Frontlines was fun, but oh my...the grind is real....I Never got to the first prestige, only lvl 22 :/
On a side note, the French Wheeled tanks, my initial feedback would be:
Tier 6 = tortuous
Tier 7 = painful
What exactly is their role?
They can't spot very well, due to nerfed view range.
They can't snipe very well because of the poor gun handling and low pen (Tier 7 Top gun standard rounds 160mm pen) and a nearly 7 second reload
Both the tier 6 and 7 are too slow to outrun many of their equivalent light tanks, & turning circle too big for such high speeds, trying to navigate rocks on narrow ledges (Cliff) is almost impossible and ends in a crash.
Neither of them have any armour to speak of, I was torn a sunder by a Type 64 and had to run premium ammo (HEAT) to try outgun him..failed. A derp Tier 5 will wipe out 750 hit points of the tier 7 tank very easily and not being fast enough to avoid ordinance is not helpful.
So what is left?
Very quick in a straight line.....and that is it.
The tank line frustrates me beyond belief to the point I think I will abandon it
One of the better games in the tier 7 version, I uploaded here:
Ultimately a defeat, mainly because I ran out of premium ammo and couldn't pen the capping tank (T28 Concept) and I failed to evade and outrun a Russian TD (SU-100Y.....seriously
), its like time stopped.