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After my initial enjoyment with the Lowe I think I've decided I won't be too displeased when the rental period is over. It seemed quite good for a couple of days, but since then I can't get the thing to work the same armour wise. It just seems to get penned by a lot of things regardless of angling now and the gun (while it has good pen) seems to take an age to rack up any meaningful damage despite the alpha. Oh, and every game it's bottom tier, but you know..

Other than that the game hasn't been too bad the last couple of days. I seem to be doing OK in the Challenger at the moment and combined with the new gun it seems to like ammo racking T-34-85(M)s for full health which is quite funny.
Well I am also curious about the Lowe and how to get the best from it. I traded in my Jdgtiger 8,8 cm for it after many encounters where other than the lower plate it seemed impenetrable. Needless to say as soon as I got my very average mits on it..i fail to pen ..is 234 pen right on the lower limit for sucess? Also the armor is not as sturdy or reliable as I imagined or experienced when opposing it. Hull down it is a monster tbough. But for £20 I guess it is a good addition to my garage especially when I consider how bad, even with the recent buff the Jagdtiger 8,8cm was in the current meta.

I am very much enjoying the Caravan though ...even with a poor crew ( best crews in Conquerer and Super conquerer). The odd blast in the FV 183b TD is also enjoyable on the right map, one shotting stuff never ceases to entertain :)
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Does seem very capable now, didn't really mind it that much before the patch as I basically played it like an inferior Centurion AX.
Well I am also curious about the Lowe and how to get the best from it. I traded in my Jdgtiger 8,8 cm for it after many encounters where other than the lower plate it seemed impenetrable. Needless to say as soon as I got my very average mits on it..i fail to pen ..is 234 pen right on the lower limit for sucess? Also the armor is not as sturdy or reliable as I imagined or experienced when opposing it. Hull down it is a monster tbough. But for £20 I guess it is a good addition to my garage especially when I consider how bad, even with the recent buff the Jagdtiger 8,8cm was in the current meta.

I am very much enjoying the Caravan though ...even with a poor crew ( best crews in Conquerer and Super conquerer). The odd blast in the FV 183b TD is also enjoyable on the right map, one shotting stuff never ceases to entertain :)

Frontally there's the lower plate, there's a section just under the gun mantlet of 175mm and there are a couple of spots either side of the gun mantlet that you can pen if you have about 230 pen and have some time to aim for them. I think I've been slightly over angling the side armour looking at TanksGG, but there is an area about half way down either side that you can pen with a gun that has 200mm+ of penatration. Looks like when you face tier 9 and above the front of the hull is pretty much butter for anyone with a decent gun though so that's always worth keeping in mind.

I moved from the Caernarvon to the Conqeuror well before the buff, but I did take the Caernarvon for a spin on the test server where it did do very well. I don't remember having too much of an issue with it when I played through it minus the gun being average at best. Bit gutted about the change of heart they had about the FV4202 buffs though :(
There's a choice of two special tanks and there's a PvP mode (self explanatory) and PvE where you have to kill 14 bots and one huge thing which is full of guns in every direction. Latter has to be taken down before it reaches a certain destination on a map.

Ammo is free so only way you'll spend money is through consumables which makes it a pretty fun as there's a level playing field. In fact crews you get don't even seem to gather experience. To be fair playing 5 games or so you should unlock a few rewards such as personal reserves, silver and consumables. There are quite a few missions to do actually so once you get a hang of it, just have a read through them.

Most fun thing is that you have two guns that fire, which I suppose is WG's way of also testing out that design and gameplay. Press Q to fire the secondary gun and the first tank has a turret at the front so firing a double salvo is easy. Second one (Stein I think) has a rear mounted turret so you have to expose your side and fire almost like a ship, but does have a bigger salvo of gunfire, which while useful against regular bots, doesn't appear to be that good against the big thing which is the main target. Naturally that thing hits VERY hard so exposing your side isn't the best tactic and when you kill the bots they also drop health, even if yours is full when you pick it up it will heal the nearest friendly tanks on the map.
There's a choice of two special tanks and there's a PvP mode (self explanatory) and PvE where you have to kill 14 bots and one huge thing which is full of guns in every direction. Latter has to be taken down before it reaches a certain destination on a map.

Ammo is free so only way you'll spend money is through consumables which makes it a pretty fun as there's a level playing field. In fact crews you get don't even seem to gather experience. To be fair playing 5 games or so you should unlock a few rewards such as personal reserves, silver and consumables. There are quite a few missions to do actually so once you get a hang of it, just have a read through them.

