****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Well it's a graphical update mostly so not much should change in terms of gameplay. What it does mean is that hopefully once the new engine/graphics are up and running we'll actually see new maps added after that.
New graphics look amazing. BUT.

Great graphics do not a great game make.

The gameplay/MM/balance have all become gradually broken over the last few years. They really need to fix that as a priority.
Well biggest thing is that hopefully they also fix balancing issues on some maps while doing the HD update otherwise it's all just a monumental waste of resources. That and of course boosting up inaccessible areas, really is a slap in the face if they don't fix the remaining areas.
With the British line am I going to have more fun with the TD's or the heavies? Only on the Churchill 1 atm but need to decide which way to go now.
Well heavy line is getting a good buff this patch that's coming next week but only changes are from T8 and above. T6 and T7 can feel very lackluster to play, with Black Prince you're basically cannon fodder against many stronger T8 and T9 tanks. Saying that while I didn't love it, I didn't mind it and certainly didn't hate it like most people since in higher tier games I basically acted like a sidescraping ram, those huge tracks on the side can eat anything. When you're top tier you utterly dominate too so make sure you make the most out of those games!

The "original" TD line you're talking about is in need of love too at the moment as tanks don't do particularly well in current meta but buffs are probably coming in patch after next (educated guess, not confirmed) as they are replacing the T10 Deathstar. Also you'd have to make your way through Churchill Glass Cannon which might just one of the worst tanks in this game, I may even recommend starting that line from scratch as all the early tanks are actually pretty decent with AT2 being plain hilarious.
With the British line am I going to have more fun with the TD's or the heavies? Only on the Churchill 1 atm but need to decide which way to go now.

The heavy line looks like it will be pretty good after the next patch (which apparently is dropping mid-week next week) and personally I did not mind it all that much. The Churchill VII (tier 6) has always felt a little lackluster though and the Black Prince (tier 7) has been left somewhat behind with buffs to other tanks and new introductions. Still, they are ok tanks and the buffs to tier 8-10 should make the line more worthwhile.

If you want an FV215b 183 though (nicknamed The Deathstar) the days in which to get it are definitely numbered (to what though is anyone's guess at this point). If you are new to the game I would definately recommend the heavies over the TDs however.

I'll be coming back to the game, maybe briefly, for the next patch to see these changes, as they look pretty good.
I'm not even sure why I'm pursuing heavy lines, I have far more fun on this game in quick shooting and maneuverable tanks. I often spectate games after I blow up and the Swedish TD's look like good fun, I've actually pursued the german TD line quite well, nearly unlocked the JPanther 2 but the JPanther doesn't seem that great to me, I'm quite likely poor at the game though, I don't have very much knowledge of other tanks, when I should be firing from cover or where to hit them other than the rear on most if possible.
You may actually enjoy the other British TD line, armour is non existent on those tanks but they are very maneuverable with turrets and whole line also getting buffed this patch. I'm just not a fan of anything non turreted nowadays as meta isn't that kind to that type of a tank. I've had Jagdpanther E100 unlocked for months now but doubt I'll be getting it, in fact I seem to be playing my TDs very little as of late.

It all does kinda depend on your play style, autoloaders are devastating in this game too but those are pretty high skill cap tanks. I've played around 15k games and only truly started to be decent with them over a last few thousand games. Requires a very high map awareness and good knowledge of game mechanics and once you nail that, you can make people hate the auto loaders in this game.

EDIT: Oh wow just looked at this "Get as rich as possible" special that was advertised for this weekend and it's frankly an insult. The RU region has a special since 9th of October that gets you 100k credits for the first win and another 100k for further 15, so essentially potential 200k a day or 100k a day if you just log in for your daily win. Can do each mission once a day as far as I can tell until a pool of 1.5 trillion credits is used up and double XP on 25 wins too. We get a booster of 25% for two hours that can be repeated 3 times a day only over weekend :/

Furthermore if your account has been inactive for last 30 days and you login, get a randomly assigned premium tank rental for a week which can be Super Pershing, Raviolo, CDC or Strv S1. Wish I couldn't read Russian because while I understand that they need to provide better value for chargeable portions of the freemium model, doing specials with such huge disparity is once again insulting to the EU player base.
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No surprise there for the beloved Ruski's :D

Not sure whether to go the medium route as I get a lot of enjoyment watching streamers play some of the Tier 10 meds.
Can't go wrong with the original Soviet medium line, pretty foolproof and good all rounder.

EDIT: Just got accepted into Sandbox, interesting.
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Well the epic grind for me is over...i now have the heavy FV215b and the deathstar 183 in the garage and it has been expensive in terms of Gold and free XP conversion and of course hours of play in such a condensed time (2 weeks).

I also relented and bought 2 more premium tanks ( I know...i hate myself too) but for different reasons both have been a revelation and so much fun that it has made me enjoy the game again.

First up the Chinese TD WZ-120-1G-FT ( Tier 8)

I was initially put off as people were drawing comparisons between it and the Russian tier 7 TD the 122-44...which I owned and sold as I just could not get along with it..lack of pen and poor gun handling made me so frustrated.
Well the Chinese unit is superior in every way to the 122-44....it can be a bully if you are top or mid tier and the front armor is so bouncy that you have a good chance to ricochet even tier 10 heavy rounds with a wiggle of luck. Medium tanks can also be nicely rammed due to its turn of speed and armor at the front . The gun handling is surprisingly good even at range and the damage and pen are akin to the German Rum Skorp G, yes it hits that hard.

Next up is the French new premium TD the AMX Canon D'assaut de 105 (tier 8) premium tank.
In stark contrast to the Chinese unit it has super squishy armor but hull down and ridge working angles help deflect your fair share of incoming.
The ability of this thing is amazing , it is rapid, you will out pace most medium tanks. When you get to your location the gun depression and elevation are superb allowing you to hide your fragile hull and maximise your camo with the low profile nature of the thing.
Then we come to the main event, the gun handling. OMG it is simply a joy to quickly aim and fire and land a shell at high velocity exactly where you aimed at without fail. It has reasonable pen not as high as the Chinese bully tank but enough.
Both tanks feel a little or a lot over powered in their own ways and the XP bonus missions ( x 5 for each win) when combined with personal reserves have help my grind whizz along..although you pay for it.
All in all I am now re-entheused and looking forward to playing more tanks than for a long time.
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Don't think anyone can at the moment, the replacement isn't even in the common test though so at the earliest it will be the patch after the one next week.

If I took a guess I don't think it would happen this year, probably a mini patch for whatever event we have for Christmas and New Year, plus pushing HD maps is probably a bigger priority right now.

I'll be home quite late tonight but will fire up the sandbox to see what these maps are like.
Thanks @neoboy, so with a hard grind I should be able to squeeze it in :confused:

Currently have unlocked the AT 7 and having converted some Free XP I'm just 6k off the AT 15

If it's unlikely to happen this year I'd say it's doable if I use Free XP and lay off training some other crews on elited tanks.
Better off than me, only had 3 games in AT-8 and had to have a break after Conqueror grind.

I'll probably squeeze a few hours over the weekend to get my British heavy crew higher in their third skill and retrain to FV215B before the patch lands.
Been on the sandbox for a few games and there is too much grass, trees and bushes for my liking. You can lower the setting for overall foliage which improves it for me somewhat, I suppose the additional trees and bushes are something I'll eventually get used to, but at the moment it makes finding shots on tanks that are mostly behind solid cover a lot more annoying than it is on the standard maps. On the plus side, other aspects of the maps look decent and there is no noticeable impact on FPS.
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