****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Been playing again after a long break.
My Lowe became good!

Why do most of the team die in first 2min of a match leaving you up against 80% of remaining enemies?

It's started to get to a stage of me not wanting to play again as there isn't any enjoyment from situations like this.
I was on it last night for an hour. Was actually pretty good, mainly mediums and lights flying about and a few heavies. autoloaders are in full swing so if you have one they are great for it.

Made it to level 6 after a few games and made some nice credits. Will have another go later.
Yep, the IS3A is not that popular from what I've experienced. Most people are using the French auto-loaders, Progetto and fast light tanks with the technician(faster cap) perk.

Really is my fave mode in the game and with the new prestige system you can unlock 4 premium tanks just by playing (over the year long event), that's without the tons of credits and other stuff you get after each rank.
It's a fun mode especially as it doesn't matter if you win or lose for Prestige progression.
I used my Primo Victoria for the first time in months and actually enjoyed it but the Progetto seems to be the top meta.
Frontlines was fun, but oh my...the grind is real....I Never got to the first prestige, only lvl 22 :/

On a side note, the French Wheeled tanks, my initial feedback would be:

Tier 6 = tortuous

Tier 7 = painful

What exactly is their role?
They can't spot very well, due to nerfed view range.
They can't snipe very well because of the poor gun handling and low pen (Tier 7 Top gun standard rounds 160mm pen) and a nearly 7 second reload :o
Both the tier 6 and 7 are too slow to outrun many of their equivalent light tanks, & turning circle too big for such high speeds, trying to navigate rocks on narrow ledges (Cliff) is almost impossible and ends in a crash.
Neither of them have any armour to speak of, I was torn a sunder by a Type 64 and had to run premium ammo (HEAT) to try outgun him..failed. A derp Tier 5 will wipe out 750 hit points of the tier 7 tank very easily and not being fast enough to avoid ordinance is not helpful.

So what is left?

Very quick in a straight line.....and that is it.

The tank line frustrates me beyond belief to the point I think I will abandon it

One of the better games in the tier 7 version, I uploaded here:



Ultimately a defeat, mainly because I ran out of premium ammo and couldn't pen the capping tank (T28 Concept) and I failed to evade and outrun a Russian TD (SU-100Y.....seriously :mad:), its like time stopped.:eek:
I look forward to Frontlines again next month.
It's very rare that I have around 20 million credits.

FL income + personal booster + clan booster = 500k per game :D
Re. Wheeled tanks - only got the T6 so far.

No view range, so can't spot.
No real speed/manoeuvrability, so can't get close.
No alpha *at all* so can't ambush.

About 1 game in 10 is fun when you get behind them and kill arty. That reminds me of the good old T50-2 days. But give me an autoloading french light any day.

I'm reserving judgement until T8, but hey it's a new element to the game so I'm still in favour.
I look forward to Frontlines again next month.
It's very rare that I have around 20 million credits.

FL income + personal booster + clan booster = 500k per game :D

What clan you in? + What tanks you using in FL?

I don't have that many T8s. My Type59 still feels totally under-powered compared to most newer T8s. After that, I've only got a borsig and some LTs. All my tanks tend to be lower tier and grinding or T9/10.....

I've been playing this game for 5+ years and still only have e25 and Type59 as premiums that I actually paid for.
Re. Wheeled tanks - only got the T6 so far.

No view range, so can't spot.
No real speed/manoeuvrability, so can't get close.
No alpha *at all* so can't ambush.

About 1 game in 10 is fun when you get behind them and kill arty. That reminds me of the good old T50-2 days. But give me an autoloading french light any day.

I'm reserving judgement until T8, but hey it's a new element to the game so I'm still in favour.

The tier 7 is a lot better than the tier 6. Not got to the tier 8 yet but apparently it's even better still. That's where they start becoming good :)

What clan you in? + What tanks you using in FL?

I don't have that many T8s. My Type59 still feels totally under-powered compared to most newer T8s. After that, I've only got a borsig and some LTs. All my tanks tend to be lower tier and grinding or T9/10.....

I've been playing this game for 5+ years and still only have e25 and Type59 as premiums that I actually paid for.


I find the best ones for FL are T-44-100, LT-432 and Progetto
If defending and they get to the town, bring the auto-loaders out. Lorraine, Somua and IS-3A

The Type 59 can hold its own, it's not as strong as the T-44 but it's close and a lot better than many others. Using the "meta" tanks does make things easier but I see people making commander with tanks I wouldn't even dream of using. The best way of gaining rank points is to do damage to people in the cap circles. Capping & defending the cap will push you up fast, was quite often captain within the first 5 minutes just by rushing the cap

Hopefully by next month I'll have my tier 8 wheelie to use, that should be a lot of fun :D
Re. Wheeled tanks - only got the T6 so far.

No view range, so can't spot.
No real speed/manoeuvrability, so can't get close.
No alpha *at all* so can't ambush.

About 1 game in 10 is fun when you get behind them and kill arty. That reminds me of the good old T50-2 days. But give me an autoloading french light any day.

I'm reserving judgement until T8, but hey it's a new element to the game so I'm still in favour.

In my experience the T8 is terrible. Active scouting usually ends up getting you killed quick as people seem to hit a lot more than previous tiers and a lot harder too. Passive scouting is useless because you are usually spotting against T9 and T10 light tanks which far exceed your view range and in general they are outmatched by those tanks very badly.

I really want to like the Lynx but it just never goes well. No matter how much I spot I end up on <1k spotting damage and die.

This is with the tracks and top engine by the way.
In my experience the T8 is terrible. Active scouting usually ends up getting you killed quick as people seem to hit a lot more than previous tiers and a lot harder too. Passive scouting is useless because you are usually spotting against T9 and T10 light tanks which far exceed your view range and in general they are outmatched by those tanks very badly.

I really want to like the Lynx but it just never goes well. No matter how much I spot I end up on <1k spotting damage and die.

This is with the tracks and top engine by the way.

Not tried the Lynx yet, but what I have found with the wheeled vehicles is that they are a lot stronger end game. If you rush for early spots you'll be outspotted and die fast. If you aim for safe spots and let your other scouts (if you have them) do the early spots this will allow you to survive. Once half their team is dead the wheeled vehicles start to shine, you can dart passed the enemies because there are a lot less guns shooting at you. You have a lot more map to play with for spotting & flanking or killing arty. Almost auto-loader mentality, survive until half the enemy team is dead, then you become a lot stronger!!
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