****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Just had my best game ever, Jagdpanther, silver ammo only as usual, 3,867 damage inflicted, survived the battle.

got 3 marks of distinction, the first I've ever got, tank sniper and high caliber too along with ace tanker.

Thought brilliant! Thats TD15 complete that ive been working at for months!!!!

Nope, missions are deactivated by the looks of it, ****ing raging.
Oh yeah it's all screwed up at the moment. Upshot is that missions are getting fixed in next few days and supposedly everyone is getting a free (and extra on top of max you can get) female crew member along with 1 order.
Oh yeah it's all screwed up at the moment. Upshot is that missions are getting fixed in next few days and supposedly everyone is getting a free (and extra on top of max you can get) female crew member along with 1 order.

Its not going to get me TD15 though, thats the best game I've ever played and was sweating at the end of it.
Yeah I'd be raging too, but it's a decent freebie. Which reward tank is this for?

Stug I think, just had me convinced that I'd never beat it and the one time I do the missions are switched off. same as the MT mission for setting someone on fire, since that mission has started I havent been able to set anyone on fire at all, in any tank.
If any consolation, with the right combination of tanks it shouldn't be particularly hard to repeat the TD mission. Get to keep the stats of your game regardless too and the fire mission is annoying, basically try and flank as many enemies as you can and shoot them into the sides and rear. Actually found lower tier stuff like T-34-85M and Bromwell pretty well suited for that.
Bear in mind it's not a clean free to play game.

By paying for a de facto sub you change the economics of each game, you're rewarded with more credits and xp allowing more use of better consumables and shorter grinds. By paying even more you get to bypass really rubbish grinds.

By paying one off lump sums of cash for vehicles you can also buy into higher tier and top tier games.

Mostly its about bypassing grind and using better consumables which is effectively a boost to your vehicles. Small boosts are not significant but "premium" shells can be incredibly significant and those are deliberately much more expensive than normal shells so its hard to use much of them without paying for the better income of a premium account.
The economics I feel are way off. My 30 Day Premium expired yesterday and here's an example of the credits I lost playing for "Free": -




Admittedly I would still have been down 3k in credits if I had premium, but 18k down after a decent game is just wrong IMO. That was firing standard rounds, how others afford gold rounds is beyond me, but I find the higher the Tier I play the more common it becomes, with 10 being the norm.
You lot need to learn to be thrifty :p

I've never paid for premium time in this game, just bought gold and tanks. Premium consumables are a big no no, even when pre-purchased at 50%. Whenever I get some as a reward I sell them too but definitely pre-purchase the cheap consumables. Try and buy your equipment during sales too as that can be sold later for no loss.

Premium ammo is for dire and game winning situations only. Past T8 you'll struggle to make a decent profit on good wins, losses are guaranteed to fleece you. To play T10 tanks without premium even without gold ammo and consumables, you need to play the lower tier premiums to supplement the financial losses regardless of results.

Same goes for training, only ever used the 20k silver option. I watch videos of some streamers like Quickybaby and while I'd never be a unicum like them, do wonder where I'd be stats wise if I actually fired all that premium ammo, didn't lose experience on my crews and had those fancy consumables. Selection of recent OP premiums would be nice too but as I mentioned many times I don't feel good giving this company money when things are the way they are right now.
You'd still struggle to run any decent profits past T8, that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Have to say second week missions for the Halloween are on a 'chancey' side, they really ain't promoting any teamwork with them.
5.5K combined in the Centurion AX today - not enough. 6K combined in the ST-1, also not enough. Both losses, ST-1 game I did 4.9K raw damage, the next closest on the team was 2K in an IS-7. Pretty much sums up the games/teams today.
2 missions left

Kill 3 with secondary gun
Hit 7 tanks

Quite disgusting missions

I got just the one mission left,.....the "Kill 3 with secondary gun" unfortunately every single game it is almost impossible to complete in, either people are camping or you are lining up for a finishing move with your secondary turret for someone else to just ram them or kill them needlessly....infuriating

Edit....Done...just when you think all hope is lost...one last try.....and an AFK player in their base took my last 2nd turret shots
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These campaigns are infuriating. Just started continuing trying to get a T28 Concept again, need to cap (or defend). I played many games last night in my light tanks, came close a couple of times, but generally did lots of damage, got lots of wins, but couldn't cap in time. Infuriating. It reminds me why I don't generally do missions. All I want is a T55A!!! :(

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