Wasn't it buffed pretty significantly later? Quite a few people rave about it and with the way MM is preferential status must help. I was still playing when it had the gun handling buff and it brought it back into life, now with better mobility must be a decent proposition.
yeah it's been buffed and also has pref matchmaking so still one of the best mediums in it's tier. If they do introduce the +-1 MM then the buffed premiums will be super strong.
Since the new MM was introduced in 2017, Type 59 sees constantly tier 9 battles, without any tier 7s most of them. Over the last course of the year only one battle was "of the old preferential MM" with their 6s under it.
The rest were tier 9s or full tier 8s. Even all tier 8 battles, is feeling very underpowered tank, compared to T44-100, T54Mod1, Progetto, Lorraine, T26SP, T25Pilot, even the Israeli M51 (named M4 Rev in game).
There are far superior tier 8, both normal and premium, that the Type is outmatched against. Even some Tier 7s like the Eagle and Panther M10, outmatch it.
Let alone P44s, Progettos, T54Mod, 432LT, or the gazillion tier 7 & 8 light tanks. When it was introduced, there were no autoloaders, nor light tanks over tier 6.
Is very easy to outmanouver and it's tough turret doesn't count for anything these days of gold spamming. The chassis is rotten, covered with fuel tanks, arty shots prone to take out 2 crew members also.
And god forbid don't get hit by an Japanese heavy tank, of O-I or better.
The engine HP nerf, the engine bhp nerf and the mobility nerf, completely made this tank a shadow of what it was.
As for "buffed gun", only the penetration is buffed. Gun handling is atrocious and cannot hit a moving target at 200m even today, with 6 skill crew like the one I have.
When it had the smaller (initial) gun, with the 175mm penetration, it was more accurate, and far far superior gun for taking out mediums and lights.
And saying again. Because I own both. For premium brawlers, T54Mod1 is far superior tank, even in tier 10 battles, than Type 59.
The former on tier 8 battles can carry the team also, even when 2/3 of your team are brain dead. If all tier 8s put together, Progetto/Pantera 44 are hands down the best Tier 8 meds, and WZ132 the best light-medium.