****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Just been TK'd in the last second of the game. I had just got 100% cap single handed when the last enemy LT was finally found and killed with 10seconds on the clock. (i.e. we very nearly drew except for my capping)

The T30 that had done nothing all game put a shell into me killing me and losing me my invader medal. He of course turned insta-blue and got a auto-ban.

The community is just soooo toxic.

Tried to message him to ask why and it appears as though all messaging is down (tried other players as well).
Don't ever pm someone outside a battle to rant.

It's not productive and if they did it to wind you up you'll just get them laughing in your face.

It happened, let it go. Add them to ignore list so you have a reminder that you had a reason to not like them.
Don't ever pm someone outside a battle to rant.

It wasn't going to be a rant. But sometimes you get a response. Last time I did it out turned out that they had mixed me up with the other t49 in the game and had tkd the wrong one. He apologised and admitted he'd lost his temper. That helped everybody concerned.

Equally I will admit to trolling in messages afterwards. Telling someone after a homophobic rant that they are "overtired"and need to be in bed extra early can often elicit hilarious responses.
To be fair I do have fun with those who message me outside a battle to throw their bile around ;)

Think I'll have a little time to play tonight finally, although very concerned about money in the game as just bought Object 140 so now have 4 T10 tanks to maintain with 100k silver to my name.

Think my T-34-85M is going to be played a lot in the future along with Bromwell, as I actually find T6 better at money making. At T8 you meet a lot more super heavies that will require the occasional dab of the 2 key, Ravioli has been a little bit too bad in that respect with screwed T8 MM (has it been better this patch?). Speaking of, will bring Type 59 back from the dead to see how it behaves now, increase in ammo is definitely appreciated.
Yeah from memory the aim time is reduced to 2.3 from 2.9 seconds and soft gun stats like dispersion are decreased too. Accuracy and pen are the same but ammo capacity went up to 50 from 36.
Just been TK'd in the last second of the game. I had just got 100% cap single handed when the last enemy LT was finally found and killed with 10seconds on the clock. (i.e. we very nearly drew except for my capping)

The T30 that had done nothing all game put a shell into me killing me and losing me my invader medal. He of course turned insta-blue and got a auto-ban.

The community is just soooo toxic.

Tried to message him to ask why and it appears as though all messaging is down (tried other players as well).
I think that is more down to the no cap, kill all mentality that's been going around for a while and it hardly ever wins a team that the match, but at least anyone who tries to TK a friendly tank in an enemy cap circle will end up regretting it when they get their account instantly suspended which I will be informing any idiots of if they try to command anyone on the team to team kill a tank capping the enemy base.
Super Conqueror seems a bit better now it is out of the premium ammo spam box, actually quite enjoyed it. The Challenger with the new gun feels a bit more satisfying to play (especially when you ammo-rack a T34-85M for full hit points at the start of the game). I also seem to have a rental of the Lowe for seven days, so obviously WG thinks I haven't thrown enough money at them recently so they want me to buy the Lowe, but it ain't happening. Amusingly enough I'm not at work for the next ten days so I'll abuse the Lowe to get my E75 crew trained a bit more.

Other than that it is pretty much business as usual for a Friday evening.

Edit: Ok, I'm actually enjoying the Lowe, but that doesn't change anything :p
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I got a 15% one off today. Have no idea how I got it. The bad think is that it is for 72 hours only.

Also rage quit after 40ish games. You can tell it is a weekend, school holidays and a special. Tomato bots all around.
You know what, I've taken the Type 59 to play out again and even if buffs were quite minimal and subtle, it's actually pretty decent now and playable in the current meta. I mean it will never be a completely overpowered beast that it once was and somewhat struggles if it runs into the new breed of OP premiums like the Patriot/Defender/Emily 49, but then again who doesn't.

There's also very little getting around that you need to occasionally use few premium rounds if run into the new breed of super heavies from German and Japanese lines. You can't even target the cupola "weakpoint" on VK100.01P for example as it's 220mm on the front and 175mm on the sides and back. Hell at distance you struggle to pen flush shots on the side of that turret as it's 160mm of armour minimum without counting the slope.

Lot of Type 59s seem to have come out the woodwork since the patch, see them a lot more often now.
I've had to turn chat off to save myself from being banned :mad: The level of idiocy/bad players during these weekend events hurts my brain !
I've had to turn chat off to save myself from being banned :mad: The level of idiocy/bad players during these weekend events hurts my brain !

Actually turned it off, and started watching TNG on BR. Had the package for some time, but hadn't started watching it. Better entertainment. 8 days premium left, and I will uninstall it. The game is pants nowadays.

Full of frustration.

Camelot Unchained cannot come soon enough -_-
I have kind of come back to the game after the patch, but unfortunately it still has too many problems to keep me interested for long. The state of tier 8 MM being the biggest issue at the moment. Anyone who may be interested in buying any tier 8 premium with the current state of MM should think again. Saturday night I platooned with 2 friends, played mostly tier 8-10 tanks, all were tier 10 games, including all but one of the many games in our tier 8s. I don't mind not being top tier, just when it is constant it gets boring fast, especially if your top tiers happen to be being driven by muppets, which in this game, is all too frequent. :(
i have an amx CDC free for a week in their trial thing...and to be honest it really isnt inspiring me to move on from my tier 6's as the higher tier games seem infested with slow witted heavy tank drivers who seem incapable of looking at the map and filling in weak areas..instead they all go off as a mob then get pounded by artillery
Had a fairly bad session yesterday evening, I don't think I had one team that actually did what they should do.

Windstorm - every heavy (and everyone else) went to the left side of the map where all the mediums usually go, literally no-one in the city so the enemy mediums swarmed the heavies and and in turn the enemy heavies surrounded the entirety of my team.

Prokhorovka - if you spawn in the north as a heavy and try to take the typical heavy route of the hill. Arty (plus others) expects you to spot people on top of the hill, but you can't because without fail no-one in the middle of the map will spot enemies in the middle trying to snipe the heavies on the hill. Then comes *ping* *ping* *ping* "Spoooooot hill *insert generic insult*". People just don't seem to grasp that you cannot push the hill while getting shot in the side by 3+ tanks in the middle of the map plus whatever enemy tanks are on the hill as it is. You peak over the top of the hill and you get spotted, you get pounded by crossfire from mid, pounded by the TDs sat on the railway tracks, pounded by arty, pounded by any enemy tanks on the hill every single game on this map. You have a life expectancy of about 90 seconds while not making any progress.

Karelia - Top tier heavy decides to drive straight in to the middle of the map, gets spotted and gets shot at by two thirds of the enemy team. Their end result, 640 damage (at tier 9), dead within two minutes.

I could go on and on about a game on pretty much every map, but you know how it is anyway...
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