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Quickybaby's latest youtube vid stated that the next patch is coming mid next week and that is the date the 183 will be removed ?
From 1 minute 38 seconds he makes an announcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-TsjD2Y7uk&t=559s

1 week warning of patch incoming and 183 removal

He's talking about the T10 British heavy, FV215b not FV215b 183 TD. Official line on the latter is that it will be replaced in the future, so if we speculate the earliest that will happen is patch after the one next week. The replacement Badger vehicle isn't on the sandbox or the common test as far as I'm aware so will be surprise of the year if it will actually happen during next patch.
Soon the game will have got rid of two tank destroyers that were unique and hilarious fun :(

Now the Waffentrager Auf E100 was removed from the game considered far too OP, even though it had a shell removed from the auto loader and it's load time increased, only to be replaced with the Grille, which is so boringly average no-one plays it much. The thing that annoys me is the Foch B has a 6 shot auto loader on a measly 38 secs which you can reduce to around 33 secs with a good crew/equip/food, insane DPM.

The FV215 183(b) looks to be getting replaced with the FV200 which looks like a sleeker Tortoise and I'm guessing it will have half the alpha dmg but a much faster rate of fire. If we get to keep the 'Deathstar' I'd be very surprised !!
They confirmed that you get to keep the Deathstar as a special premium vehicle if you already have it. Yeah current stats for the replacement tank show it as having the same alpha as Tortoise and insane rate of fire so yeah, not the most exciting prospect.
I've had the FV215(183) TD unlocked for ages, but never bought it. Is it worth it ?

Isn't 12 shots of gold ammo in a T10 just a way of bankrupting yourself?

How does it's armour actually stand up? Is the 'better' armour over the FV4005-2 worth the lack of ammo ?
How can you not have used the 183mm guns for so long.

HESH shells are extremely expensive if they do not do a massive amount of damage. However if they do penetrate and do a large amount of damage they cover their cost and more.

Obviously this varies enourmously from game to game, not least because the enemy will be extremely interested in knowing where you are, at the very least to make sure you get rubbish shots.

12 shells is garbage but its been the same garbage limit since it began and running out of shells is not as likely as it sounds due to the fear of the long reload encouraging only high chance shots. Everyone and their dog will get incredibly interested when you fire and they are close enough to retaliate.

So when they bump the capacity of the 4005 (which will be the only 183 tank left in the tree) to 20 it's still got the huge reload which is the real limiting factor but it will allow more opportunities to use shells on lower chance targets if you're feeling safe.

As for armour, yes the armour of the 183 is valuable for the simple reason that the 4005 takes full HE damage from anything in its massive 14mm armour turret. Meanwhile the 183 has thick enough upper plate and turret face to bounce many regular shells. So you take your pick of relocating faster in a giant paper bag or crawling around in a rear turreted tank which can be much harder to damage with the right positioning.

The shell capacity isn't that important, like I said it's been 12 shells on both since the start and running out of ammo is not really the problem.
Got the ST-1 today after about two months of buying/upgrading other tanks and I just managed to ammo-rack an IS-7 for 1,777 damage which was quite funny, but the aim time is woeful. I saw a video from one of the top content producers who said not to bother fully aiming which is what I'm testing out at the moment and it seems to work OK, fairly sure you could almost make a cup of tea in the time it takes to fully aim though.

Just got to save up some credits for either the E100, IS-7, IS-4 or T110E5 now as they will be the next targets. So the next time I play I get a free Tier X and the FV215b will be relagated to being played once or twice a week (if that), it'll be interesting to see how many Super Conquerors are being played next weekend.
Just make sure to sacrifice enough dissidents before every match and Stalin will take care of the rest.

I'm not far from E-100 but frankly have no intention of buying it, I don't fancy any "super heavy" type of tank in the current meta where people can just load the gold and render your advantage irrelevant. Best armour in this game is not getting hit at all which is why I prefer fast things. IS-7 and Super Conqueror along with soon to be premium FB215b are about as slow as I want to get at T10.
Don't write off the E100. Angled properly (dont forget to angle the turret) and with LFP hidden it is a beast.

But, it does show its age in terms of the way the game meta has changed.
Unlocked the JPanther II and it's a nice change being able to take up different positions with the increased height, seems to bounce a few shells off the upper structure as well.
Patch 9.20.1 goes live 18th

The patch notes say the FV4202 got an armour buff and a nice engine upgrade.

The STB-1 HD model should carry an 18 rated cert it's practically porn :D
MM improvements too, finally implementing proper class system where tanks are broken into more specific roles, i.e. super heavy tanks vs support heavy tanks etc. They never admitted to the broken T8 in this patch but promising a more even spread in this one.
Well i managed to get the FV215B before the patch. Bit of a grind and a load of XP boosts and free XP.

Just got to get the Deathstar before the next patch now!
I managed to pick up the deathstar at the weekend to go with my FV215B.

Is the super conQ live now? has anyone played it in the real world (ie not the gold rich test server) and how dose it stack up?
4 games all defeats and every match was awash with tier 10 light tanks and unicum platoons..,...hmmm MM changes to blame?
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