Most fun thing is that you have two guns that fire, which I suppose is WG's way of also testing out that design and gameplay. Press Q to fire the secondary gun and the first tank has a turret at the front so firing a double salvo is easy. Second one (Stein I think) has a rear mounted turret so you have to expose your side and fire almost like a ship, but does have a bigger salvo of gunfire, which while useful against regular bots, doesn't appear to be that good against the big thing which is the main target. Naturally that thing hits VERY hard so exposing your side isn't the best tactic and when you kill the bots they also drop health, even if yours is full when you pick it up it will heal the nearest friendly tanks on the map.
I have waited for over 4 minutes to get a PVE game and it often times out over 5 minutes without a match...seems very slow. No mods work and campaign mode is broken / greyed out...WG have a lot of weekend work ahead of them to fix all the things here
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Haven't had any issues with the Haloween modes at all here, in fact it seems slightly quicker to load in than the standard game so far. Just got a reward for 16 additional bunks in the barracks, 250k credits (on top of the 200k+ I've won already) and some random pieces of equipment. Also got an additonal day of premium earlier as well. Just need to destroy Leviathan a tedious number of times to get the last couple of missions done.

I don't use mods so can't comment on that side of things.
Yeah I don't use mods and had no issues? I imagine everyone tried to play in the morning so no issues getting a game and missions working just fine.

I have found a few people waiting to pull the trigger on Leviathan when he's low on health to get him though heh. Definitely prefer the tank with front mounted second turret, can angle it well against bots and don't have to expose yourself as much as in the other one.
Haven't had any issues with the Haloween modes at all here, in fact it seems slightly quicker to load in than the standard game so far. Just got a reward for 16 additional bunks in the barracks, 250k credits (on top of the 200k+ I've won already) and some random pieces of equipment. Also got an additonal day of premium earlier as well. Just need to destroy Leviathan a tedious number of times to get the last couple of missions done.

I don't use mods so can't comment on that side of things.
It seems to be EU1 server...switched to EU2 much better :)

Scratch that...select to play the Fraken and still waiting for game +3 minutes:mad:
This thing is showing just how crap the servers are. 2100 people in a queue and it can't put a game together?
I don't mind the Stein tank, but being honest I find it so much easier to side scrape with the Franken tank due to the rear mounted turret. Saying that, my most damaged blocked in either tank so far was 5.3K in the Stein tank, so that makes sense.

Lowe rental finished yesterday and they gave me 42K credits to remove it from my garage which was nice of them, it goes a bit of the way to being able to buy the IS-7 which I'm now only 30K XP away from. I'm fairly certain I'll sell the T-10 to get there quicker because I just don't get along with the tank one bit. I've got the T-10 and ST-1 and quite honestly I get along with the ST-1 so much better (minus the trollish gun), the armor just works. I just cannot get the T-10s armour to work unless I'm in a rare scenario where I'm literally hull down with just the turret exposed. Whether I angle the T-10 or not it seems to get penned pretty much anywhere in the hull and 7 times out of 10 if I try and angle it someone will shoot through the front cheeks and it'll get ammo racked straight away.

I didn't like the E-75 initially, but it is growing on me and I'm currently thinking I'll keep it when the time comes to get the E-100.
T-10 works better if you use it as a super medium rather than a heavy. It has some pace, some armour and a decent gun. Unfortunately the armour doesn’t hold up that well against other heavies/large TDS.
The secondary gun is a slave and not aimed or even turret locked when you hold rmb. It simply tries to point at the same thing the main gun does.

So this also means if your main gun cant see the target your secondary gun can't be pointed even if they are opposite ends of the tank and the enemy is in easy view of the secondary gun.

That's pretty much 100% of the problems when using the secondary gun.

Also yes Franken > Stein in many ways. I can rack up a similar damage but the usability of the Stein is worse especially vs the boss which has armour while the stein has weak penetration using the secondary.

Flanking the boss is much more risky than parking up to shoot basically.
PvE mode is easy as pie to be fair, need to have a pretty exceptionally bad team to lose. All I got left now is get 10 kills on the big guy so need to have some cheeky games where I hold my fire until he's a one shot. Can't say that mission is exactly designed to promote team play.

Problem I'm finding with the secondary gun is that it doesn't just point where you point but has a mind of its own. Hard to explain but it's almost like there's an aim assist where it'll point at a different target or even a friendly tank. I don't have any mods installed as per usual. Not a huge deal breaker but has cost me some kills here and there.
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