see here...."
Considering you think that you cannot have an impact on your own win rate as an individual player I'd take any of your opinions with a pinch of salt personally. :p

To be honest anyone that believes that are obviously not good enough to have any kind of effect on the game overall.

It is very easily possible to influence your win rate based on how good or bad of a player you are. Randomness does come into it but its not the only factor.

Here is a perfect example - unless you think that was random and I had no effect on the game at all? ;) Wasn't even driving an OP tank either.


My team managed around 3200 damage combined for what its worth
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I thought I had fluked an epic game last night, something like 2.9k XP without premium. It was a decent game but not that good! Apparently though I had completed some sort of mission so had picked up a bonus :D

I swear something fishy is going on with this 15 win mission thing. I get to around 10 kills quickly enough but then hit a wall and just can't get any more wins, 10 wins 11 losses last night :(
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I thought I had fluked an epic game last night, something like 2.9k XP without premium. It was a decent game but not that good! Apparently though I had completed some sort of mission so had picked up a bonus :D

I swear something fishy is going on with this 15 win mission thing. I get to around 10 kills quickly enough but then hit a wall and just can't get any more wins, 10 wins 11 losses last night :(

I had a guy the other night get 2707 XP after premium on a loss. Was defiantly correct as his XP on the battle screen was 1804 I think. He had done 8.5k dmg in a WZ-111-14 in a T10 game, and a load of kills. the rest of his team didn't do anything, feel bad for him losing with a score like that :p
I had a guy the other night get 2707 XP after premium on a loss. Was defiantly correct as his XP on the battle screen was 1804 I think. He had done 8.5k dmg in a WZ-111-14 in a T10 game, and a load of kills. the rest of his team didn't do anything, feel bad for him losing with a score like that :p

Ouch! You'd enjoy a game like that though, even with the loss.
There's enough of a debate going on here to indicate that this is not fact. It's officially regarded as an MMO, that's a fact, you and Squarez (and a few others) disagree with this, that is an opinion.

Considering you think that you cannot have an impact on your own win rate as an individual player I'd take any of your opinions with a pinch of salt personally. :p

And your view on Premium accounts is rather illogical as you have put that you think Gold ammo is fine, when that clearly gives you an overall in-game advantage over someone without Gold ammo, while all premium accounts allow is for you to level up faster, while playing less games...
winrate is almost completely random depending on the time of day you play, what age ranges are playing etc

but I'm crap at wot remember? and probably only rant because I'm crap?
To be honest anyone that believes that are obviously not good enough to have any kind of effect on the game overall.
yup I'm rubbish and only ever play crap which is why I have an under 50% win rate and should not be allowed to play high tier.
wasn't it you that once said that?

my stats from the last day i played
Victory ratio: 57.14%
Battles: 14
Efficiencyold: 2699.66
Efficiencyv2: 2601.41
WN6: 2242.5

mmo crap deleted I can't be bothered and I don't know why you wanted to bring that back up again

I only played a couple of games today and couldn't be bothered.
To be honest anyone that believes that are obviously not good enough to have any kind of effect on the game overall.
Right so tell me what more am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to kill every single enemy single handed in games like these with 4-5 competent players and the rest people who are lucky to get 2 penetrating hits

or maybe I'm just not good enough and you're right

Maybe if the match making was better people would be able to have more of an impact instead of most games turning into one side stomp fests where you can do a lot of damage and still lose massively because 70% of a team often can't even do 1k dmg each.

sure some games you can make the difference between a win and a lose but they tend to be close games anyway? which in my experience the majority of games are not.

but then again maybe you are super awesome with all gold ammo and gold consumables literally carrying every game you enter
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Arknor, you're doing great since you got your Jagdpanther II. Is it all you play now as your average tier seems to be 8? Eventually it will raise your overall stats but on 5k games it will take a while. edit: Mind you you're still below 50% on the Jagpanther II so still need more to make the overall move quicker.

