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Dez released a video about the T-10's replacement the Object 257 today

The T-10 is an awesome tank, it got a nice buff a few patches ago and I'd be unhappy to see it removed.
Same boat as you, just finished AT2 today which was hilarious and only had 3 games in AT-8 but all of them ended up being absolute monsters! It is going to be a VERY situational tank but when you have an opportunity to only expose your strong side it's a beast.

I did look at the armour model of AT15 along with the stats and by god the time has left that tank behind. I've no idea how I'll make it work unless it's one of those rare tanks that looks awful on paper but isn't? Near useless armour and 226mm of pen? Its premium ammo doesn't even reach the standard penetration of some new and recently buffed TDs.

Dez released a video about the T-10's replacement the Object 257 today

The T-10 is an awesome tank, it got a nice buff a few patches ago and I'd be unhappy to see it removed.

Yeah basically looks like Defender to replace the T-10, funnily enough I was thinking that Defender absolutely slaps T-10 around armour wise few days ago. Think rather than removal they will hopefully do a German line and add more paths to IS-7. T-10 was a funny tank for me that I hated when moved from IS-3 but once I got a hang of it, I absolutely loved it.
The British AT line must be one of the worst in the game. Currently, slowly, very slowly grinding the AT 8 towards the AT 7, with the ultimate goal of reaching the FV one day.

I'm currently approximately 8K away from the AT 7, then it's rinse and repeat :rolleyes: I can only hope that things get slightly better as it goes with things a lot better once in the Tort?

I'm sure by the day I've done it WG would have nerfed the hell out of it!
The Brit AT line *WAS* great. The AT7 and AT8 were two of my fave/highest w.r. tanks.

Then came power creep.

Now they are a bit rubbish.

Tortoise DPM is great fun, but again it sacrifices so much for 'great' armour, which is now no longer great.

I've unlocked the T10 brit T10 but don't really know if I want a 12 shot hesh special. The 'badger', well just the name is hysterical !
The name is appropriate, it's been pulled out of someones hole.

But then the 183 is total BS so they're replacing one heap with another.

The fv4005 is not BS however.
I did laugh when they said their historians worked really hard to find it in the blueprints (Badger). Wonder if those are the same historians who pulled out an entire Chinese TD line from what was possibly a couple of sketches on a napkin?
This is the badger, the new replacement for the T10 British FV TD
I just unlocked the Conqueror and the AT7 yesterday and picked it up in the sale. Need to grind some credits for the heavy though but have got a large stockpile of free XP if i get caught short.
Hold on.... what will happen to the FV, will there be another branch of the British TD's?

Edit: Also Cheers for the info & pic!

It will become another unique vehicle, just as the FV215b will next patch when replaced by the Superconqueror so those who had it before will get to keep it.

I did look at the armour model of AT15 along with the stats and by god the time has left that tank behind. I've no idea how I'll make it work unless it's one of those rare tanks that looks awful on paper but isn't? Near useless armour and 226mm of pen? Its premium ammo doesn't even reach the standard penetration of some new and recently buffed TDs.

Back when I ground the AT15 (years ago now I admit), I found it's armour pretty poor compared to it's precursors, the AT8 and AT7, until I started angling it and using that fantastic gun arc. I am not sure if this will help you today, but it may be worth giving it a go.
FV218 183 aka Deathstar is getting replaced in the future by this Badger. If you have it then get to keep it as a special vehicle like Foch and FV215B.

I just unlocked the Conqueror and the AT7 yesterday and picked it up in the sale. Need to grind some credits for the heavy though but have got a large stockpile of free XP if i get caught short.

Looks like patch is landing middle of next week so long grind if you're after FV215B.
Was just looking through some old screen shots and reminiscing, had some great battles on my way to the FV183, although they're all slow and situational you can make them work with some effort.

FV was LOL with old HESH pen, what was it, about 280 or something?

Found some funny vids as well that I had completely forgot about from back in the day!

Just unlocked the Tortoise yesterday and towards the end I was kind of liking certain aspects of the AT15...quite bouncy armor at range and the top (ix) gun is quite punchy..mobility is the absolute worst aspect and if on open maps and you are vulnerable to being quickly out manouvered. A similar grind awaits to unlock the FV183 me thinks
I'm currently going through the Russian heavies and the IS feels awful, no pen and when it does barely any damage even on some smaller tanks.
Which gun are you using? The 122mm has one of the highest alpha's of all the tier 7 tanks at 390 average damage..

Also if you happen to be sniping in the IS (with any gun) you are doing it wrong.
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