Dez released a video about the T-10's replacement the Object 257 today
The T-10 is an awesome tank, it got a nice buff a few patches ago and I'd be unhappy to see it removed.
This is the badger, the new replacement for the T10 British FV TD
Hold on.... what will happen to the FV, will there be another branch of the British TD's?
Edit: Also Cheers for the info & pic!
I did look at the armour model of AT15 along with the stats and by god the time has left that tank behind. I've no idea how I'll make it work unless it's one of those rare tanks that looks awful on paper but isn't? Near useless armour and 226mm of pen? Its premium ammo doesn't even reach the standard penetration of some new and recently buffed TDs.
I just unlocked the Conqueror and the AT7 yesterday and picked it up in the sale. Need to grind some credits for the heavy though but have got a large stockpile of free XP if i get caught short.
Which gun are you using? The 122mm has one of the highest alpha's of all the tier 7 tanks at 390 average damage..I'm currently going through the Russian heavies and the IS feels awful, no pen and when it does barely any damage even on some smaller tanks.
I'm currently going through the Russian heavies and the IS feels awful, no pen and when it does barely any damage even on some smaller tanks.