Great players will carry a game, but they'll still get matches they can't. It's that ratio that makes you stand out as a player. I can't carry a game to save my life i should add :D
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Arknor, you're doing great since you got your Jagdpanther II. Is it all you play now as your average tier seems to be 8? Eventually it will raise your overall stats but on 5k games it will take a while. edit: Mind you you're still below 50% on the Jagpanther II so still need more to make the overall move quicker.

Great players will carry a game, but they'll still get matches they can't. It's that ratio that makes you stand out as a player. I can't carry a game to save my life i should add :D

well if you look at my stats for the 14th and 15th on planet wot and look at the winrate differences my performance doesn't really change but the winrate differences are massive.

averaging 2k+ dmg per battle for both days.

maybe puppet is doing like 4k dmg average and killing 7 people every game though because that seems to be the only thing that would really effect my win ratio most games.

although maybe because puppet has better stats he gets better match making with more even games where as I seem to be trapped in some form of "elo hell"
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Why do you think a handful of games will effect your stats for 5.5k games? Do you understand how stats work?
my stats from the last day i played
Victory ratio: 57.14%
Battles: 14
Efficiencyold: 2699.66
Efficiencyv2: 2601.41
WN6: 2242.5

Posting one day of stats is great but, what about other days where they have not been good. Players who consistently perform good can and will influence games. Last time you posted a lot of 'good' planetwot days I posted some of your not so good days, yet you chose to ignore that? Everyone has bad days but if your average stats are not the same as stats you selectively display then it isnt an accurate representation of how well you do.

but then again maybe you are super awesome with all gold ammo and gold consumables literally carrying every game you enter

I will use premium ammo if I need to, after all people use it on me. Premium ammo effects me a lot as well because generally I know how to play tanks to make the most out of their armour but anyone can just turn up and negate that bonus. I also have decent knowledge of tanks armour and weak spots so I need it less than bad players who just want to point click and win. I don't use any premium consumables and never will. Don't even bother with premium fire extinguishers.

I don't think bad players should play high tiers. Its not fun being in a T10 game with a tomato team who all die without doing anything. Just like new players that jump straight into a t8 premium tank with no clue.
Why do you think a handful of games will effect your stats for 5.5k games? Do you understand how stats work?
erm yea...

if I play 100 games and lose 50 then I win 50%
if I play another 2 games the following day and win 1 lose 1 and decide not to play I have a 50% win ratio still.
it's not wizardry it's basic math.

planet wot makes it simple

I stopped playing yesterday because the teams were so bad it was not fun I don't really care about my stats which is why I messed about in light and med tanks for so long.

BTW my rating for yesterday is **** because some guy tried to push me out , so I did the same to him then his platoon decided to have a team damage fight with me so I did like 1k team dmg and I guess it really penalises you.

anyway it seems wot ratings are skewed towards high tier because dmg per battle seems to make a huge difference without the game taking into account your tanks dmg per minute.

why do my stats only start flying up when I play high tier? I was playing pretty much just as good in tier 6

first loss of the day all my fault for not being able to do 6k dmg or whatever (city map so hard for TD when everything is close range and I am forced to brawl pretty much)
no one would spot anything whole team just camped behind corners and ended up flanked
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Yes it is basic math, but you still fail to grasp it. Your overall stats are only improving slowly as you've had far more worse games that you've had good so far. If you keep on with higher rates your overall will eventually catch up, but only once your good games outweigh the bad.

There's a link on the WoT forums that shows the nearer tier 5 average you are the better your stats show. It's why start paddlers play tier 10 then tier 1.
how do I fail yo grasp it? because I stop having fun and stop playing?

I could lose 50 games today and i know it would barely have an affect on my stats but it wouldn't be a very enjoyable day really

second loss today
everyone lemminged to A-1 on Murovanka in an encounter battle me and the arl decided to try and defend the forest flank solo.

when everyone on the team does so little damage how are you supposed to really be able to influence the outcome ?
sure some games you might get lucky and end up in the right place and just slaughter a bunch of lemmings but the majority of the time it's not going to happen.

maybe I shouldn't be trying to cover the flank and just follow the lemmings though?

anyway my stats are improving slowly because I can't be bothered to play a large amount of games everyday for the 8-16 games I tend to play a day my rating is jumping pretty quickly

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