You may actually enjoy the other British TD line, armour is non existent on those tanks but they are very maneuverable with turrets and whole line also getting buffed this patch. I'm just not a fan of anything non turreted nowadays as meta isn't that kind to that type of a tank. I've had Jagdpanther E100 unlocked for months now but doubt I'll be getting it, in fact I seem to be playing my TDs very little as of late.
It all does kinda depend on your play style, autoloaders are devastating in this game too but those are pretty high skill cap tanks. I've played around 15k games and only truly started to be decent with them over a last few thousand games. Requires a very high map awareness and good knowledge of game mechanics and once you nail that, you can make people hate the auto loaders in this game.
EDIT: Oh wow just looked at this "Get as rich as possible" special that was advertised for this weekend and it's frankly an insult. The RU region has a special since 9th of October that gets you 100k credits for the first win and another 100k for further 15, so essentially potential 200k a day or 100k a day if you just log in for your daily win. Can do each mission once a day as far as I can tell until a pool of 1.5 trillion credits is used up and double XP on 25 wins too. We get a booster of 25% for two hours that can be repeated 3 times a day only over weekend :/
Furthermore if your account has been inactive for last 30 days and you login, get a randomly assigned premium tank rental for a week which can be Super Pershing, Raviolo, CDC or Strv S1. Wish I couldn't read Russian because while I understand that they need to provide better value for chargeable portions of the freemium model, doing specials with such huge disparity is once again insulting to the EU player base.